Apr 1, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Ciao Commendatore!

What can I say? Talk about fifty shades of gray with regards to this latest incarnation of the body politic as it applies to democracy. My first question is, “are we a democracy?” If so, why all the gray area concerning how to administer a “tool” formerly used to insure segregation and deny black Americans the right to life, in my humble opinion! The answer of course is steeped in white supremacy and the bourgeoisie’s eternal quest for power and dominance in controlling the very masses for their own aggrandizement; today and yesteryear.

Joe Biden sounded off just the other day and referenced the filibuster as not just a leftover Jim Crow relic, but added the cognomen, “Jim Eagle” as its avian successor. He was only off by a taxonomic category as “eagle” would denote the symbol of patriotism of our great nation when instead, the proper substitution would be “Jim Vulture,” correctly defining the filibuster as a bird of prey in its most negative of interpretations as used by Moscow Mitch McTurdall and his merry band of insurrectionist covidiots!

I vote to eliminate, not transmogrify this unholy slave patrol leftover; if not just to set the record straight but more importantly to use this moment to truly solidify the “Build Back Better” mantra and movement President Biden stands behind to reinforce our democratic ideals and truly make America greater than the sum of its parts!

Lastly, fuck the CONS! They’re whole purpose is sinister, megalomaniacal and downright diabolical. They are truly Satan’s spawn and have no place in the heart and soul of America going forward. The rest is unjust window dressing to con their followers into submission and forced economic slavery; the chains of which Houdini couldn’t free himself from, if given the chance!

Thank you, Michelangelo Signorile for allowing me to vent!!! I feel relieved of this bolus of consternation that just got figuratively flushed down tRump’s 24K “Kommode”---his personal boca raton [mouth of the rat]. Swipe right and “scene”!

Bye the by, here is a great article on the subject published by The Atlantic, one of my fave go-to’s for enlightenment, besides, of course, you and the "SXM Slay-ride”....."Party on Garth!"


Grazie tante!

Boom Boom

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Make the filibuster more difficult for now (talk on the senate floor for hours on end) since Manchin and Sinema want to keep doing their bi-partisan kumbaya nonsense. But once we get a larger majority in the Senate after the 2022 election, let's get rid of it.

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Well, I have a perhaps more sinister reading on this. It seems to me that Repugnican intransigence is pushing the Dems toward removing it to get things done. It then assumes that 50 Dems will stand together in their votes and I find that absurd. While the other side has shown they can stand together completely to get things they want done, ours never seem to agree 100% on anything really, highlighting the divide between moderate and progressive Democrats.

I think the Rs know that they are planning to 'steal back' the '24 election (with the help of Russia?) and return yurtle the turtle to lead the Senate and they will have the power of 1 vote making the majority decisions. It may sound paranoid, but we have seen what these people are capable of time and time again. It looks like we have already seen the end of democracy, along with the rise of autocracy in the US.

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