Joe Biden promised to be the most supportive president in U.S. history with to the LGBTQ+ community. His first 48 hours as president have already shown his promises were real.

I have detested Donald J. Trump, or as I now prefer calling him, “Been-A-Dick Donald” or “Combover Caligula” for 4 decades. He grew up less than half a mile from my maternal grandparents’ house in Queens. I have known about his cheating, lying, hate, lawlessness and nastiness years before his entry into politics. I was thrilled and relieved when Joe Biden won the election in November and his win was finally confirmed Congress on January 6th.

What I wasn’t prepared for was my own emotional reaction to the inauguration of President Biden two days ago on January 20th. I wrote the following less than an hour after President Biden took his oath of office and I posted my comments on a large number of Facebook Groups I follow as well as sharing them with many friends. The reactions I have received have been astounding. I hit a nerve with many people who felt as I did and they thanked me for expressing my feelings in words. Here is what I wrote:

“ Having just watched the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris I feel so different right now than I felt yesterday. For the first time in over 4 years I feel hope in place of dread. I feel relief in place of fear. I feel that the United States has a future rather than everything good about us is in the past. We have a president who truly cares about our country and all of its people, not just what benefits him and his net worth. On the world stage we can once again be a respected partner rather than a self-aggrandizing laughing stock. For the first time in 4 years I can wake up each morning full of optimism instead of dispair.

John R. Selig

Dallas, TX

January 20, 2021 - 11:51 A.M. (Central Time)‘

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Great to read your thoughts and feelings John, thanks!

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I'm amazed at how quick and polished Biden is and how he engages with us throughout the day on what he's doing through videos and press conferences.

I got up this AM and turned on Progress XM at 6:00 AM and it was thrilling to hear Stephanie Miller play Dinah Washington's "What a Difference A Day Makes". It left a smile on my face and added an extra good vibe to my day.

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Oh, i love that song! I should play songs too. I like that.

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That would be very cool (especially when there are special events that warrant celebration).

I loved the obsolete version of "Georgia" John Fugelsang played the day we won two Democratic seats in GA also.

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President Biden is backing his promises 100% with results.

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I am so energized now. It seems the walls of oppression are falling with the sea change that is upon us. It was a long horrible 4 years. Thank you Michelangelo for helping me keeping me sane and hopeful!...love ya !

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Oh Christin, thank you! it's my pleasure and it got me through!

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My group “ Mama Bears “ that was founded by a group of moms with LGBTQ children, that propelled us to start a PFLAG chapter in our community , are over the moon! Finally we feel like as parents we can breathe easier for our children and LGBTQ people. I cried for 2 days and still feel quite emotional. It’s such a cathartic release to have human decency back in the White House!

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As a gay man I'm so happy that we have a president who supports us.. Yeah for Biden..The childesh orange man who was against us didn't get his way...thanks to Biden..

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That he made us- the LGBT community- a priority within the first 48 hours of his presidency is staggering in its impact and statement. Once again I am moved to tears from the changes this week!

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So I just finished listening to your show today. ( I know it’s late, 6:30 MT time) Absolutely without even a nano second thought should the Democrats back down to anything McConnell wants. Zero, zip, nada, no way. I don’t trust that monster as far as you could drop kick him. Dems need to stay focused and ignore anything republicans try to manipulate them into doing. DO NOT TRUST THE SLIMY REPUBLICANS!!!!!

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Not at all!

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President Biden needed a lot of rest and naps to fix a monumental mess that he inherited! A good day for the LGBTQ community and for America! Maybe not so good for the haters but sorry not sorry.

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Now it needs the legislation to back it up

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So, I had a bizarre conversation with a person that I have in my life. She believes that pedophiles have infiltrated the public school system along with MAMBLA AND BAMIN. She thinks the curriculum encourages kindergarten teachers to teach students about Transgender and other sexual orientations. She is sick. How do I deal with this person? She is my granddaughter’s other grandma. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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This is so sad Donna. I'm sorry to hear that. If someone is that far in, it might be best to wait it out and hope they just over time begin to lose interest, before trying to intervene. Otherwise they just will resist.

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I won’t jeopardize my relationship with my granddaughter, however, ever time I leave there ( my granddaughter lives there with her mother ) I just shake my head. This woman was raised in the Fundamental Mormon Cult in Colorado City on the border of Az and Utah. She escaped as a young girl and has been working to get young people out of the cult. That is what is so bizarre. She doesn’t realize she’s in a different cult.

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Donna she may be a lost cause. If she's at least civil maybe try to present her with facts but if the kool-aid is already deep in her veins, focus on your granddaughter. Help her develop critical thinking and the ability to ask questions. Encourage her to seek truth and be a safe place for her to land. I'd encourage you not to disparage the other grandmother (it sounds like you already know that). Don't know how old this grandbaby is but it's never too early to start growing strong women. And yes, I send you both a hug as well.

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My granddaughter is 5. I am doing my part to raise her as a strong, independent little girl. She spends a lot of time with us ( thank goodness!). I try very hard not to engage with the other Grandma. She has an interesting past, so I chalk it up to that. Thanks for you advise. I need all the helpful words I can get.

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So glad to hear back. You sound like you're doing your best for her and I acknowledge your "wisdom to know the difference" between what can be changed and what can't, as they say in recovery work.

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Donna I have no answer but only a hug to you.

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I know everything is worrying about blowback for getting rid of the filibuster. But a good way to prevent that at the minimum is to get more democratic lawmakers into congress in 2022!

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