I'm left wondering why gop voters don't mind dealing with the criminal element of their party while decrying the rise in crime...

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Hi Mike & all. Until all said and done, I’m “letting it go”, best I can, shutting down anxiety which is not productive, said Captain O. I TOO hope it’s not a repeat of anything like Nov 8, 2016 and curled into fetal position all night long. Oh, the horror that’s yet unending. (Damn that so called “Electoral College” of pre-civil war days). This Montana D candidate, wow, what great experience she brings and she is interested in protecting our one and only environment, serving everyday people, not self-enriching and billionaire catering. Another race where it should be no where near close with the crooked history of her opponent, but it’s those lost in only Fox and Newsmax and far right wing disinformation. How to ever correct most of the deceits and lies promulgated?? I dunno, dunno. Are most of the other peer group nations around the globe experiencing the same?? I have not heard of such, outside of right wing authoritarianism on the rise. How comforting.

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I stopped watching and/or paying attention to polls since the summer. The pollsters, pundits. prognosticators, predictors, soothsayers, crystal ball gazers, stenographers (fka journalists) and news readers are going to be scrambling to cover their asses with a tarp when the final numbers come in blowing the insurrectionist party out of offices everywhere. There will be be some remnants, but, like Paul McCartney, I've Got a Feelin' sumpin' big is rolling under the radar and an undertow of determination will prevail. The Dobbs earthquake was bigger than it first appeared. I think I'll go to my Act Blue account and throw some bucks to Tranel. Thanks Michelangelo. As always good info in a timely fashion.

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I go to realclearpolitics.com and this is my guess (please tell me I am right; if not, then lie so I can sleep better)

As you track the polls, the support for BOTH RED and BLUE candidates has dropped below 50 each (the total, now much less than 100)

The support for BLUE is dropping faster.

I am hoping this is because Democrats, who participate in early voting in much greater numbers, no longer respond to polls.

I am hoping that the results on Nov. 10 will be a pleasant surprise.



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