Nor should Thomas be serving. But here we are because of the cowardice of the democrats to pursue this. Durbin should be forced to resign his position on judiciary. This guy is spineless and always has been. The reality of why this corruption continues is because the right wing knows the dems don’t have the balls to do anything. Period

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The Democrats and progressives don't have the dedication and foresight to run a long game to control the court the way the GOP does. Blaming the politicians that we fail to empower with bigger majorities because of our disorganized and distracted voting records won't rid the court of people like Alito. The idea of not voting for Biden because of Israels actions in Gaza is the current example of liberals' failure to plan any kind of sustained support the Democrats need to acquire a Senate majority to add more justices and end the filibuster. 2016 and people on the left who hated Hillary and either stayed home or made some useless gesture voting for Stein made me ashamed to be a Progressive. I thought the lesson was learned in 2020 but I seem to be seeing the moral purity police handing power back to Trump. We don't need Progressives "owning" the Democrats by voting 3rd party or not voting at all.

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Very well said

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Thomas and Aliito should both be drummed off the Court; they are so completely corrupt and disgusting, but then what could we expect from the two President Bushes? Alito is a traitor to America, sitting right there on the Court in plain sight. And what a cowardly liar - "my wife did it" with the first flag. Yeah, but don't you SEE your yard every day? The two of them are so full of BS.

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Never in my life did I think two such despicable characters (Thomas and Alito) would be Justices in the highest court in the land. Openly taking bribes....like it's nothing. Flying traitorous flags outside their homes. One Justice's wife taking part in an insurrection. The lying and cheating are in plain sight, yet almost half of Americans support this? Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I'm glad I'm old. The corruption has turned our country into a sick joke.

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You’re not losing your mind, we just live in a country that’s been divided, by a criminal who has used the “system” for his personal benefit, as many people who call themselves “American” do. Drumpf’s supporters are much like he is bc people who condone criminality are just as guilty


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Before Trump, the Court has been handing down very big-business-friendly decisions, decisions which helped divide us, by giving more and more power to corporations; those corporations now give us what THEY want to, not necessarily what we consumers want; and that's all while they were outsourcing and moving plants to the South and fighting/breaking unions, but raising prices so their executive suite can fight over how many million per year they get. Many Americans are still disheartened by their own low pay, even though productivity is higher than ever.

I would like to hear from 2-3 'regular' people from the insurrection to find out why they were so aggrieved as to do that.

Trump is the embodiment of what most of Wall Street and private equity managers are doing to Americans every day; lying, cheating and stealing from the regular folks. Vulture capitalism is at fault as much as the sociopathic Orange Prick, and they are definitely symbiotic.

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Well said Lorie. And I add that all this “economy distress” pollsters/media talk about is attributed to corporation price gouging. They know people blame the president for that and hold “the economy” against him. Vulture capitalism indeed.

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Larry, quite a bit of the inflation also got going with the onset of the war in Ukraine. Gas prices shot up, and it's probaby affected grain prices worldwide. Biden and his administration had nothing to do with these external circumstances.

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Of course Biden has no involvement but the cult news networks won’t say that to their devoted followers.

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As former RNC Chairman Michael Steele said on MSNBC: "How manly of him."

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I am waiting for Alito to hang a swastika flag and claim it is just an ancient religious and cultural symbol used in many countries.

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That would suit him.

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Just learned Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has the pine tree flag outside his office. It is next to the American flag. Now what?

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Maybe if Roberts had some balls.

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Roberts is just as much an asshole as those two. After all, his court has brought us the Citizens United decision, along with him personally commenting when removing Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act during the Shelby case. "Just don't discriminate anymore"; yeah, right. The South was busy begining to gerrymander again within days of that decision. Just another Federalist Society judge.

I'm for what Ruth Bader Ginsberg suggested - We should have a Court of 9 women! After all, we spent almost 200 years with all men, and the results have been very mixed.

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Nope. Sandra Day O’Connor gave the election of 2000 to George Bush so that she could retire under a Republican president. George Bush appointed Alito and lied the US into the Iraq war. All of this is unforgivable and a reminder why trusting women is way too naïve a slogan.

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When she finally died all could think about her legacy was her vote in bush v gore. “She’s dead. Good!”

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Roberts, Garland, Durbin, Schumer.....no balls in the any of them.

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Exactly Donna. AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Katie Porter, even Claire McCaskill would do a better job of DEMANDING action against Alito and Thomas.

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John Roberts should go too. Dereliction of duty not keeping his court in line. He also should be bipartisan. Who gave these clowns the idea they could run the Supreme Court anyway they want. SAY WHAT ??!!??

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Now that we know Alito also flew a Christian nationalist flag from his beach house in New Jersey, he should be required to recuse himself from all cases related to gay and/or trans issues and rights. As a now exposed and affirmed Christian Nationalist, Alito has declared that he cannot judge impartially cases affecting the LGBT community.

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This was just across the TV screen and in the newspaper: Rep (D-TN) Steve Cohen, senior member of the Judiciary Committee introduced resolution of censure against U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito. Check it out: https://cohen.house.gov/media-center/press-release/congressman-cohen-introduces-resolution-censure-against-justice-alito

Who’s to say Congress won’t do anything. Some of them care. a. lot. 🤓

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Dems don’t run the house, so nothing will come of this. Vote blue in November.

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I have some faith that they will do something. But between mtg and Johnson, errr! Not all Dems are like Durbin. No one is happy with what is happening in the GOP. And how it affects the Dems. BLUE WAVE! 🌊

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All of you people not aware of how this works ?? The only power that Congress has is the power of the purse. They can vote to defund the court. Make them a toothless tiger

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Yes. Take their funding. The building should be cold and dark. No law clerks, janitors, water, heat electricity. Show them who is really in charge.

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That is not true

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What is not true? That the Congress can’t take their funding, they absolutely can.

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I’m sorry. I did not reply correctly. I took it as that’s all that Congress can do and was thinking that they had more power like censoring, etc. I’m sorry for the confusion

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No worries my friend 😃

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Should not be serving at red robin

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Bravo to House Speaker Jeffries on his comments today on MSNBC! Thank you. His comments on the outrage that is the Supreme Court were articulate and powerful. Dems should follow his lead. I want to hear a consistent message. Keep it up and take the fight to them! Listen to his interview on Deadline White House today.

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Another bunch in the government who are above the law. Aid the rich, crush the proles.

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I hope Democrats can hold all of the hearings to demonstrate just how unqualified Alito is for this job. I thought this when Bush nominated him. He is just a right-wing extremist. If he could be embarrassed, I would love for the Democrats to do so by showing just how awful a person he is for America.

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"Democrats have the American people with them"

A moronic statement. Democrats have half of the American people with them, not all, and the other half don't give a rats ass about the flag that Alito's wife put up in his yard.

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…huh ?! …Alito only ?!

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Billy in Texas is still full of shit. He used to be a regular caller to Stephanie Miller during the Bush years. I think they got tired of his bullshit. Thanks for pointing out his bullshit today.

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And urge your US Senators to get Durbin to hold hearings, ASAP.

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I’ll contact Sen Ron Johnson right away 🤣

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Try asking in Russian. He might respond.

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As I sit in my house contemplating another insurrection which necessitates stockpiling TP, canned goods and bottled water, and donating to candidates what can I do about any of this current chaos and post election violence being foretold?

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