It's been interesting to see the reaction to this piece. We have to continue to push the media to use words -- like "genocide" -- that they're uncomfortable with even as such words tell the truth. It's been good to see people, and media critics, push the media on this using the piece. And thank you Larry Kramer.

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There seems to always come a time in every cult where the follows must die for their savior. Instead of the other way around oddly. I see this as no different than Jonestown on steroids. Frenzied followers retreating to there safe jungles of conspiratorial fake news, to their churches of false idols to mass deception. With no place left to go reality closing in, a last desperate gasp to control their misguided narrative by mass suicide on a grand societal scale. drinking the koolaid of hate and fear of the other one last time. They literally would rather die than find they have been fooled all along and not “believe” anymore. Let’s try to limit the collateral damage as much as possible sane Americans. It ain’t gonna be pretty and they ain’t going quietly like Jonestown. Oh & don’t forget to leave the whole GOP and not just a senator on the jungle (swamp) tarmac this election . Burry the GOP in November!

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No, it's not going to be pretty and you're right. Here is the Trump plan, according to the AP -- get every last hater out to vote and hope for the best. Problem I believe is there aren't enough of them and many more of us. But something to be focused on.


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Wrong hommie. So wrong. I can already see the tears. You’re in a bubble. Go for a drive in America. Trumps signs in yards as far as the eye can see.

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I can't help feeling more disgust for the "leader" of our country by the day. He literally doesn't have a soul or the capacity to feel any empathy for another human being. He was willing to risk the lives of these young and not so young people at the AZ rally just to prove to himself that his followers are willing to risk even their own lives to "adore" him. We are learning that quite a few younger people have died or experienced life altering damage due to coronavirus.

November can't come soon enough for me. Most people I know would crawl across broken glass to vote this vile person out of office and the complicit republicans as well. Luckily I won't have to because my state sends a ballot to every registered voter. It works well here. No fraud, that's a lie from folks who are afraid to let all of the people vote.

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California: yesterday Newsom went off on the counties. Will withhold funding if the curve doesn’t start slowing. My county now on a watch list and if, in two weeks we can’t get it together will be shut down again. And this, in a Blue state! We did start reopening too soon and have the cavalier nut jobs who won’t wear masks even though it is a state mandate. Trump is a monster who has made this so much worse than it could’ve been. Total inability to bring people together. Imagine if people were united. #WearADamnMask

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Part of me wonders if he wants to tear down the country to the point where he has everyone begging him for mercy so he can be re-elected as the Savior in Chief. But I don’t believe he’s that intelligent.

It feels like we’re in a real-life version of “Metropolis. Let’s remember Trump only cares about one thing: himself. Full stop. He could walk through a hallway lined with dying Covid patients and would only think how annoying it is that he doesn’t have a clear pathway and proceed to kick people. He is a monster posing as a human being.

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3,000 not 30,000

You should fix that.

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Reporting from Texas. Travis (Austin) county health official are now calling our curve a hockey stick. That is the shape of our curve. almost a straight line.

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What an asinine take. But of course you know that. You may have a leftist point of view, but comments such as this and the ‘substance’ which followed shows you’re a mere grifter contributing to the division of America. Trumps words.... often his thoughts.... are embarrassing. I’ll give you that. It’s because he often riffs and that’s when he’s at his best... and worse. But for you to take a comment like this and include GENOCIDE as To what his intentions are? Irresponsible, destructive, fear mongering, F’ing A’hole is what that makes you. If you took the time to step outta your fart smelling bubble you’d see he’s done so many good things despite being a blowhard and he’d done them for every demographic in America. America being the operative word there. Sure, I believe like you he’s a self-promoting narcissist and almost r dry lie he’s told had been to try and make himself and administration look good. I hate it. So what. It’s so apparent, it’s of no value. BUT I’ve seen him tell the BIG truth’s every si hole other president including Kennedy has lied about. How about excitedly telling a reporter how many billions of dollars we were gonna make selling bombs to the Saudi’s? Her jaw had to drop. I had to rewind and make sure I heard it right because my jaw certainly dropped. The Saudi’s are committing genocide against Yemen and he’s bragging on tv about how we’re killing it selling so many weapons to them (remember, the dollar is intrinsically pegged to oil and the Saudi agreement and OPEC soon after also agreeing to only accept US dollars for oil, and their investing of profits into the US Treasury essentially makes the world go ‘round.) Part of the agreement was to occasionally provide militar defense and weapon sales - that was Nixon so bitch at him & Kissinger for that, though at the time and even in retrospect, once we were forced off of the gold standard by LBJ’s idiotic insistence to fight an officially unwinnnable war. As opposed to a floating currency creating havoc over the world, the Saudi/OPEC deal was genius. It’s not good but we didn’t crash the plane. But I digress. Trump is a complete narcissist... but he just doesn’t hide it. Is Nancy Pelosi any better??She can’t even accept responsibility for her Salon visit! I know that’s small, but Nancy is a wicked witch with zero integrity and to further my point ALL BUT A VERY few politicians are just as arrogant, just as out of touch, just as. Irruption (some more thsn others.(Ahem Biden a as d crackhead Biden too among with Kerry & son) the only kids of presidents not treating American interests like their ATM is the Trump kids due to the scruitiny. Mush Ed is his own man, I don’t vouch for him. Not saying he’s corrupt, but everything else I’ve said here is true so I’m not taking a chance on him. Last message: PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO REALIZE THE ‘OTHER SIDE’, your countrymen only want to be left alone. We don’t like this intersectionslity crap, we like offensive jokes, and that doesn’t make one racist. So, so many of us love black folks and all other minorities. You have 99% of us all wrong. You’re gonna start a bloody regional civil war, which you will absolutely lose and sorrow will penetrate the mood of the barroom for decades. This is so senseless and it’s all because you guys let the media turn us against each other just as the powers that be ordered. You think these national uproars are organic? 103 days of American. Cities rioting over a man’s death we all immediately agreed was murderous? Bullshit. This was orchestrated and if you don’t search for news that may piss you off, you’re not getting the truth. I read both sides, in fact a NYTimes (degrading reputation for integrity) had an article showing how us toothless backwoods idiot right wingers (I’m a borderline libertarian/independent) actually read both sides of the news because we know the entire truth is be er within a single article but what’s tripping you guys up is the slick way left wing media tells a story while being FACTUAL but not TRUTHFUL. Think on that in the morning as you catch your news. Let’s bring fown the hostility, stop forcing your way on everyone else and assuming the worst of us. You’ve met us, you know us. Some are dicks but most are just people just like y’all. Syltop being so impossible to toldratr. Remember that word tolerance under the rules we used to agree upon? Remember MLK’d message? BLM rejects MLK.THAT little fact and the fact 2 of the founding members are trained Marxists make them the enemy, before we even start taking about rioting and violence. If everyone in your listenership are lemmings being led by Marxists and approve of the communist, pathetic ‘army’ called Antifa, I’ve wasted my time appealing to your humanity and better senses because there will be no additional socialism or god forbid communism in America. Have none of you read 1984? Isn’t it eerily becoming far too familiar? Socialists and communists who refuse to capitulate will get the butt end of my AR. And I’m just little ol classically liberal me. What the media is fomenting is a war s was hole the Democrat’s should just lose gracefully. Nd ask themselves some serious questions about how it is DJT could become president twice. Could it be the lunatics running sh!t (Hillary)? Can you possibly be on the wrong side of the culture war? Could it by by serving the elites in banking and giving the people scraps while coNtinuing to be China’s bitch by selling out the heartland, knowing now that they’ll never democratize is just corruption plain and simple??? Everything I just said is why we hold our nose and vote Trump. He’s just king ass for US for once with his legacy in mind. He’s old. He’s not been the fairest businessman by a mile. Familiarize yourself with Anfdrew Carneigei (spell). Same thing. Please join us under the ‘America’ tent. You can still maintain your values and go back to voting the way you did before, but if Dems succeed with this bullshit insane change to voting protocol with non-requested mail out ballots, you’re gonna start a war that our kids will see with their own eyes and in the end, those of us who’re alive will live under the current constitution of America. We’ll lick our wounds, rebuild outer cities and will have learned a hard lesson about being such leftist dicks when we’re free to live in most ways we want to as it is. You guys just want other people’s money. And we already told you no. That makes you thrives if you try to take it and it makes you clearly wrong.

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Wow. Ron Desantis vetoed the entire budget for the Complete Florida Plus program which provided online educational resources. Just wow.....

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I notice that the Orange prick had to get a smaller venue in order to give the illusion of a packed audience to make his fragile ego feel better.

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