Steve from Philly thinks we’re just spoiling all his “fun,” and that there’s no “proof” Limbaugh was a racist.
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Steve in Philadelphia called in to my SiriusXM program to say it was wrong of me to call Rush Limbaugh, who died this week at the age of 70, a racist. And then Steve continually tried to change the subject or engage in whataboutism.
When I forced him to respond to some of the racist things that Limbaugh said — which are well-documented — he began to pick and choose what he would excuse.
Then at one point, he defended Limbaugh playing a song over and over on his show — “Barack the Magic Negro” — by saying it wasn’t racist, but rather "we were just having fun making fun of people.”
Steve then defended Limbaugh’s vile smearing of African-Americans as violent criminals by saying, “Go take a walk in Camden [New Jersey].” His point I guess was to recklessly charge that Black people will rob or attack white people who go into downtown Camden — though, as one caller later responded, the problem in Camden these days seems to be “white youth strung out on drugs.”
This was so bigoted and disgusting, as the people who are in most danger while walking, driving, jogging, bicycling and just about any other activity are Black, brown and Asian people, who’ve been attacked and killed by thugs on the streets based on pure hate —and, in the case of Black Americans in particular, have been killed by white police officers over and over again.
This one really pissed me off, and I angrily just called him an “asshole” a couple of times, using some choice four letter words, before hanging up on him and then explaining to listeners why this was pure white supremacy.
As I noted to the listeners, Steve will now be identified in our caller ID to the show as “Steve the white supremacist.”
Listen in and let me know your thoughts!
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