I heard this. Some people do not realize how racist they sound. They don’t care. I had a Trumper tell me racism is on both sides. I laughed at him. Gave him examples of Republican racism. It is pure ignorance.

Racism is imbedded in our society and it will always be, but more and more people are seeing the damage it causes. I’m embarrassed by my Baby Boomers who have become racist Trumpers. We fought so hard for equality and freedom in the 60’s and 70’s.

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Wow...just unbelievable vile racist lunatic. And we know there are millions of American men today who agree with everything white supremacist Steve from Philly said, and no doubt some of them are on the police force. I grew up during the 1960s in white suburban Pittsburgh with racist parents, knowing they were wrong, vowing as a young teen to never be like that, hoping for a better world. It is five decades later and I am frustrated we still have to deal with such racists. I LOVE hearing you call them out Michelangelo!

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Thank you Craig! The anger flows out on these.

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This caller said the song was humorous that Rush would play. I'm pretty sure this caller does not find the trump parody songs that Stephanie Miller plays that funny. It probably makes him angry when she plays those songs.

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To use an antiquated, now demeaning word on a song is racist

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Ciao' Commendatore! Nice take-down.

Steve suffers from a severe neurological condition called "Philly cheese-steak for brains"! Year after year of Mozzarella plaque building up within his inner cranium causing a regressive psychotic reaction; not unlike The Donald, hooked on his "Big Mac smack".

When I first heard that Old Bidet breath, Flush Limbo croaked, I did a River Dance, Italian style![Think Tarantella meets Seizure Romero]. Not easy for a Septuagenarian with two flat feet encumbered with hammer toes, bunions and bone spurs [4-F all the way]....sound familiar?

Seriously, if Fat Bastard and Honey Boo Boo had a baby, they would name it Rush Hudson Hawk Limpballs da Turd. Who names their son Rush.......Geddy Lee maybe?

Why not, it's what he got everytime he popped a fistful of Oxycontin followed by a flagon of single malt scotch.

This lying sack o' shit amassed a net worth of 1/2 Billion dollars on the backs of the middle class by alienating democracy, the rule of law and order and supplanting truth with outrageous racist lies to perpetuate the "golden years" of Ronnie von Rayguns [ya know, can't hear, can't see, can't pee.....those years!] another POtuS!

Who’s next? Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Hugh Hewitt, Glen Beck?

It's time for a high strung, ultra progressive, liberal talk-show provocateur to rise up from the ashes of Rush's cigars like the Phoenix to replace "The Mouth from the South" and begin reversing this Bizzaro World of spin cycled noise for news! Any takers? Perhaps you, Signore Signorile? All in favor........say aye ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores......sing don't cry!

To Rush, I say:

RIP......Rest In Propaganda

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Haha! They have a whole factory of them ready to take over. A hate factory! But I’m happy to take them on.

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I graduated from Rutgers in Camden in 1984. I nor my white classmates felt we would be victims of violent crimes by Blacks. A couple of years ago I transferred through the Camden light rail station to catch the Hi Speedline and I saw unfortunate strung-out addicts sitting there and not one was Black. For Steve to claim violent black people are walking around Camden attacking whites is complete bullshit!

I was the only African American female in my junior high and high school in the 70s, in an upper middle class town in southern NJ. I had to laugh through, pretend to ignore, suppress my anger and hurt at some of the racist incidents I faced. All just to fit in and have “friends”. Ditto for 40 years in racist Corporate America.

I’m tired of racist whites dismissing people like Limbaugh, and their insistence that we as Americans of color are too sensitive, blowing things out of proportion etc. They’re so bold and arrogant with their racist views, ignorance and stupidity. Yet they always need a mob, white hoods and cloaks, calling into a progressive news show where they can’t be seen or something to hide behind. They are pathetic, stupid weak people.

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Yes, I know nothing about Camden but this is a tired racist trope. And then the other caller saying the big problem with Camden now is white youth on drugs -- I don't know the facts but that wouldn't surprise me.

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I'm a boomer also. In the 60s, I thought we could change the world. Today I'm a rather cynical senior female. Trump brought the lowest form of humanity out to the polls. I am afraid Trump isn't going away. My only hope is that Trump, Hawley, Bobert, Greene, Graham and the rest of the GQP form their own party, and a new moderate GOP rises from the ashes. Time will tell.

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I'm kind of glad I didn't hear this call in. I'm so over these people saying they are just kidding around, or Limbaugh was just joking. I'm happy you put him in his place. Being racist is being a bully. And to celebrate bullies is wrong!

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I really hate it when these RethugliCON callers lie about what we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears with regards to this horrible POS pigman. One thing I'll never forget were the wars he cheered for that have killed and wounded thousands of troops and civilians all for the sake of giving him and his buddies billions of dollars in no-bid contracts during this so-called war on terror.

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Right, and then to call them out with the truth

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I had heard this conversation from Steve. You handled him well and he deserves to be forever known as Steve "The White Supremacist" from Philly.

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Ha yes! Thx

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You tore his ass up and he deserved every second of it. That was INFURIATING to listen to.

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I wonder if Steve from Philly was part of that vigilante mob in Fishtown last year?

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Trying to defend the indefensible, yet another Repugnican trait that we need to stamp out. They're like cockroaches in the kitchen when you turn on the lights, they scatter. This guy got his just rewards, it is hard to understand what has happened to this country, but it is a pathetic issue. Thanks Michael for calling him out on it. What is really sad to me is that people like this actually can't see their racism! That makes them dangerous.

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And they not only can't see it, but they are so defensive about holding on to it, that they have to call a radio program to deny it exists.

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Feb 19, 2021
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Yes, Rick, but he was still hiding behind the radio -- a big man calling up a radio program.

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