Obviously, MAGA imbeciles prefer criminals in the White House as opposed to qualified professionals. Still hope Santos gets the boot. Charleston, SC elected it's first GOP mayor since 1877. Red wave?? Hope not. The Democrats are just too quiet.
Well, he may get the boot and if he does, I predict he'll get both of Ronda Mantises white GOGO boots, complete with cheater lifts and picked up by RuPaul's Drag race to live on as Kitara Ravache....what a drag it is being Devolder.......Sashay Away, you mother's little helper!
it is absurd that we are even having these conversations, he should go period!! go directly to jail, do not pass go!! he was caught red-handed and still claims everything is a lie. He is one sick puppy!!! He seriously needs psychiatric help!! And the people of his district deserver better!!! get rid of the trash that he is!!
Pathetic is the perfect word to describe political hacks like Santos, who are supported by the cult of republicon Drumpf followers, despite evidence showing his lying nature. It’s also pathetic that there are US citizens who would be fine with this lying fraudster still in office. And what’s really pathetic is the gerrymandering that allowed the redistricting on Long Island that got him elected. Pathetic voters on LI who are totally partisan and vote with the republicon party without checking out the background of the candidate they’re voting for. Pathetic.
The depths that maggots will stoop to to defend “Mary Magdalene “ are quite astonishing but unsurprising. Well he definitely has earned my moniker for him. Three D’s and a V (Demented, deranged, delusional and V for Vicious). The whole situation is somewhere between amusing and absurd).
Yes we are very close in numbers between the parties. Democrats should be able to win the Santos seat, unless they destroy each other in the primary. Since we need Every seat to take back the House, no Democrat should retire right now. And Phillips in Minnesota, by challenging Biden, is basically sacrificing a Democratic seat.
Michael, a story on Popular Information about Scholastic Books causing a woman in Texas to have a pornography addiction from reading about a "kiss" when she was a girl is totally declicious! lollollol lmao! Of COURSE it's in Texas. I put it on a Substack note, but don't know where it goes from there.
What I cannot decide is What to root for----do I want to see Trump knocked out of the race in the primaries, by Haley or ?? someone else? As much as I'd love that, it seems Biden is basing his whole campaign on beating Trump. Do we dare run him against Haley? How would that go? We know what the polls say.
Obviously, MAGA imbeciles prefer criminals in the White House as opposed to qualified professionals. Still hope Santos gets the boot. Charleston, SC elected it's first GOP mayor since 1877. Red wave?? Hope not. The Democrats are just too quiet.
Well, he may get the boot and if he does, I predict he'll get both of Ronda Mantises white GOGO boots, complete with cheater lifts and picked up by RuPaul's Drag race to live on as Kitara Ravache....what a drag it is being Devolder.......Sashay Away, you mother's little helper!
Literary gold in the comments.
I'm glad someone gets my "warped" sense of hummus!
it is absurd that we are even having these conversations, he should go period!! go directly to jail, do not pass go!! he was caught red-handed and still claims everything is a lie. He is one sick puppy!!! He seriously needs psychiatric help!! And the people of his district deserver better!!! get rid of the trash that he is!!
Once again, total HYPOCRITES!
Pathetic is the perfect word to describe political hacks like Santos, who are supported by the cult of republicon Drumpf followers, despite evidence showing his lying nature. It’s also pathetic that there are US citizens who would be fine with this lying fraudster still in office. And what’s really pathetic is the gerrymandering that allowed the redistricting on Long Island that got him elected. Pathetic voters on LI who are totally partisan and vote with the republicon party without checking out the background of the candidate they’re voting for. Pathetic.
The depths that maggots will stoop to to defend “Mary Magdalene “ are quite astonishing but unsurprising. Well he definitely has earned my moniker for him. Three D’s and a V (Demented, deranged, delusional and V for Vicious). The whole situation is somewhere between amusing and absurd).
Definitely leaning towards absurd!
Yes we are very close in numbers between the parties. Democrats should be able to win the Santos seat, unless they destroy each other in the primary. Since we need Every seat to take back the House, no Democrat should retire right now. And Phillips in Minnesota, by challenging Biden, is basically sacrificing a Democratic seat.
Oh, Santos......he's SOOOO last month! Here's a new contender for The Crazy! White Woman in the South with Her Story: https://popular.info/p/mysterious-woman-tells-school-board?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1664&post_id=139251282&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=e3l6&utm_medium=email
Michael, a story on Popular Information about Scholastic Books causing a woman in Texas to have a pornography addiction from reading about a "kiss" when she was a girl is totally declicious! lollollol lmao! Of COURSE it's in Texas. I put it on a Substack note, but don't know where it goes from there.
What I cannot decide is What to root for----do I want to see Trump knocked out of the race in the primaries, by Haley or ?? someone else? As much as I'd love that, it seems Biden is basing his whole campaign on beating Trump. Do we dare run him against Haley? How would that go? We know what the polls say.
Honey, being a sex worker does NOT automatically make you Mary Magdalene.