Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

During the spring break a man commented that between 18 and 25-year-olds the risk was 0.2% and he said if there’s 100,000 people on the beach and I told you the 200 people were going to be bit by sharks would you go swimming


Putting the numbers around something they can relate to makes a huge difference

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Speaking of numbers, I have a feeling that the staggering rise in COVID cases in Michigan probably has something to due with university students heading to south beach in Florida during spring break. A similar jump happened at East Lansing near Michigan State Univ. last year when a restaurant across campus decided to open up prematurely, and everyone waiting was crowded together w/o masks. It doesn't have as much to do with politics as much as irresponsible younger folks who think they are invincible.

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Read about the single bar in Illinois that opened that had 46 cases come out of the one bar opening.

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

He's just another of the millions of self-entitled assholes that think the world revolves around them. I wish we could put them all on a remote island somewhere.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hi Michelangelo - Rob is an idiot and a cult follower. Def drinking the kook-aid.

I just got my 2nd shot yesterday, Pfizer and today I am feeling it a little, not so bad. Just tired and swollen arm but it is all good. Good luck tomorrow with your shot and stay safe Sir.

People, let’s get vaccinated ASAP! This is the way and Godspeed 😎

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I feel bad for him. I am volunteering at two vaccines site and everyone that comes are so happy that they are getting the vaccine. Hopefully he is a very small minority. Although a man getting a shot yesterday told me he is trying so hard to get some of his co-workers to get it.

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It's hard to feel bad for him, as he's so resolute. But I understand your point.

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I don't know, of course my compassion is very slim for irresponsible people like Rob. He reminds me of every other anti-vaxer or even AIDS deniers for that matter.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Ciao Commendatore!

I got in late and between you and your fan base, you have it thoroughly covered! I'll just leave it as Rob got robbed of all common sense, logic and rational reasoning, easily traced back by following the orange brick road back to OZ, hiding behind the curtain at Castle MaraLardo! Floridumb.

Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell......

Boom Boom

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I must make a correction

Out of 100,000 people the percentage was 0.02 not 0.2

It is still 200 shark attacks


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it's a really good one, this analogy. I'm going to use it! thanks.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

BTW we have locally opened to everyone. Coming home from store I saw a whole family—two adults and their three teenagers all going into the vaccine site together for their shots. Made me happy for them and proud of Biden and all the work he doesn’t get enough credit for.

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Rob is another example of the dangerous legacy of white male America. Mediocrity. Selfish. Sanctimonious. Greedy. Angry. Ignorant. Hope he finds a path where he can turn his commonness into medicine.

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It's all about Free-dumb for idiots like Rob.

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This kind of jerk is why I moved from Central Florida back to NYS after almost 20 years. Stupid, arrogant, selfish pricks who don't react to anything unless it directly affects them.

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Totally agree about the ..kind of jerk...!!

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It's COVIDiots like Rob that make me have less faith in humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if he lived in Matt Gaetz's district.

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Rob likes to think he's an "independent thinker." But he, obviously, latches on to conspiracy, righty group-think, without analyzing positions logically.

Oh, and when he says the vaccine was developed in 9 months, it was under development for over six years. The underlying science on how to make the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine was designed over six years, and it was fortuitous that a year ago, Covid presented itself and that technology was used for the first time on its manufacture.

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Rob has crappy logic, but he also has a crappy moral compass. Not giving a shit if you infect an elderly person who could very well die has become normalized among the anti-government types. He also doesn't speed because it's against the law, not because it might kill someone. I'm 57 and I don't remember people being this selfish in the past. Maybe they were and I didn't know it, but they sure are proud of it now.

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They were but performative allyship wasn’t known back then as it is now.

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Whatever, troll. I 'performed' for years by keeping my 89 year old mother out of a nursing home only to have her infected with covid by her home health care nurse who couldn't be bothered to wear a mask or stay home when she was sick. I get that you found a new catchphrase, but using it just makes you look stoopid.

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whoa lady, take a pill. I was agreeing with you. Geez. Fragile much? and sweetie... I didnt call you names and put you down I was acknowledging what you were saying. And Performative Allyship is not a “ catch phrase”. Do you always poop where you eat? Try looking it up teachers pet! And read the room before you go off on people on your side.

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This is typical for today’s people of the Reich. It’s always there ways their opinions or no ones. I love how they always fall back to the word freedom. They have no concept of that that word means or people like my uncle who fought in WWII who earned it for us. We need to divide this country in to 2 states. One for the right wing fascists so they can only have what they want and one for all others. Period. They are getting worse and more dangerous and the Dems better start forming their own tea parties now against them and bashing the GQP all day every day with facts. There is no compromise with then on anything. And there never will be until their disease is gone.

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It’s really simple: “No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service.”

Just as a business has the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing shoes, it has the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask.

Nothing “Big Brother “ about it.

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No vaccine but thank you for the stimulus checks because of the pandemic. Idiots

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I heard that part of the reason the vaccine was developed so quickly was because the Chinese broke down the virus into its genetic code and this helped to create the right vaccine. Love listening too you. Sometimes I can’t sleep so I listen to your replay.

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