In their book ban crusade, GOP politicians have claimed liberals were exaggerating in making comparisons to Nazi book burnings. Then came a Missouri candidate and her flamethrower.
If this country doesn't wake up and stop voting for republicans, we can kiss our constitutional republic goodbye. These people are evil, sick, twisted, and perverse, and they will stop at nothing to eradicate anything or anyone they don't like. Vote Blue, fellow citizens, or this experiment in democracy is over. End of story.
Our democracy is under siege by the GOP/Nazi party. It’s time for the sane republicans (there actually are some lol!) to get their collectives asses out there on TV, radio, billboards etc. and condemn what the lunatics in their party are doing.
Here in NC we have a candidate for governor named Mark Robinson who is a homophobic anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist republican who is promoting holocaust denial. I’m hoping that he doesn’t get any traction in his campaign because when asked about his position on the holocaust he basically confirmed his position. He hates the LGBTQ population more than anything and feels we should all be executed. He’s also a hard-line MAGA guy. He is the norm rather than the exception, both here in NC as well as nationwide. He has no position or platform other than that of the MAGA party line.
They have no policies. They only peddle fear and hatred. We are on a bobsled to the Middle Ages, and I can't believe the nuts are burning books in this day and age. If Biden doesn't win, I fear the country is lost.
Agree, Larry. He will do even more damage with a 2nd term of office. Any other country would have arrested him on Jan. 6. He provoked his psychotic fans to "fight like hell."
Drumpf is satanic. And he brings out the WORST in his followers. Insurrectionists have no place in American government; they threaten to undermine our existence.
Unfortunately, the majority of repugs have caved to the threats of Trump and his band of thugs. Now their 'party' is unable to right itself. They're now threatening judges and prosecutors and jurists. Ii dread to think of what they'll do during the the upcoming election.
The time to correct course is gone. We must vote them out and then we'll have to deal with all the rhetoric of election cheating. I fear we're going to face some outbreaks of violence and we have to hope our law enforcement is up to the task. I hate to think how many of them are Maga cultists.
The Jewish Center here in Charlotte is sponsoring an exhibit called Seeing Auschwitz. It’s 100 pictures from around 1944 that were taken, for the most by, by the Nazis “working” at the camp. They had bios of some of the SS guards. They were all normal people who got swept up in Hitlers violence. All I could think of were the MAGA cultists and praying that we don’t let something like the holocaust happen again.
The exhibit is a traveling one, and if anyone gets an opportunity to see it please do. It’s not an easy exhibition to see, but worth it.
The ugly and hateful video should come as a surprise to no one. I will give psychotic MAGA “Christian” fundamentalists credit for one thing. They will stop at nothing to show how gleefully full of hate and bigotry they are. They love their hate more than their own lives to paraphrase Fran Leibowirz. Valentin Gomez’s video is a great example of what happens to people who don’t seek treatment for mental health issues and allow the lies and conspiracy theories to become their reality. I did chuckle a bit not at the book burning per se but the grotesqueness of the act bordered on absurdity. I thought also she probably did not read the books to begin with and how unhinged she looked. Did she get that upset with school shootings. It’s clear to me that the GQP is reaching way below the cesspool line in fielding cans from the bottom of the gene pool. That video btw should get the single digit IQ er tossed off social media. What a complete Cretin
A 24 year old real estate agent burning books? Maybe she should concentrate on fixing her backyard first. Can't wait until her kids come out, because you know it will happen.
If you haven't see the film "Origin" by Ava DuVernay about Isabel Wilkerson writing her best seller "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent" you MUST, MUST, MUST. The whole examination of CASTE is fascinating, difficult, and sad. In one instance she (Wilkerson) examines the whole idea of how could Nazi's destroy the Jewish people. Jews are white. So how did they (Nazis) do it. They looked across the Atlantic. The fact that Nazi's and Jews-being white couldn't show racism, or even anti-semitism wasn't emough. The is answered by Wilkerson's research in discovering Nazi psychiatrists studied America's Jim Crow laws and subsequently utilized their violent oppression and annihilation of the Jews, Gays, Gypsies, Intellectuals, and Communists which was successful on our Grand Ole monolithic hate for the other. We're such good role models. The woman using the flame thrower to burn books, is an example of how good America is at its hate. The myth of America's inherent goodness-is that Lie that keeps on Giving. The book burning should be of no surprise to anyone. Has Dr. Eddie Glaude states: "America is not unique in its evil."
These people need to be threatened the way they threaten us. This has always been a problem with democrats. They passively sit by hoping the right wing will do the right thing. Not. Time to retaliate.
Scalding connection to Nazi Germany. Whoever thought the now-classic photo of book burning in Berlin in 1933 would happen right here in America? There's plenty of good people in Missouri, but the dominant politics and leadership of this state are vile. The only constructive thing I can say at this point is if you live in Missouri, be sure to vote democrat Lucas Kunce for U.S. Senator in November. I think he has a chance. Burning books? Shameful Missouri, shameful.
I’m curious, what books did she read growing up that helped her choose her heterosexuality? And why did she pick an Hispanic surname? Why did she not choose to grow up in a Hindi family? And why does she choose to see herself as female? I have so many questions for her.
So many on the left tell me they want someone young? and I’m constantly hearing that “women will save us,” butI can give you a list of those, young and/or female who would destroy us. Those are just labels; I prefer substance. Change my mind, or change yours.
I often wonder since trumpanzee hit the national scene, how so many incurious people spewing unvarnished hatred have decided their brand is actually wanted. Who are their audience? The appeal itself is so off putting to those who actually read books or have LGBT relatives. They must think so little of those they're attempting to reach. Learned individuals instantly know who they aren't going to support knowing the candidate cosplaying has no ideas that makes one consider this ingrate. After this current Congress have shown the country that voting your feelings doesn't work if the elected doesn't play well others. Inability to negotiate honestly is not a skill one should be proud of. She-devil mtg is exhibit #1...
Trump brought latent hatred to the forefront, and now we are besieged by empowered hate groups. What happened to compassion? Repukes are consumed with hatred and taking rights away from people who are perceived to be different. The Democrats need to start talk of uniting all people and letting them live their lives without interference from the politicians. What happened to "All men are created equal?"
Thank you Mike for providing all of us with direct evidence as to what MAGAS have as their goals.
It almost seems as if these folks have the Nazi blueprint as to transforming our culture, our basic politics and soon I’m sure our economy. This brings up the question….. what exactly did people learn @CPAC in Hungry, what directions did Orban give these cons? And the fundamental question… why have so many given up on democracy?
If this country doesn't wake up and stop voting for republicans, we can kiss our constitutional republic goodbye. These people are evil, sick, twisted, and perverse, and they will stop at nothing to eradicate anything or anyone they don't like. Vote Blue, fellow citizens, or this experiment in democracy is over. End of story.
Our democracy is under siege by the GOP/Nazi party. It’s time for the sane republicans (there actually are some lol!) to get their collectives asses out there on TV, radio, billboards etc. and condemn what the lunatics in their party are doing.
Here in NC we have a candidate for governor named Mark Robinson who is a homophobic anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist republican who is promoting holocaust denial. I’m hoping that he doesn’t get any traction in his campaign because when asked about his position on the holocaust he basically confirmed his position. He hates the LGBTQ population more than anything and feels we should all be executed. He’s also a hard-line MAGA guy. He is the norm rather than the exception, both here in NC as well as nationwide. He has no position or platform other than that of the MAGA party line.
Which is no position or platform except division and hate.
They have no policies. They only peddle fear and hatred. We are on a bobsled to the Middle Ages, and I can't believe the nuts are burning books in this day and age. If Biden doesn't win, I fear the country is lost.
Agree, bc Drumpf would change laws that work against him, “rig” the courts with Federalist Society judges and stay as long as he wants to.
Plus abolish his enemies.
Agree, Larry. He will do even more damage with a 2nd term of office. Any other country would have arrested him on Jan. 6. He provoked his psychotic fans to "fight like hell."
Drumpf is satanic. And he brings out the WORST in his followers. Insurrectionists have no place in American government; they threaten to undermine our existence.
All we could do is register voters.
OMG you are spot on Donna!
Unfortunately, the majority of repugs have caved to the threats of Trump and his band of thugs. Now their 'party' is unable to right itself. They're now threatening judges and prosecutors and jurists. Ii dread to think of what they'll do during the the upcoming election.
The time to correct course is gone. We must vote them out and then we'll have to deal with all the rhetoric of election cheating. I fear we're going to face some outbreaks of violence and we have to hope our law enforcement is up to the task. I hate to think how many of them are Maga cultists.
The Jewish Center here in Charlotte is sponsoring an exhibit called Seeing Auschwitz. It’s 100 pictures from around 1944 that were taken, for the most by, by the Nazis “working” at the camp. They had bios of some of the SS guards. They were all normal people who got swept up in Hitlers violence. All I could think of were the MAGA cultists and praying that we don’t let something like the holocaust happen again.
The exhibit is a traveling one, and if anyone gets an opportunity to see it please do. It’s not an easy exhibition to see, but worth it.
I live in NC and Robinson is scary as F!
The ugly and hateful video should come as a surprise to no one. I will give psychotic MAGA “Christian” fundamentalists credit for one thing. They will stop at nothing to show how gleefully full of hate and bigotry they are. They love their hate more than their own lives to paraphrase Fran Leibowirz. Valentin Gomez’s video is a great example of what happens to people who don’t seek treatment for mental health issues and allow the lies and conspiracy theories to become their reality. I did chuckle a bit not at the book burning per se but the grotesqueness of the act bordered on absurdity. I thought also she probably did not read the books to begin with and how unhinged she looked. Did she get that upset with school shootings. It’s clear to me that the GQP is reaching way below the cesspool line in fielding cans from the bottom of the gene pool. That video btw should get the single digit IQ er tossed off social media. What a complete Cretin
A 24 year old real estate agent burning books? Maybe she should concentrate on fixing her backyard first. Can't wait until her kids come out, because you know it will happen.
If you haven't see the film "Origin" by Ava DuVernay about Isabel Wilkerson writing her best seller "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent" you MUST, MUST, MUST. The whole examination of CASTE is fascinating, difficult, and sad. In one instance she (Wilkerson) examines the whole idea of how could Nazi's destroy the Jewish people. Jews are white. So how did they (Nazis) do it. They looked across the Atlantic. The fact that Nazi's and Jews-being white couldn't show racism, or even anti-semitism wasn't emough. The is answered by Wilkerson's research in discovering Nazi psychiatrists studied America's Jim Crow laws and subsequently utilized their violent oppression and annihilation of the Jews, Gays, Gypsies, Intellectuals, and Communists which was successful on our Grand Ole monolithic hate for the other. We're such good role models. The woman using the flame thrower to burn books, is an example of how good America is at its hate. The myth of America's inherent goodness-is that Lie that keeps on Giving. The book burning should be of no surprise to anyone. Has Dr. Eddie Glaude states: "America is not unique in its evil."
These people need to be threatened the way they threaten us. This has always been a problem with democrats. They passively sit by hoping the right wing will do the right thing. Not. Time to retaliate.
Scalding connection to Nazi Germany. Whoever thought the now-classic photo of book burning in Berlin in 1933 would happen right here in America? There's plenty of good people in Missouri, but the dominant politics and leadership of this state are vile. The only constructive thing I can say at this point is if you live in Missouri, be sure to vote democrat Lucas Kunce for U.S. Senator in November. I think he has a chance. Burning books? Shameful Missouri, shameful.
Missouri resident
I’m curious, what books did she read growing up that helped her choose her heterosexuality? And why did she pick an Hispanic surname? Why did she not choose to grow up in a Hindi family? And why does she choose to see herself as female? I have so many questions for her.
So many on the left tell me they want someone young? and I’m constantly hearing that “women will save us,” butI can give you a list of those, young and/or female who would destroy us. Those are just labels; I prefer substance. Change my mind, or change yours.
In Western Europe, in the 1930s, this was called fascism.
I am curious about the pros and cons of using the term to describe people in this country.
Quite typical of the Holier-Than-Thou so-called Republicans.
I often wonder since trumpanzee hit the national scene, how so many incurious people spewing unvarnished hatred have decided their brand is actually wanted. Who are their audience? The appeal itself is so off putting to those who actually read books or have LGBT relatives. They must think so little of those they're attempting to reach. Learned individuals instantly know who they aren't going to support knowing the candidate cosplaying has no ideas that makes one consider this ingrate. After this current Congress have shown the country that voting your feelings doesn't work if the elected doesn't play well others. Inability to negotiate honestly is not a skill one should be proud of. She-devil mtg is exhibit #1...
Trump brought latent hatred to the forefront, and now we are besieged by empowered hate groups. What happened to compassion? Repukes are consumed with hatred and taking rights away from people who are perceived to be different. The Democrats need to start talk of uniting all people and letting them live their lives without interference from the politicians. What happened to "All men are created equal?"
Be afraid. Be very afraid of what will become of this country if the orange maggot somehow regains access to the Oval Office!
She's a classic republican - spoiled nepot brat spending Daddy's money. Fail Upwards and Onwards!!
When they ban the bible , I will listen to these asshat douche bags, but that won't happen , will it !
Thank you Mike for providing all of us with direct evidence as to what MAGAS have as their goals.
It almost seems as if these folks have the Nazi blueprint as to transforming our culture, our basic politics and soon I’m sure our economy. This brings up the question….. what exactly did people learn @CPAC in Hungry, what directions did Orban give these cons? And the fundamental question… why have so many given up on democracy?