Jun 22, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This is unconstitutional. Separation of church and state is one of the pillars of our democracy. Also, this church is obviously placing itself in the

environment where high school students spend time learning, socializing and developing a sense of self/identity. It sickens me that these Christian Nationalists are invading the school space where they don’t belong.

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Alienated youth can be attracted to cults and that's the pull of Christian nationalist theology. Young people do not have mature judgmental ability. Similar to Hitler Youth. Get 'em young and indoctrinate them with bullshit.

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My brother got into the "Campus Crusade for Christ" cult back in the 1970s.

They told their members they were not allowed to socialize with anyone that was not "born again" and a member of the group. Since my brother and I were going to the same university, this made for awkward and argumentative 8 hour rides home for holidays and summers.

The worst part of this cult is they would sucker these dumb college kids into spending their entire summers selling "bible encyclopedias" to horrendously poor people in the deep south (my brother was in rural Alabama). They didn't make much money selling, but then CCC talked them into donating their entire summer's wages back to the cult. When my father found out, he was apoplectic (didn't help that my brother was telling our family we were all going to hell for being Catholic).

My brother did eventually get out of the cult and into a more normal evangelical church, but I always tell him all those arguments about religion we had back in college made me realize I was an atheist.

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In college in the 60s, the Campus Crusade for Christ people were pesty, hard sell bible thumpers. I used to chase them away. A lot of kids were sucked in. The beginning of the growth of right wing mega evangelical churches

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DB. That really was the beginning of the intentional, never waning, growth of it indeed. I was close by for decades in evang type churches. Finding out over 80% of them supported DT in 2016 was the end. Even less forgivable, to continue support 2020 after witnessing four long years of horrors, I can understand a mistake once, but to repeat, NO !! And 2024, looks like STILL with him. It’s a great sickness and 50M+ are obsessed over evil, but cannot see the evil unleashed since 2016 in their own backyards. Na, it’s the teeny tiny % tran and drag.. it’s a dark cloud great sickness spread over entire nation. I’m weary of it. Would move to New Zealand far, far away as possible of Rumpism, all the way around the globe if it were feasible.

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Agree, Rick. Too old to move. Just watching this crap saddens me. I see an authoritarian takeover of our country if Americans don't pay attention. Look at today's GOP....a party of buffoons and liars. Do Americans really want these fools governing as they laugh all the way to the bank?

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Getting greeted on campus with someone yelling “your going to hell” almost daily I was exposed to sheer lunacy as a 19 year old.. those experiences stay with you even 50 years later.

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The ones my brother hung around with were self righteous, smug assh*les. I loathed them.

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Sounds accurate

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This does not surprise me, the fascist right wing in this country has been politicizing schools for a while and trying to privatize public education just like they privatized health care and the prison system. We must fight them tooth and nail because they are like termites infesting the House of Freedom that our country has been for a couple hundred years. There seems to be only one solution:



like the vermin

that they are.

At the ballot box, of course.

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VEGNYC, I AGREE with you, all the great discussion here on Mike's site MUST be reinforce with a Democratic BLUE vote to get more saner human in the seats of power; there are currently way too many nutjobs in OUR government.

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Dominionists, not just one brand of church, but across all brands, they want to take control of the “7 Mountains of Society”: Government, education, media, arts & entertainment, religion, family and business. They’ve been steadily & aggressively gaining on those goals for half a century and we can clearly see the results over just the last few years. The Supreme Court is plain scary now and younger lifetime appointees shaping the laws of our nation. American Taliban, Handmaid’s Tale, a highly clamped down society is the end goal, morality police peeking in bedroom windows and parked cars, cruising the streets seeking infractions of new tightly battened down religious laws. They’re so damn obsessed with other peoples’ most private consenting adult lives. Obsessed !! But anything Biblically questionable they themselves are up to is fine, overlooked, at most frowned on. It’s just additional R hypocrisy heaped on top of a ginormous mountain of R hypocrisy. That’s one mountain they surely can claim. No objections.

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They are soooo hypocritical. And they never learn. It didn't work for Prohibition and it won't work for all of this anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation.

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Michelangelo, thank you for exposing another gross decision with regard to this Radiant church misuse, and probably illegal use of public school property . I just wrote a letter to the School Board suggesting that they reconsider their badly thought out decision before they find themselves in some legal quagmire.

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AB, taking action, excellent. Are you outside their school district? Perhaps i could also send a note of “very strong” disapproval. Action is good.

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Across the South, many churches start in public schools. I know, I live here, and a retired public school teacher. 😳

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Mike, it’s the 7 Mountain policy put forward by the evangelicals...in action in NY. The theory as I understand it... every aspect of our culture Must be under the evangelical ideology... schools, business, government, the arts...I can’t remember the rest but I’m sure you get the idea. These folks feel it is the right time to impose their beliefs on American society, because these procedures will bring about the Rapture sooner rather than later. As a non Christian, raised in a Jewish home and continue to be a member of our tiny community in AZ I am very familiar with this movement and their tactics. Mike, keep up the good work you are doing to make all of us aware of what their ultimate goal is, methods and goals.

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Hard to like something that's this insidious. I'm a non-practicing believer but taking advantage of youth is a bridge too far. Thanks for the heads up about Tallahassee, Inspector Clouseau will be contacted...

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I would guess a majority of public schools already rent space to smallish startup churches on weekends, and most of them are evangelical. Spoken as a kid who grew up setting up and taking down a lot of folding chairs in high school cafeterias on Sunday mornings. While the ideology and strategy of these groups is appalling--they absolutely see “blue America,” as you call it, as a sin ridden mission field and everyone knows college is the time and place to get people to your side--I don’t think there’s been a separation of church and state case here under this or any previous court. Rent money is blind.

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Rick, yes I am outside the school district and state.. I certainly think we should send a message to these people who are intent on forcing their religion( generally fake christians)on to us.

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