Sep 13, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

It is terrible. What a horrible story. It infuriates me to hear the awful repercussions of politicized pandemic disinformation in America. I watched a couple of videos of insane anti-mask people being hauled off airliners, and people rolling on the floor fighting at airports - that is it, no way am I going to fly with the fear of lunatics in airports and on board going crazy in mid-flight. And the insane GOP Governors… willfully ignorant. And it goes on and on… Michelangelo great show, but upsetting reality. Again I thank you for confronting the issues and problems we face with intelligence.

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Sep 13, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm so glad you posted this one. I've been talking about it since the other day. It's stunning...and cathartic. It synthesizes this moment in such a righteously angry way. Love it!

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I’m a very empathetic person, but have lost the ability to feel anything for the ignorant amongst us. They’re listening and believing lies, and are paying the ultimate price.

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Wow, Linda, I feel ya. The Covidiots have sealed their fate, but I refuse to allow them to seal mine. I have practically been a hermit even after my two shots. They are messing it up for the rest of us, and will get no pity from me. either. I do not go out much at all and when I do I double mask and glove. Stay six feet away from me! I am tired and angry about the stupid Covidiots and hope they all die of horse paste poising.

And what is up with the unions representing the Covidiots? The NYC Fed. of Teachers, the union at Electric Boat, a government contractor in New London, CT and dozens more are taking up the cause of the unvaccinated! WTF?

As for me, no Broadway shows, no concerts, not much social interaction, none of that until Covid is conquered. I won't see any family or friends who are not vaccinated, and even then, it's done safely. I hate the RepubliKKKan party for politicizing a public health emergency which is decimating their own base. Great strategy for winning. What a bunch of fucktards.

P.S. I love you, too, Michelangelo, you have been a hero to me for decades. Thank you for keeping truth alive.

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How awful! I feel unvaccinated people could have prevented their illness and maybe have infected many other people. I have no sympathy for them and feel hospitals should treat them last.

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Oh my heart goes out to Linda, hard to have sympathy for the antivaxxers, but they leave behind family, friends and coworkers, plus they expose countless healthcare workers and funerals home workers to COVID-19. Sigh.

❤️❤️ I love you too!


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Well, in all fairness, I think the same about people who don't use condoms for sex and get HIV. I went through all this in the early 1980s.

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Linda's story regarding her family is unbelievable. There are no words that I can think of as I try to understand the rationale of the non-vaccinated. What infuriates me are the GOP Governors (and others) who continue to spread false information along with screaming at the present Administration with some nonsense about having their freedom taken away are the very ones who received the vaccinations early on (along with their families) and if by some chance they become sick they are able to receive the monoclonal antibodies which is potentially life saving!!

What has happened to our country? We sure need to stay awake and vote, vote, vote!!!!!

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Sad. Check out Reddit r/HermanCainAward for page after page of similar stories with no end in sight from these Cultists.

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Linda related a dreadfully sad story, one that needs to be broadcasted loudly and clearly throughout the red states. Her story really demonstates the damage that tRump , De Santis , Abbott etc.have inflicted on their gullible supporters. When will they revive their deserved justice.? When will these states wake up and send these politicians to political oblivion? It is a tragedy that these willing political victims have caused so much collateral damage to those around them.

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My empathy for raging anti-vaxxers is non-existent. They are so senseless and selfish. I doom-scroll the posts on the subreddits "r/HermanCainAward" and "r/COVIDAteMyFace". There are so many of these idiots leaving behind a wake of destruction and orphaned children. It makes my blood boil!

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I have no tolerance for the unvaccinated. My symphony to Linda and the rest of the family who are now left with a mess, and to others in the same situation.

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