Magnificent slap down Michelangelo! The temerity of that caller to yell at you "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE MORE RESPONSIBLE"! Your response was perfectly brilliant and that's why I so admire you and love your show! BRAVO!

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Ha, thanks Craig!

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Nice script reading their from that RW dingbat caller. On a side note, I received my Moderna booster shot today.

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As the saying goes, "that escalated quickly!" I think it went well.

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Well pointed out Michelangelo, quite simply put he is following his chosen path. It is outrageous that he accuses you of not telling the truth. He is either stupid or naive if he believes Faux News is telling truths, especially when all of them are vaccinated!

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Thank you David, it's just stunning what they try to pull sometimes.

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The argument I've seen a lot, especially on social media is natural immunity. People keep saying it's better to have natural immunity than the vaccine.

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Everyday, I say, "Go Darwin."

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