Its easy for someone who doesn't deal with Trumplings daily to criticize the way you handled the lady. Hell, EVERY SINGLE TIME I've myself attempted to have a conversation with Trumplings I had to shut it down. I've NEVER met folk as obtuse, obstinate, mulish, recalcitrant, resistant, immune to ideas other than theirs, inflexible, mendacious, pettyfogging, disagreeable, temperamental, adversarial, irritable, irritating, quick to anger, uncivil, ungracious and unable to change their minds as Trumplings. Even the religiou$ fanatics I've had the misfortune to talk with were easier to deal with than the average Trumpling I've talked with.

That said, this lady was the "best behaved" & most "polite" (amazing) Trumpling I've ever heard. Someone who miraculously hasn't ever spoken to a Trumpling may say perhaps Michelangelo was a bit too short patienced dealing with her. I myself won't venture a 2nd guess. Michelangelo talks to Trumplings daily. The man is amazing. I wouldn't last 1hr doing his job & I bet 99.99% of normal people couldn't handle talking to Trumplings daily. Dealing constantly with Trumplings is a thankless task that would lead most doing the task to jump off a cliff or wish Trumplings to jump off a cliff.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Michelangelo, let me start out by saying I am an avid listener of your show, and my very Catholic almost 90 year old mother always asks me to tune into it whenever we are in the car. Did you get animated? Probably so. Should we all try to listen to each other even if we disagree? Absolutely. But what I see as the problem with this listener's approach is that she seemed to be trying to obfuscate. This is what the extreme right has learned to do so well. They use word salad, to lull us into accepting their hate speech. They also love to use straw man arguments to surreptitiously push their lies and hate and they need to be called on it.

I think Twitter has done much more harm than good to our public debate. But the bottom line, it is a private company and they can choose to run it any way they want to (within legal boundaries). And I and your listener have the right not to follow it. What she cannot ask us to do is condone abhorrent right wing behavior. No, I do not think revenge porn should be in the public sphere, and if she 'maybe' wants to see dick pix, she should just rent a porn and not expect that Twitter cater to her every fetish.

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She gave me a headache! Good on you, Michelangelo, for trying to keep the focus on the real issues.

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Hi Mike, I just cannot see how you are able to have a discussion with these folks and stay so calm.. You deserve all the accolades, at 71 I just don’t have your patience... you are the bomb and I’m so proud to call you a fellow traveler and friend... Fred

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This brings me to an interesting issue; I have just read Anand Giridharadas new book, "The Persuaders". One idea that came up was from an activist with experience in deprogramming cult members. This person's claim was that if you appear to be critiquing the cultists information source rather than the person themselves, it will work better. If it is pointed out that they have been duped, that they are not unintelligent, it will register and help to change their minds. I'm not sure, especially since so many MAGA people do not trust the more truthful sources. Any thoughts?

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They can be smart, on occasion, but Michelangelo you are always one step ahead of where they're trying to go. She's a whiner, just like the orange monster. Clearly she is on the white nation side and she showed that when she said "African" toward the end of the call...fantastic.

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You were right when you said that you have no idea why she called. I don't know what her point was either. Arguing just for the sake of arguing.

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I thought you handled that call just fine, Michelangelo. I remember screaming at my phone, "what is she even talking about" during Andrea's call and I think her whole purpose was to just try and deflect, just like they do online all the time.

She had no point so I could see why you would have been completely frustrated with her. You asked very pointed questions and she refused to answer any of them and continued to deflect and distract. Right from the jump when you asked about Nick Fuentes, her response was something like "I don't see that". OMG - REALLY??!? You don't see how Fuentes spreads hate and promotes white supremacy? WOW, lady - you need to wake up.

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Michelangelo; many times I have tried to have a conversation with these who are infected and MAGA CULTISTS. Trying to be patient with them is impossible. You have a great show and many's the time you have gone out of your way to be polite and patient while these people spout nonsense. I am sick and tired of trying to be nice to people who suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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I heard this live, talk about word salad. She was all over the place, incomprehensible. You’d ask if rain was wet and she’d want to talk about possums. I just couldn’t! Lol. You handled as well as you could with an incoherent blatherer

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I think you nailed it in that she was unsure what her point was. I am not sure she made comments that rose to the level of dropping F bombs but I do not do your job and cannot fully appreciate the frustrations that crop up either.

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Omg I was listening to your podcast with Andrea. Love that you were not having it with the crazy talk. Love it and love what you are doing. Your clarity is amazing. You’re redirecting the conversations of people who are brain washed. I’m voting for you for Saint hood. I could not take the madness God bless

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