Greetings from fascist florida, thanks for illuminating the uneducated snowflakes hailing from this state. The resignation of the secretary of state means DeRacist can appoint somebody who will add a veneer of justification to his election police idiocy. Back to the send it back to the states idiot, I really think that it is the tyranny of the minority as opposed to the tyranny of the majority here in Florida...

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The grand plan of the GOP reached fruition thanks to McConnell and Trump. As we await the loss of all of our rights and an authoritarian regime in the future, I'm sure DeSatan, Darling of the GOP will one day run for president. He's done a hideous job in Florida and is loved by the racists, gun nuts. religious freaks and wealthy, who are drooling over their next set of tax cuts.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

This whole "debate" reminds me of a quote attributed to Gloria Steinem decades ago: "If men could get knocked up, abortion would be a sacrament."

If "Joe" from Floriduh were so smart, he'd know that the law is all about hypotheticals, as that is how one engages in critical thought and reasons through the implications of potential decisions. As you correctly note, Michelangelo, "I don't do hypotheticals" is the coward's way of avoiding a debate that he knows he's already lost.

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Every timeI hear that I yell at the radio, why is tyranny from the federal government wrong, but tyranny from the state OK? If the state knows better than Federal, than why doesn’t the county know better than the state? why doesn’t the family know better than the county? These people are just hypocrites.

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"I also know there are many other people who are out there listening who have these opinions and if we could burst a bubble with even one of them — even if it riles them up and makes them think — that’s good."

One of the many delusions that are embraced by MAGA conservatives who hopelessly afflicted w/ a terminal case of the Dunning Kruger effect is that they already think that they think. That bubble doesn't need to be burst; it needs to be resurfaced w/ convolutions so that it will approximate a working brain. But you ain't Jesus, & you can't work miracles, esp since these guys don't want to be enlightened: Their ignorance is what seperates them from the radical godless leftist Hollywood elites, & they're damn proud of it!

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I keep waiting for a national epiphany of rationality to occur but then I remember how the systemic removal of Civics in high school dumbed down post 70's attendees...

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This is off the topic. Thom Hartman had an extraordinary interview with Sheldon Whitehouse(?) about the dark money actively influencing the courts including the Supreme Court. There are people trying to expose this atrocity. It ran May 15 2022. Try to catch it and take notes.

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Joe had no fucking idea what show he was calling. Moron. 😂

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Apparently the Florida man caller never heard of the Articles of Confederation and disaster that resulted from letting states have free reign.

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Yet he's okay with killing babies by not getting his vaccine. Hypocrite.

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