May 11, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Best analysis I have read in a long time. And comforting, too.

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Why aren't Republicans worried that voting restrictions will impede their own voters?

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My guess is that they are. Which is why they are only pushing this in left-leaning states, not in their own.

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Actually, Florida Republicans are now worried they went too far -- most people who voted absentee for years without offering a reason were older white voters, who vote GOP. To your point JMM, they are just so blinded by their zealousness.

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Unfortunately, the Repugnants will double down in their attempts to suppress & control voting & its results , and they will initiate further scam state audits of the 2020 election. this is the only response they have against Biden’s popularity and the policies that the Dems have activated and that are benefiting ALL of the people in this country. The only policy the Repugnants have is power grabbing.

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Maybe, finally, the majority of the American people are no longer falling for the Republican talking points about socialism and cutting taxes for the wealth corporations, realizing it is a scam. The American people want them to pay their fair share and they want their own tax dollars to go for improving this country and helping the hard working people that actually make this country work. If that is a bad thing, then those that think that way are brainwashed and blind. Trump talked the big talk with his red hat bullshit ( I guarantee he did not were that type of hat before he ran for President. He did it as a symbolic gesture to bring in the blue color worker) about being for the working poor, etc, but his actions were the complete opposite. I really hope that the state of NY and the Justice Department find him guilty. Also, what is happening with all the sexual assault accusations against him?

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Yes, considering the times that we are living through the fact that Biden's approval is higher than Trumps was is really remarkable. But the fact that the GOP is now Trump aficionados and they are ousting the likes of Romney, Cheney, and Kinzinger - and lauding people like McCarthy, Greene, Gaetz and Boebert is (shhhh, do not tell them) I think that is fine, because I think they are utterly self-destructing before our eyes - how on earth do they think they will increase their followers in this way?! It is absolute insanity and demands that followers buy the Big Lie, and ignore reality. Great platform to head right off the cliff....

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Sometimes, I wonder if the pandemic is the cause. It required us to isolate -- and that meant (for some republicans) locking themselves in their own echo chamber and having no clue how misguided they are.

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The only way the GOP can win is through lies and cheating; thus, we have voter suppression bills being signed in the majority of states to keep minorities from voting.

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Ciao Commendatore!

Excellent synopsis! What really disturbs me is not the obvious rancor of this Kabuki theater, because they all lie; but how the daughter of the chief warmonger who lied us into two consecutive illegal wars [actually conflicts, since Congress never sanctioned either] is as bad as daddy, yet somehow gets normalized as the lesser of all these evil boll weevils, as they ceremoniously attempt to destroy and eliminate her to their own peril! Ditto Shmitt Rmoney!

There are many Cons who back her and see through this charade; so IMHO, we can only benefit by a further purge of R-ats who will jump ship and take refuge on the USS Constitution captained by the affable yet capable, 'Admirable' Joseph Biden!

I truly hope Beto O'Rourke will gain some major ground in "Tejas" and begin dismantling this house of cards led by the Cruz's, Cornyn's, Abbott's, et al. He came so close last time!

Ditto for the Sunshine State led by Grovellor Ron DeSatan! Do the Miami blue hairs not realize he wants them all to "dye"? I blame Anita Bryant for Floriduh's downfall. She was a rabid bigoted homophobe who made god her malevolent mouthpiece and nitpicked scripture from the "buybull" to selectively promote her racist agendas as she contractually swilled a tall glass of 100% fresh squeezed "Florida gold", compliments of Sunkist and the Florida Orange Juice Commission!

So much for the benefits of "vitamin See"; for none are so blind as those that choose not to C!

Alas, I digress. I saw Stacey Abrams on Seth Meyer's last eve and what a breath of intelligent fresh air she is!

Passing HR1 along with the abolition of Moscow Mitch's fave fascist tool and his current nickname, the filibastard will almost guarantee the success and longevity of our democracy going forward. It would help too if Manschin and X-rated Cinema took a backseat to "la cosa nostra" [our thing]. They are tantamount to having hecklers present during a world class conference on preserving democracy and human rights! Exit stage left already.......

In the end, I hope Lizzo wakes up and smells the cordite her family unleashed on the world and finds her way back to an America we can all be proud of!

Truly, all she has to do is have her daddy, Dick Dynasty take all of the offenders duck hunting!

"This case is closed, King!"--Sgt. Preston Pepper of the Mounties.

Ciao' 4 Now! KUTGWMS!

Boom Boom

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I live in McCarthy’s district. Trust me, no one despises him more than me, but he is not in any danger of losing his seat. They call this part of California Calitucky for good reason. That said, he’s doing a fine job of destroying the GQP party and I hope he never gets to the Speaker’s chambers which seem to be his ultimate goal. All we can do is watch from the sidelines on this one and root for the implosion.

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Right --- he would only lose his seat if Trump decided to back a challenge to him in primary. I imagine the only person they like more than McCarthy is Trump. But to your point, because of gerrymandering , most Republicans is are safe in general election no matter what happens. The data shows, however, in some very key districts that the GOP needs and where they are vulnerable, Biden is popular and Trump is a disaster. We have to make that happen.

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Good point, there are a lot of Trump supporters in this area. I still see those horrid ragged 2020 flags here and there. Neither he or neighboring Nunes (of Calibama) have held an open town hall in years and have done nothing legislatively for their constituents, but people buy what Fox News personalities pedal.

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The Repugnicans are once again going down a road that is fraught with danger. While they continue to obstruct voting in the country they are hoping that their voters will show up, I guess that remains to be seen. I think from the numbers you present Michael they are very much, once again, living in la la land. Let's hope that our side will still be motivated to vote due to the incredible actions of President Biden and his team of people who care what happens to all voters, not just their supporters. C'mon Texas time to change purple to blue!

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Yes, it's a perilous time because they are going in a terrible direction, and we can beat them -- but they are also cheating, lying, stealing, and if don't stop that by being aggressive they will take control

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