Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Next time someone throws out "I don't believe in gay marriage because of the Bible," ask them if they believe people should be able to divorce. Jesus actually said something about THAT.

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They have made every exception in the book, but you're right.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Why is it always racist people who believe they are the experts at defining parameters of racism? I wonder how Billy would explain lynchings. Were those something a child wouldn’t understand unless they were told they were heinous acts of racism? Or would he explain it as a pretend game Black people liked to play?

Can’t fix ignorance and stupidity when it sinks to Billy’s level.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Notice how these RW nutjobs do this whole default/infallibility BS without any evidence. Sort of like how they say that a real Trump supporter wouldn't raid the capitol.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

That big ol' Trump sign next to the gallows begs to differ.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Keep up the great work Mike. I love it when you call them out. Thanks for keeping me sane these years of Trump.

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Thanks Tony -- and now you're senator is driving us nuts! I'll keep hitting out the hypocrisy.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Why is it the "I don't believe in...." bigots have no problem with their beliefs affecting tens of thousands of lives. The blind arrogant egocentricity of them is always shocking. I don't believe in most organized religions, but I'm not on a crusade to shut down the neighborhood church. I will confront the neighborhood church when it overreaches into other peoples' lives.

I remember Reagan well. The cult of personality that brought us Trump had its seeds in Saint Ronnie who let thousands of gay men die of AIDs, and who brought the term "Welfare Queen" into the political arena. He was a first class bigot. No amount of post-mortem hagiography by conservatives will erase the blood on his hands or the suffering he caused both communities.

Children are sharp. They are little sponges. If a storybook has a subliminal message that someone or something is inferior or "bad", you can 100% count on that message reaching its target. Bigots are fighting for the right to poison theirs and everyone else's kids' minds, while the list of books they want banned says everything about their own pathetic fears.

Good job cutting through Billy's bs.

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Thanks Patty. You are so right about the subliminal messages. And i think he knows that -- it's their whole point in using stereotyped images rather than saying it out loud.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Also in addition to what you just mentioned, Saint Ronnie funded mass murder in Central America via the Contras, along with dumping drugs in American cities to fund these illegal wars.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

the Sneetches is the BEST!!!

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My god Reagan began his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi and during the rally said "I favor states' rights." and from there made his "Welfare Queens" comments and as well spoke of "Big bucks in the checkout line buying lobsters, etc." This is not to mention his statement to Nixon about the African delegation to the United Nations. Billy doesn't like being labeled a racist by the broader public, but I guarantee you when in the company of fellow racist he's peformatively racist and leaves no doubt among his contemporaries that he's as much of a racist as they are, maybe even more so. His ilk are all over the south which I know of being from the south and seeing their sort my whole life. They exist throughout the Republican Party. And the great irony is that nowadays Reagan couldn't win the presidency because he wouldn't be adequately racist enough for them.

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"And the great irony is that nowadays Reagan couldn't win the presidency because he wouldn't be adequately racist enough for them." So, so true Roy! That's how extreme they've become.

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Michelangelo I'm curious why these people call into your show. They do not seem like great thinkers who have slick arguments to make their bigotry more more palatable and in my opinion you humiliate them every time.

Also Reagan referred to Black people as n*gros to a group of Black school children in response to a question from a little Black girl. That happened on camera and in public at the white house. Reagan is no measure of not being racist.

I've been kind of shocked that the GOP has spent the past 3 days raging about Mr potato head, Dr Seuss, and NIW Neanderthals. These are not serious people but I do find them dangerous if this is the path they choose to continue on.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The Trump cult are using this cancel culture BS as a way to deflect from the fact that they're orange lord & savior's inaction on COVID-19 has killed 500k+ people.

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Weren't they canceling Target not so long ago for requiring masks in store? Oh, and then there's Nike, Starbucks and a host of other special snowflake cancel targets.

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Jeff, "Cancel culture" is their new "War on Christmas". That side offers nothing new, just generate the latest pearl clutching faux outrage to keep their base motivated by fear mongering. And all around their talk circles, they beat it to death until nothing more can be milked, and then create their next pearl clutcher latest outrage. Repeat ad nauseam.

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And before the "War on Christmas", there was "Those damn hippies", and a decade earlier "The Red Scare".

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Klo they have nothing else to do. Even in the Covid bill, they're just tacking on these cultural things -- they have no policies. Just grievances.

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Seems to me the problem is getting dumber and worse since trump left a vacuum. I would like to leave my apartment one day without the fear of dying from the virus. We do not have time for this nonsense.

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*Now not NIW

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Although this is probably frustrating at times, I get PURE PLEASURE and laughter listening to you talk to these folks. They always want to state their point but have no reference to any facts. Thank you for the daily entertainment 😂

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Thanks Felix -- part of of it really is about empowerment through pleasure, so I'm happy to see you recognizing that. We need to laugh at the absurdity of these people and reinforce that there's no there there as we take them on.

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Felix, I couldn't agree more. Michaelangelo's takedowns are absolutely brilliant! You'd think they'd have the sense to stop calling, but racists and bigots are senseless so... 🤷🏾‍♀️😁

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"Transactuals." Jesus Christ. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, AND stupid as hell.

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Michael you weren't too hard on Billy, but to coin an old phrase, "You can't fix stupid". He is never going to understand how racist it is to say things that are hurtful to others in a pluralistic society as you pointed out. We have dumbed down our society since Reagan, who took away free tuition from CA state residents at UC campuses when he was governor and he even said "We don't want people to be educated because they won't vote Republican". I'm afraid it is going to take generations to get people educated to the dangers and pain caused by racism and bigotry.

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yes! And there's got to be a whole new education on Reagan. I think everyone should watch the docu-series on Showtime, The Reagans.

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Absolutely, remember this is the "saint" (to R's) who didn't say the words AIDS until Magic Johnson was HIV positive! Or what is Rock. He presided over 50K gay men's deaths while in the Oval office. Another lie is that like most R's he hated taxes,but he only presided over one of the largest tax RISES in modern history! There was and is no shame in that party when it comes to Human Rights, they don't exist to them.

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Your statement to Billy "You said you know what it's like to be down. You don't know what it's like to be down! You're all about putting people down!" is one of your best in this segment, Michelangelo! People who use their religion to justify their hatred and bigotry is certainly why so many have turned their back on organized religion. Another great show!

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Thanks Craig. It's interesting that he never actually explained how he was "down" -- never said what it was. It was such a lie.

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I wonder why he even called in. Good job batting down the nuttiness.

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It always amazes me that they call -- I can't figure it out. Why do they listen? But I guess I'm glad they are, as it means there are others listening and maybe some change.

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deletedMar 5, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile
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Ha, ha, right Rick? We know the old "scrolling through the stations line. Is this guy like some of the people up your way?

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