On a subject kind of relating to this, I’ve noticed the new thing is for them to say fascism is the same as Socialism. I think what they’re doing is, they’ve been looking like fascist lately, so they’re preemptively going to turn it around and say Fascism is the same as Socialism and since the Democrats or socialist we’re also fascist.

The political games they play we’re getting even more obvious, unfortunately they work.

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That's been the case for awhile. EVERYTHING bad in society is on the Left (Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Authoritarianism....). The Right side? Nothing but goodness, and light, and Freedom! It's quite freeing for them. They have no self-discipline now. There are no limits for them, no boundary that tells them "This is too far." It's very scary to have to deal with if they can't see how far to go.

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F-bombs and all, you gave this cultist exactly what he deserved, bringing in the racist bs about BLM. I hear it all the time from people in this current culture of bothsidesism and inevitably, they're white people who don't stand a chance of a police officer compressing their necks until dead. So it's infuriating. One was massive demonstrations against police violence directed towards black Americans, the other was a pre-planned violent attempt to overthrow our government, orchestrated by Trump and his co-conspirators. Lies are all these cultists have because Nancy Pelosi adeptly destroyed any hope for deflecting shenanigan clips from the likes of Jordan at the hearing. So all they can do is mock officers for becoming emotional, lie about BLM, bray about whataboutism and deflect. That's all these cultists have. And no one is obligated to show them respect.

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A Boogoloo Boy (white supremacist) killed a federal officer in Oakland and Sheriff in Santa Cruz. Let’s be real BLM is not comparable those terrorists trying to overthrow a free and fair election. Over 90% BLM protest was peaceful. No critical thinking skills!

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You are AWESOME Michelangelo. Callers like 'VJ' are intentional spreaders of disinformation and lies. I don't buy his act for a minute, his frantic 'it seems like nobody cares!' about BLM violence, and the blatantly false equivalence he was selling with the terrorist insurrection of GOP Trump cultists on January 6th, what BS! Love your responses, love the show, this is why I listen to your show and support it!!! BRAVO

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VJ isn't an African American. First lie....nothing he said after that LIE was worth continuing the convo....🤡🤡

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Notice how the caller never got into specifics about what he read. Talk about obfuscation!

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Michaelangelo I just love how you rip these jackasses a new one then end with a very cool calm and collected "thank you for your call today" 🤣

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I'm not so sure it would be such a bad thing for Congress to investigate the rioting following the BLM protests this summer in many of our cities. I think it might shine a bright light on lack of opportunities and inadequate education in our schools for young people, systemic racism, and police brutality. But if an investigation did take place, it should have nothing to do with, and be in no way connected to the January 6 insurrection hearings.

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VJ isn't an African American. First lie....nothing he said after that LIE was worth continuing the convo....🤡🤡

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Conservative-go-to...."What about"-ism. Federal crimes versus Local crimes. What's not to get?

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Hey Mike I feel you, when it come to dealing with people who live in vacuum..You allow them to speak, says more about you, giving time to speak their..uh uhm..mind..keep up the great work..

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That guy was so frustrated you could just hear it in his voice, “why don’t you agree with me!”

You and I, and most liberals, have read both sides of this story, i’ve heard everything he said over and over again in my discussions with people, it is nothing but what-aboutisum. You’re probably the first time he’s tried to talk to somebody about it other than his friends. They riots we’re not federal issues they were state and local issues, they should be investigated by the state local authorities, and they were. I think that’s where his frustration was coming from, some of these people are logical people but they let themselves be isolated, it has to be frustrating to realize that you’re wrong on something, you were so sure about.

That’s the difference between the true Trump supporter and everybody else, they don’t want to learn, they don’t care. Let’s hope this guy isn’t one of them and will learn from your discussion.

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Could either you, Michael, or someone here, please address"Deferred Prosecution"


I am NOT suggesting that I agree with your caller (I don't). But they are making a case and I want to understand the limits.

While I think the comparison is very weak, they don't

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They make no case. They are saying the same thing as this guy was. BLM was NOT trying to overthrow the government. So they weren't tracked by cell. They weren't followed on social media, etc. THESE PEOPLE were trying to infiltrate our political and election process. These people committed FEDERAL crimes, so FEDERAL agencies were/are involved, and the force of the Federal laws are on them. Completely different than Minneapolis, etc. laws and MN state laws, where their state prosecutors decide.

Boebert et al want Federal situation to apply to local situational crimes. She's proposing Fascism by wanting Feds over all crimes and prosecutions.

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I understand you and I agree with you. But THEY are making the point that BLM, in taking over some buildings in the northwest, did commit federal crimes. They are claiming that the very act of protest was an overthrow. And they can point to quotes from people who said as much.

I do NOT think one should equate BLM with Jan6, but they don't agree.

I do not see this turning out well. I wish I could say your response assuaged my worries, but I cannot

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