He said "nucular." I had to stop listening.

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I caught that too. Ugh.

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I know it's a deadly serious topic, but the logical conclusion you brought this dimwitted gun nut to was comedy gold. And if 80%+ of US voters support banning assault weapons, surely 99.99% of voters can agree that nobody has a right to a surface-to-air missile. Thank you for posting. This guy should be on an FBI watch list.

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Michelangelo I love the priceless absurdity of getting him to agree that he thinks yes maybe he should arm himself with surface to air missiles against an imaginary tyrannical government, and of course why not be able to have atomic bombs too. Funny but frightening.

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This is the argument I've been having with gun nuts on Twitter since the most recent massacre. The idea that having an AR15, which, by the way, was created for military use regardless of whether it's called an assault rifle or not -it's a weapon of war - and if the idea is it will protect them if the entire might of the US Armed Forces are turned against the citizens of this country, they are sadly mistaken. I can just imagine Bob, sitting in his home in New Jersey, loading up the magazines of his AR15 to fight off the US military. That'd be quite a feat. The absurdity is just mind boggling and would be hilarious if it didn't have such dire consequences.

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Nobody ever asks these gun nuts on what will happen if they run out of bullets.

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Every time a RepubliKKKan speaks, I break out in hives.

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AnonymousMay 31, 2022

Surface-to-air missile? And he started off saying that people on your show are "way out there." What a clown! These people have zero self-awareness.

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What a maroon; a dangerous maroon.

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Guns nuts have this sort of blind-faith in thinking that no gun owner would go nuts and murder people. Sort of the same way they think billionaires will shower jobs on them if they cut their taxes.

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I always wondered about the ( well regulated militia) is not whats going on with nutjobs like , is it rittenhouse walking around protest threatening people his AR illegally purchased by someone else,shoots 3 people and gets off The rigjt wing had really rearranged our culture in dangerous way.

I recently heard on news that our lopsided supreme court changed that law so anyone an be a self regulated militia.

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It’s sad how ‘out there’ these people are; but we need to know. Thank you!

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Good response, Mike. One added point I'd give them for the 2nd Amendment, the reason for creating a militia was to quell slave rebellions at the time. I believe Viriginia and one of the Carolinas (south?) had large slave uprisings in decades previous. Those states wanted to have the ability to gather "good White men" together to stop them.

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