It was absolutely wonderful seeing him being booed. Bid🇺🇸n/Harris campaign are right on top of his shit that he says.

NY will never go for Trump and we know who and what he and his family are… criminals.

In his cüLt bubble he’s all talk… put him with real Americans….. and there ya go!! The look on his face as he was being booed was priceless!!

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I didn't know orange has so many shades. His face literally kept getting more red orange by the minute. He was furious. I couldn't help but love it.

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The look on his face was priceless, I agree. 🤭

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Yep. And he’s disappointed to learn that his armed insurrectionist army is not as big and strong and loyal as he’d hoped …

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His army is a small bunch of thugs. Mainstream Americans should be sickened by him. Of course the GOP sycophants will kiss his orange lard ass, and the rich want the tax cuts he promised. I hope for a Biden landslide.

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We can hope for a landslide. But we have to do the work.

The reality is that most districts aren’t competitive and the margins are very close in the few districts that matter.

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We're so gerrymandered in Hillsborough County, FL that I don't know to overcome it.

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Donna, you could look up the Florida Rank the Vote org and add your name as a supporter. You have citizen ballot initiatives in Florida, which has helped get ranked choice voting adopted.

This year, I think women’s reproductive health is going to be on the ballot in Florida, correct? So next time, electoral reform.

There are so many pro-voter, pro-democracy organizer groups that it is hard to know what will help most.

There is a book called The Politics Industry that describes what to do to make elections competitive again. People are trying to engage in democratic processes, but the anti-voter political tactics being used over decades now have landed us in very serious territory.

People understandably focus on issues that matter to them more than the electoral and legislative processes themselves. But those processes—like partisan gerrymanders—are how they stay in power.

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Will look at it. yes, abortion is on the ballot in Nov, also recreational MJ. Desatan has wrecked the state . He's a combination of Trump, Jerry Falwell and Sen Joe McCarty all rolled into one hateful package.

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That’s how I feel about him, too, just read some of the new history curriculum that supposedly teaches the truth about communism and socialism. Terrible. 😢 Misleading, non-informative, false equivalences.

I lived in Orlando, and I care.

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If there is any justice it will be a Biden landslide. Drumpf and his supporters harbor hatred and I refuse to believe the vast majority of Americans are hateful.

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Oh, I believe the vast majority of Americans are hateful, because I hate THEM for being such benighted morons! Most of them could care less about voting, and if they vote they vote a straight party ticket without thinking....

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November will dictate the future of America. In case you missed it, Eric Drump, son of orange lard ass, said on Memorial Day that his family sacrificed everything to make America great. This revolting chip off the old blockhead draft dodger had the nerve to even mention the word sacrifice on Memorial Day. The whole family is rotten to the core.

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Yeah, I wonder what Eric Trump ever "sacrificed", other than his balls to his old man.

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You got that right! He's a gutless, entitled poor excuse for a man.

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They “sacrificed” their tax returns, finally, and now we all know more about what was really going on.

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They must have pretty slick tax accountants.

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I hear you-just trying to keep a positive attitude in these messy times.

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I don’t hate Americans. Not when I look at the whole system. How the media, lobbyists, and gazillionaire class try to shape laws, regulation, and policy to their liking.

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Well, a bunch of them WERE arrested and are even doing jail time. That hopefully should have a discouraging effect on others.

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I believe it has a chilling effect.

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To be honest, it gave me hope that they booed him.

After a serious conversation with someone who is basically A-political, does not engage in political talk, or watch what is happening in this country, I have come to the conclusion that this has nothing to do with politics and has everything to do with peoples person livelihood and how we will eventually live as Americans. How do you explain to someone who doesn’t care, that what is happening will affect their personal lives and choices? That’s not politics, it’s not about Dems V Rep. It’s about how people want to live their lives privately. I don’t care how others choose to live, go to church or don’t. Love who you want, or don’t and so on. None of that should affect my everyday life, and it doesn’t. The fact that we now have a government that wants to dictate all of those things, makes it farther and farther from a Democracy. I am scared. I’m scared for this planet, I’m scared for young people, I’m scared that my honorable belief system will somehow be deleted by people who think their way is the only way to live. I would never knock on a strangers door and spew my philosophy of life. It’s an invasion of privacy. That is what we are voting against in November, the invasion of privacy.

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I am scared as well. I know people who do not want to discuss "politics" but asked for help to enroll in the Affordable Bill Act. Go figure.

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Yup. They take up the anti socialist BS, then want government to help them with socialist programs. Mind boggling!

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Yup. I have had people tell me, look I am not into politics. I don't care. Then go on to say we need to do something about these homeless, high gas prices and these dirty streets. China's streets are clean! Why aren't ours? I respond with isn't China under authoritarian rule?

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Ayn Rand applying for social security and medicare late in life being one glaring example.

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For me , it smell desperation. He knows he is doomed.

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Like Thom Hartmann has often said. Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid. They are a whole party of cranks who, unless they are clinically delusional, have to know that all they can ever do is act as spoilers and help elect Republicans, which I suspect is their hidden agenda. The Republicans want to neuter the federal government, cut and ultimately end earned benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare, slash taxes to the bone, and ultimately turn the country over to the billionaires and fascists. Libertarians want no government at all, so there is an unholy alignment of their "governing" philosophies on at least that level. I will say, it was nice to see the Orange Tumor booed in a venue he could not control. The worm finally turned, and I don't mean RFK ... who I once saw speak at a county Democratic Party meeting and immediately pegged as a loon.

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I like that quote, and it maps onto the part where Republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid DON'T want a bunch of Christofascists in charge of their lives, so they pull away from MAGA.

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Let’s please not quote these bullshit polls. This practice should be illegal as it is in the UK. They are misleading to an ignorant electorate like we have in America. In almost all cases the polling is not even close. So plzzz quit it.

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Desperate for votes is right🤣 Outside of his cult, nobody likes Trump.

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Even the CEOs who vote for him think he is an idiot. They just want their tax cuts.

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Yes, and it's not clear that anyone inside his cult actually LIKES him. Billionaires are always up for another billionaire tax cut, but Trump giving MAGA and Christofascists a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court during his first term means that they don't need him for a second term. If he hadn't placed Barrett on the court at the buzzer, he could have held that over them in the 2020 election, placed her (or an even more rightwing Federalist Society mascot) on the court, Thomas and Alito could have retired, and he could have nominated THEIR 35-year-old replacements. But, no, he couldn't run on ideas or plans, only on short-term transactions.

After four years out of office, and after he stripped the RNC and every possible donation path to pay for legal expenses, does anyone who thinks about what they need really NEED him? All of his supporters want someone who hates the same people they do, but "wanting" isn't "needing."

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Trump is just their choosen figure head. I'm fairly certain they would have preferred DeSantis but he doesn't have Trump's charisma.

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I think you're right. And DeSantis doesn't even have Mike Pence's charisma.

Honestly, DeSantis's minions must be horrified that they're looking at four more years of Biden and/or Kamala Harris ONLY because their guy is A Complete Jerk With No Personality At All. They must be more disappointed than Haley's supporters!

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No he doesn't🤣 Undoubtedly🤣

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I appreciate the Libertarians for booing that narcissist. He thought they would nominate him if he wanted. He is so delusional. They were booing and jeering. Get a clue, man!

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As a former libertarian (working for the 1980 census cured me, a bump with reality), I'm aghast that the party I once volunteered for has been infiltrated by MAGA, and relieved at the rest.

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Valid points about why Dumpty Trumpty went to the convention.

In addition, inside of his dementia-riddled cranium, Trump's Messiah Complex has him convinced that every crowd, any crowd, is enraptured by his presence. Venues will enjoy record-breaking attendance, and every attendee will experience a religious awakening that not even the second-coming of Jesus could accomplish.

His ego doesn't allow for the possibility that a crowd would boo him.

"I must have mentioned Sleepy Joe, that's why they're booing."

If the teleprompters ever crapped-out during one of his rallies, he'd freeze for so long that it would look like Mitch McConnell took a momentary break. Trump's improv consists of non-words strung together in a non-logical manner resulting in a sequence of non-sentences. Hopefully enough people will acknowledge this to themselves before November.

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So the sell proclaimed, "small government" libertarians are now okay with government policing women's bodies, tracking them, preventing them from travelling, putting them in jail for exercising autonomy over their own bodies? That doesn't sound like "liberty" to me or does massive deportations without proof or cause, but we always knew who "libertarians" were, as Thom Hartmann as has said, "Republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid."

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Unfortunately, Biden keeps shooting himself in the foot by continuing his insane support for the government of the Israeli Trump, Netanyahu. Across the nation, students, progressives, Arab Americans, and others are begging Biden to stop all aid to Israel and condemn its genocide, but Biden has refused to listen. Biden had a "red line", which was attacking Rafah, and the Israelis have done that....will he just move the fucking goalposts again? Biden's middle eastern policy is almost completely bankrupt. The ratio of dead Palistinians to Israelis is 54:1.

Since Oct 7th Biden has made me hate our choices in November. It is said, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good", but which one is the good, when one President could step in and halt Israel's massacre, and yet produces nothing but the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers"?

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Honest question. Do you really think Biden can stop Israel? Biden, alone, can stop what no other president or no one else or country has been able to stop? Let's say Biden can with a stroke of a pen, or an announcement or whatever immediately stops Israel, who stops Hamas and others in the region? This is all way above my pay grade, but I do know it has been going on for decades and decades with so many in the region not wanting peace. Prime Ministers have been assassinated by their own for wanting peace. Tragically, after October 7 and Netanyahu and Israel's far right response, the hatred and death has only gotten more intense. One thing I do believe, without a doubt, is if Trump is elected, the Palestinians will suffer even more. The hatred on both sides is almost tribal and I find it all so beyond tragic.

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Yes, absolutely Biden could put an end to this horrific campaign by doing what Jasmine said - immediately cut off all dollars and weapons going to Israel, and threaten to make that permanent if they don't come to the table and hammer out a ceasefire and a 2-state solution. Israel gets more foreign aid from us than any other nation, and it MUST stop!

I think that your assessment of the hatred is incorrect. Regular Palestinians and Israelis want what we all want; the peace and freedom to live with their families without a constant threat to their collective welfare. Israel's government has steadfastly REFUSED to recognize that there was a Palestine before they arrived, and those folks had been living in that land for decades, if not centuries.

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Yes. We give aid to Israel. If Israel did not exist, the cost of controlling that region would be more than we spend along with plenty of boots on the ground. The Arab nations around our friend hate us as well as Israel. Plus, Israel has used brilliant technology to improve the weapons we send them. As a result, we get better weapons returned to us!

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Wrong! Palestine was named after the Philistines after Arabs drove Jews off the land and tried to bury their existence. Check out the archeological digs in Israel that prove a Jewish existence long before Palestinians existed! Go to the Western Wall. When Jews pray, they face Jerusalem whereas the Palestinians turn their backs to Israel to face Mecca.

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Wrong. "The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by GREEK WRITERS to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_Palestine

Just like some places in the U.S. such as Milwaukee, Spokane, Seattle, Yakima, and Kalispell denote indigenous names of the tribes originally on that land, so does the word Palestine.

But talking about who was originally there is like talking about the chicken and the egg, whether on any continent or the Middle East. The fact is that it was Britain who colonized that part of the world, and then cut the region into 'states'. And after WWII Britain agreed that it would be good for Jews to have a 'homeland', and 'gave' them a land which was already occupied by the Palestinians. Forget who was there 2,000 years ago, just like most Americans and Canadians would like to brush aside the indigenous people who were here.

Any land is 'The Promised Land' until it isn't.

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The Philistines were enemies of the Jewish people. As a result, the name Palestine was given to the area to spite those driven away. They buried remnants of Jews and named the land after their enemies. I saw the archeological remains of Jews when I was in Israel. Anyone can write anything on Wikipedia. It is an unregulated site and a poor source. Go to Israel and check it out for yourself.

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Well OK, how about this extensive article in Britannica?? https://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine/The-Hasmonean-priest-princes

It would seem, given the many civilizations that have tried to conquer/or did conquer the region (the Egyptians, Jews, Babylonians, Romans, Christians, Persians and even a few pagans), that this area of the world should be a democracy with freedom for all, rather than a theocracy.

But whatever it should or could be, Bibi may bring it all down with this bloodthirsty desire to hang on to power.

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I was not clear. I did not intend to say that everyone on both sides hate each other. There is, however, hatred on both sides - which October 7th and Israel's response exacerbated even further. This , of course, is not a fact, but rather my opinion.

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Absolutely. All he has to do is cut off the billions of dollars of "aid" we give Israel every year.

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People seem to forget, or worse not care, that Hamas is holding American citizens hostage! Hamas could have ended this long ago by releasing hostages. Israel uses weapons to protect citizens while Hamas uses citizens to protect weapons. Furthermore, why aren’t people in an uproar about the multitudes of innocents dying daily from unjust wars throughout the world? Also, Hamas is well funded while their people are starving, and they’ve promised to attack Israel, again and again until all Jews are dead. This is not genocide by Israel but rather survival of a people who are in grave danger as the ONLY democracy in the Middle East. Many are upset because Biden hasn’t stood behind Israel enough.

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Maybe they should leave Palestine.

I read a book by a Jewish woman whose whole family survived Hitler. Throughout her book (We Were The Lucky Ones) she refers to Palestine, not Israel, Palestine.

Maybe they should learn to live with the people they stole the land from.

Here in the US the Jewish people come in & buy the land, but they make no pretense about the fact that they're going to "take over" certain places. They're words not mine

I live on the Jersey Shore & the Jewish people want to take over from the highway (35) to the sea

At least here they're buying their way in, but do you see how THEY'RE attitude can cause division?

As for me, I believe ALL religion is a scourge created by humans to control others

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With this comment, you sound extremely antisemitic. I will not engage with a Jew Hater!

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Two days after the ICJ demanded Israel not go into Rafah, Hamas fired numerous missiles into Central Israel from Rafah. This is why Israel has no choice but to defend herself!

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The Orange Dumpster and his MAGA minions were also acting like a bunch of rude assholes by taking reserved seats that were assigned to Libertarian delegates in front near the stage. So it doesn't surprised me that the audience was really pissed off at him. So it's nice of them to stand up to him, even though I think Libertarians are a bunch of pathetic Ayn Rand worshippers.

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I’m imagining what he’ll look like when they pull him out of his spider hole ala Hussein, or drag him from an underground bunker with a girlfriend ala Hitler. The end can’t come too soon.

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No, it’s not courage, it’s delusion. He actually thought that his personality is so persuasive that he would have them eating out of his hand.

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Please tell me gerrymandering will not tip the scale in this election.

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