Couldn't agree more. When are Biden and the Dems gonna bring out that old saw the GOP used to use: "If you don't like it here, why don't you move to Russia?" LOL "If you think Vlad is so great, get your ass outta here, go to MuthaFucka Russia."

#TraitorTrump. Fucka Carlson, those craven members of Congress like MTG, Hawley and the rest of those scumbags should be airlifted to the Kremlin today and dumped without a parachute.


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VEGNYC, love that last paragraph !!

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I sincerely hope Carlson is arrested and tried for sedition. Speaking to Russians with Trumpish propaganda is reason enough. Greene and Cawthorn should be next.

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Better yet, how about arresting the Murdoch family as well?

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Very good idea.

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The reason so many Russians support Putin is that many are without the internet and only have the TV -- so many live in the past and under the lies of the state.

The reason so many Americans support Trump is stupidity.

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In a way, it's the same for Fox watchers as for the Russians with TV only. They are also living in the glorious past of "white supremacy" and being lied to by Trump's state TV. Plus stupidity.

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I’ve always said that Fox Not News was and is Trump’s State TV

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I’ve heard it said that there is also an age divide in Russia like here and Faux News propaganda, the older Russians watch and believe the state TV propaganda and the younger are more up to the minute via multiple on-line sources.

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That makes a lot of sense, considering who is protesting and who is on video taking Putin's side in the invasion. The tv disinformation is common to the US and Russia, the targeted audience the same. I don't believe any of it is coincidence.

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Michael. You did a wonderful job today connecting Putin, Trump and the right wing. You would have to be blind not to see what’s happening. The Dem’s need to get off their ass and portray this front and center. Every time they have an opportunity.

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Looks like most of the GOPer cockroaches scattered away when the light shined on them. The rest of them such as MTG or as I like to call her "Cro-mag Karen" and Madison "Hitler Youth" Cawthorn are just gaslighting the hell out of this situation. The Democratic party need to ramp up the negative ads, and to hell with those random folks giving this kumbaya let's be more positive and get along BS! I'm not going to be kind to those on the right who want to kill us.

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Jeff C, You know what? MTG does look rather like a muscle-y sister of stone aged Barney Rubble. “Cro-Mag Karen” is good descriptor!! Yes!! No more pool noodle to jack knife fight mamby pambyness. I shall repeat, D’s in charge must take “Lincoln Project” hard hitting modus operandi and simply duplicate, working from their template. How bloody hard can that be??!!!

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BTW Michelangelo, is there any chance you'll interview a journalist who is working on an article about how the Koch company is throwing a fit about Russian sanctions affecting their business?

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Has anyone looked at the endgame of the burgeoning fascist/authoritarian movement here in former usa yet? Two things stick out readily here: 1. Violence will arrive sooner than later and 2. Wytpipo yearn for what Russia has already: a white ethno state. Demonizing the supporters of democracy with violent rhetoric is just the softening up before the guns come into play. The gaslighting by trumpanzee has had it's desired effect: keeping the gop underfoot so that they suck all the oxygen out of the conversation. Undergirding all of this is the apparent MSM and timid Democrats failing to fight fire with fire. Putin is the latest best example of where we are headed...

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