May 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This is the whole fuckin' Magat population! Ignorant fools who would rather believe the shit they hear through Fox & Fiends - and not question it - than do any kind of quick look for the facts. It blows my mind! Keep up your good work, Michelangelo.

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I almost choked on my water when I head that idiot call Biden a dictator! He’s nothing but a Faux news watching tRump cultists and I love when you give it to them like you did!

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May 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

LOL! If you were to combine all these clips together into one big FailMontage, here’s the background music that should start every time they utter their BS:


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May 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Suggestion...Next time a caller does something similar, ask him to list all the "dictator moves" Biden has done. See if he even can name any. I swear these people just hear something someone says and just believes it without any investigation. Scary stuff in a democracy.

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May 6, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What they complain about is what they do; therefore, their complaints are their projections.

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If Tim doesn't listen to the news, how does he know Biden is "being a dictator" signing Executive Orders? Tim is as full of it as they come. And whenever there is a Democratic president, the usual tropes: "dictator, socialism, police abolished in neighborhoods, coming for your guns, raising your taxes, persecuting Christians" get trotted out.

Republicans offer nothing but endless idiotic culture wars designed to get Tim pulled in, vote against his self-interest and let their hands go deeper into his pockets and impose their rule, not governance, on him.

Laughable, but also sickening that there are so many Tims and the GOP banks on that.

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How can anyone be stupid enough to say they don't listen to news but then attempt to correct you on the news?

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I think many have stopped thinking and believe any old junk they hear on Faux News. It's easier than using brain cells.

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I am always amazed & puzzled that these Repugnant cult followers actually call in to the show.... and have their ignorance highlighted by Michelangelo. Freud would have something interested to say about their “motivation” & impaired psychological state.

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He probably listens/watches FOX, Bongino, et al, none of which qualifies as news. Rational folks would put it the Fiction or Fantasy categories.

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WOW! Trumper Tim trying desperately, futilely to rebut you says "I don't listen to the news anymore because it's all slanted to the left, because it's all bullshit... I'm fed up with the whole system." But as you point out Michelangelo, he has no argument because he has no real information, no knowledge of anything, just generalized angst and the desire to lash out. So he picks you and your show, it just blows my mind that these people call you just to whine! I just love how you so easily dismiss them. So entertaining.

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Thanks Craig and we do need to have some laughs at their expense -- and it kind of diminishes them and makes us realize we can beat them.

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Mikey, I love 💘 you. Thank you for what you do each and every day.

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Michaelangelo, you are soooooo good in handling these maroons. You are far kinder than I'd be if someone called my radio show, complained about something, and then revealed himself to be an uneducated buffoon who doesn't watch the news. OMG!!!! These people make my brain want to explode!

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haha! I always think i'm losing it too much. It's funny that people tell me I'm being kind. Thank you!

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Anything you can do to pressure them is worth it! I think also getting people in Arizona to call, and also putting pressure on your own senators to pressure these two is a great idea.

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