Dizzy ditz. Talked in circles until I also was dizzy. Best thing was you standing up for facts are facts, it’s not “everyone has an opinion” and there are no real facts. For millions of people, KellyAnne Conway still lives on in their heads “Well, those are ‘alternative facts’”. I don’t know how this nation digs it’s way back to facts are indeed facts. “Truth is”.

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Dizzy is so right, Rick! Debbie was as dizzy as some of the Lucille Ball portrayals from the olden days! I commend Mike on his patience getting through that call!

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Michelangelo - I am so grateful that you deal with these nutbags so that we don't have to. I was screaming "it's a cult" most of the time I was listening to Debbie. It is really is bizarre.

I was so glad when you called her out about her repeated use of "well, It's my opinion". I hear that a lot too and push back when I can stating that opinions are not facts. trump is a traitor to our country - that is a fact or how the GOP does NOTHING helpful or positive for the country - that is a fact. They can all have their opinion thinking he is not or that the GOP does help the country but at the end of the day, most of know that he is in fact, a traitor and the GOP does nothing to help the country.

I will never understand how a huge swath of this country is just completely oblivious to what is happening with these fascist pro-authoritarian GOPers and how they're trying to overthrow our democracy and they certainly don't care to know or learn. They hear what they want to hear and they also truly believe that the GOP is serving them and know what's best for them when it's the complete opposite. Like Dean Obeidallah always says, "they'd rather boo Biden than cheer for the country".

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I agree with you, but I hope to respond to your opening sentence of your third paragraph.

I think these people have always been here. All Trump did was make empower them--and normalize insulting people.

Furthermore, the internet has given them a bubble chamber. Now and then, I troll Newsmax and, invariably, I am blocked. That leads me to imagine that, from THEIR perspective, everyone agrees with them (they block the dissenters and create a false world).

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Totally agree with you. I know someone who has been blindly voting Republican down the ticket her entire life (she's in her 60s now). While trump was being impeached the first time, I remember saying to her that Mitch McConnell was the one actually wielding more power as he could have ensured the Senate indicted trump but he didn't. Her response to me: "who is Mitch McConnell?". Oblivious....

I do think though that the cult aspect seems way more on display these days but to your point, the internet has helped with that and helps them all live in denial so much more but now electronically.

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Hello. I’m considering how the internet has gathered the spinning eye crazies together all across the nation. They used to be more harmless tiny bunches on their own here and there. Now massed into significant numbers and are wielding influence, getting crap done. For results, just look at MTG of Georgia and how she is a major fund raiser, they are not kicking her rear to the curb. Boebert of Colorado getting in. Ugh, sigh, curses, bang head on wall. Is there any way out of this psychedelic kaleidoscope of tripping colors churning all around us, back to reality? Time will tell I guess.

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Good Afternoon Michelangelo, I listened to that call yesterday and like many others I just about drove off the road listening to this woman. I feel compelled to give you kudos for not blowing up at this woman.. you have more self control than 90% of the folks I know, including myself.. Good job and keep swinging that hammer on these deplorables. Thanks for all you do.

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Taught Middle School and High School in Texas with women just like this. Voices like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths but filled with such hate and saying such hateful things about their students - especially students of color - during our team meetings or department meetings. I had to listen to them in the copy machine room too. I questioned them every damn time and they were so offended. Was often the most unpopular teacher in the room at those. Many of my students loved me for what they said was me being "so real." My colleagues didn't. Always dress up your hate in a sweet voice and fluttering lashes - I just couldn't go along with that. These are dangerous women and are finding their way onto our school boards and public office within our communities. They "sound" great but say nothing, then let out their hate in what they consider their "safe spaces." Watch out for them.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

People like her managed to get Black History Month merchandise removed from a Target store in Maryland because they found the Black Panther movie merchandise "offensive" or it made them "uncomfortable". Thankfully, this error was corrected by an African-American who went to management after learning this. Sadly, Target acquiesed in the first place and others who were not African-American didn't complain or question it.

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CF. I’ve heard that oft said “Bless your heart” from the Bible Belt is more than just a bless your heart.

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I suggest a new title for this report, "Debbie Does Denial."

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After a couple of brain cells perished because the psychic defenses weakened listening to her idiotic rambling. I get she must defend her tribe (cult) but whatever education she learned was not retained. I thank the higher power for your attempt to make sense but incoherent gibberish should be left on the side of the highway before you get to the debate hall.

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I was shaking my head the entire time listening to Debbie and thinking, WTF?! And what weak defenses of "I didn't hear that" or "I didn't know that", as if one can't have an opinion about it. That orange monster incited the insurrection, should never have been President and is not presidential in the least. Take Joe Biden today in his response to a reporter about the Republican governor of Florida after Hurricane Ian -- classy response! The orange one would have insulted him if he was a Democratic governor.

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This moron sounded like Sarah Palin’s twin sister. What a cretin.

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What a revolting, ignorant, airheaded little piece of shit. It makes me sick that I have to share a country and breathe the same air as assholes like her. If it sounds like I have no more empathy or understanding to offer to Cult 45 assholes who have lost their minds to Trump, it's because I don't. And Michaelangelo, it's not "sad." These cultist morons are a sick, dangerous and reprehensible disease. They make orcs look good.

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She is, like all of them, a sociopath.

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She literally blows off the bad just to make sure Trump is her hero

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"Can you talk to me now -- can you hear me?"

'Nuff said.

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That was my favorite part as well. Absolutely 'Nuff said..spot on.

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"I listen to you to hear all sides" is a YUGE!!! red flag.

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Usually it's "I'm a small businessman who just discovered your show and I like to listen to all sides but..." The "cha-ching" you hear is the caller earning his tip from some POS fascist call center supervisor.

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A couple of decades ago I took a sociology class that assigned the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" and it has served me well in understanding the Trump cult. The GOP created this monster, and now it has consumed the party. I live in the South, and I know for a fact that, given the chance, my neighbors would do anything for Trump, including locking me up or killing me, just for being a "lib'. We have been demonized. It's really sad and scary.

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Loved when she said Dems were 'destroying buildings' during BLM protests. Who was that again?!? The infamous Antifa?!? They think they're being slick, but always end up throwing in Faux News talking points. Michelangelo you have the patience of Job, thank you for all you do to keep 'the rest of us informed, my friend!

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Mike, I didn't know where else to put this comment, but I heard you say during the Thursday program regarding Hurricane Ian that under 25% of the people affected have flood insurance, although in most cases it "is only about $1,000/year". I don't think that's correct. I have friends living in Gulfport, MS, and after Hurricane Katrina the federal government mandated that homes within a certain distance from the Gulf had to pay at least $4,000 annually just for flood insurance. They were working-class African Americans, and sold their home and moved further north, away from the Gulf.

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