Like Trump and all his base and his talking-head Fox supporters, Brian has nothing to back up his assertions. Trump, et al, make broad statements and accusations with no back up, no references to factual support, and no rational explanation for those opinions. THEY NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY CALLED OUT ON THIS, JUST AS MICHELANGELO HAS! IT DRIVES ME NUTS! Just ask them for some factual evidence that supports their opinion. And don't appear angry, they'll just shut down. When they can't offer any, assertively explain that they're simply presenting their uninformed opinion, which means it proves and explains nothing, i.e., it doesn't teach anyone that Trump is correct, which is what they try to do so unsuccessfully. Then, offer them a contrarian point of view, back it up with facts, and use that as an example of what you're talking about. They do not understand that OPINIONS ARE NOT FACTS, ESPECIALLY THEIR'S AND TRUMP'S. IT'S OUR JOB TO TEACH THEM THIS! If you plant a seed, even in the infertile soil that takes the place of their brains, there's always the possibility that it could grow. In time, they may even see that Trump's statements and actions are unsupportable. Am I being a Pollyanna?

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I think Brian is one of the current Trumpers who probably won’t vote for his cult leader and will not admit to his non-vote of tRump after November.

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If he is such a Trump supporter you would think he would be familiar with his tweets!

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I hope when he said he listens to you every day that he does, maybe your Kool Aid antidote can help him see his cult for what it is and splash off some of the poison he gets from Hannity. Glad you didn’t let him go and just buffeted him with FACTS, Trump’s own words. And, that you didn’t let him pivot to whataboutism trying to trash Biden when he called about TRUMP. Great work.

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So Brian listens to your show Michaelangelo and Fox New? Wow, he’s truly conflicted as well as delusional in believing the economy is great with Depression-like unemployment. To live in such a vacuum is mind-boggling.

I lived and worked as an IT contractor in Hong Kong from March 1997 to November 1999. It’s always fascinating to hear Trump and other politicians comment on China when their only experience is a handful of posh diplomatic trips and business transactions. President Xi is playing Trump and will continue to do so. Particularly since our President is indebted to him. Trump can’t afford to tick off China. He could get away with his shenanigans in his own little world but once he decided to take his amateur act to the world stage, he stepped wayyyyyy out of his league. The ass-kissing will continue because the consequences to Trump are costly, literally.

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Sounds like another one of those "I got mine, screw you" types of right-wingers.

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Folks really don't read and just get stuck with what they heard months ago. How can anyone think Trump is great - especially say the word great? I really think Trump has dementia - not using it as an excuse for bad behavior - but based on his behavior (aside from the narcissistic parts). He is the worst POTUS ever - treats everyone horribly. Sad....I just hope we vote him out and not have the media play like "so so" going to win and then bang - we got an idiot. Keep up the good work Michael. Thanks

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It’s tragic how these people latch on to being fed garbage. I really hope we can find a way past all this.

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Let's face it Michelangelo, The Right Wing Nuts all suffer horribly from ED; Electoral Dysfunction!

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