Now that I've listened to it again -- to be honest, I gave him way more time than I should have. He was trolling and meaning to take it to hunter biden. I should have dropped it at that point.

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No difference? Santos, Jordan, MJT, Bobert-crotch grabber, Gosar, Graham, Scalise, Scott, Rubio, et al.

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Oct 12, 2023
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Rick, you mentioned the names of complete losers, degenerates, fraudsters,and crooks....a smorgasbord of Repuke criminals. Yes, Dems aren't saints either, but this GOP cast of depraved slimeballs is certainly noteworthy and hard to beat! Funny thing...today a niece of my husband's mentioned it will cost 30K to remodel her bathroom, but she's waiting for a better price when the orange felon is reelected. I guess he does plumbing now!

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Hey Donnab, the price of the bathroom remodel will probably go even higher not lower if the worse case scenario happens and the orange felon is reelected or manages to steal the election.

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True, Sakina, but they'll blame it on Biden's policies. Everything is blamed on the Dems. Maybe Rump will give another trillion dollar tax cut to the 1% and bankrupt the country.

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He’s the type of right wing troll who annoys me most: the types who claim to be moderate, then push a talking point or conspiracy theory that only comes from the far right, as well as his sarcasm that Republicans are all a bad and all Democrats are good.

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Another brilliant, measured response to a caller who drank the Kool-Aid and lives in a Fox News MAGA bubble. This was a truly marvelous listen and I love how you tied it up so nicely at the end and bid him to go Google a bit to see what you were saying was true. Love your show Michelangelo

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Thanks for providing a look into the mind( or what is left of it) of this undercover MAGA, he tried to be oh so courteous, but his ideology got the better of him.

I thought your arguments were concise, cogent and logical, however I wish you talked more about the fact that, yes, Donald has been convicted of sexual assault, convicted seemed to be Ron’s operative word and more to the point.. a NY judge said what Donald did to E. Carroll was rape... straight up no chaser description. Again, at 71, I could not have been as mild mannered as yourself.. Congrats my friend.

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Yes! I kept screaming that he is a convicted sexual offender!!! Wish you had reminded him of that too!

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Oh yes, and fraud too! I should have raised that!

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The sanctimony and condescension that dripped off this asshole was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Also, the "I listen to progressive radio and I listen to conservative radio" was the same kind of bullshit that MAGAs have given Stephanie Miller when they call in prefacing that they are "a small businessman who likes to listen to both sides and I just discovered your show," just before launching into a list of pure MAGA talking points. It's become a long-running joke on Steph's show. This guy was a pure MAGA who fancied himself as a right-wing intellectual able to buffalo Michelangelo with his "both sides" mantra, when he only cares about one side. Trump's. As usual, it didn't work, because Michelangelo's bullshit detector "goes to 11." That's what made listening to his drivel entertaining.

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The Google machine -- yes! Mike, you did give that guy lots of time, but at least he was civil about his false equivalencies. The trolls always go to the hypotheticals and things like, "Let me ask you this" or they go to extremes by putting words in your mouth that all Dems are good and all R's are bad. Or they can't hear you all of a sudden. If the NJ governor was a Republican, Dems would still be calling for Menendez to go. And if Menendez was a presidential candidate, same thing. Ron's Kool-Aid is so thick that it should be undrinkable, yet somehow he manages to swig it down.

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Ron really thought he could out manoeuvre Michelangelo, and all he did was expose his not so "closeted" MAGA cult membership. One wonders if there is a secret MAGA sub-group who challenge themselves to call up progressive radio in an attempt to "out smart" the presenters in a hope of receiving brownie points from their masters, if so, they are failing miserably LOL. Michelangelo simply eviscerates these mislead folks.

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Michael that guy was so obnoxious - OMG I really don’t know how you can keep civil when talking to them🙄

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Well if it's a phony centrist, eventually they reveal their true colors the more you let them talk. Usually if it's some right-winger from Staten Island, all semblance of civility is thrown out the window. LOL

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Oh great, another phony both-sides centrist BSer! He let it slip when said that Trump is an innocent man then quickly claimed he wasn't a Trump fan...right.

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I mean really. Why are we surprised when idiots act like idiots.

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Yes but her emails!

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Mike I LOVE how you are so intellectually agile as you confront these conservative idiots, keep up the GOOD work my man, you are AWESOME.

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Republicans demanded Nixon resign. There’s the example, but we have to go back fifty years to find it. Ie. This is not your father’s or grandfather’s Republican Party. At one time, the GOP had integrity.

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This was like talking to Martin Short's Nathan Thrum lawyer character on SNL. I kept expecting him to say: Why do you think I don't know that? I knew that!

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Laptop, her emails etc. 🙄 Oy!

Let’s discuss the billions 💵 JK and Ivanka made! They all shy away from that.

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