Polling over the weekend showed Americans being strongly against Trump appointing a Supreme Court Justice before the election. Even 50% of Republicans are against him doing so. Meanwhile, Democrats raised $100 million on Friday night for the election campaign.

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He wants a fully stacked court in his favor because he is going to dispute the election results and any attempt to dislodge him with the full weight of the DOJ behind him. That’s what this is about. And Americans should prepare to take to the streets by the millions. The handwriting is on the wall.

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Trump doesn't hate the LGBTQ community any more than he loves Evangelicals. He will say and do whatever it takes to win. Ascribing motives to a man without conscience or principles is pointless. McConnell isn't acting simply for the sake of raw power, which he clearly enjoys, he is deliberately dismantling a democracy. Despite the presence of honorable justices, such as the beloved Justice Ginsburg, Roberts has presided over a SCOTUS that lost its legitimacy long ago, as the VRA was gutted, the ACA was almost fully dismantled, abortion rights have been almost eliminated in many states, and dark money has streamed into Senate GOP pockets. Another Trump appointment would simply lay bare what is already a fact. SCOTUS as it currently stands is not a democratic institution. I'm not sure that Roberts even cares about maintaining a veneer of respectability at this stage...he's been carrying water for the Federalist Society for far too long. While I believe in the strength of collective action by our citizenry, I have no faith in Schumer or Pelosi. Their 'nothing is ruled out' is last week's 'using every arrow in our quiver', preceded by 'every tool in our toolbox', preceded by 'walking and chewing gum'. Empty slogans serving to pacify rather than protect and defend. We are the last rail of democracy. I agree with AdrianB below on the steps that citizens can take to protect our remaining freedoms.

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I disagree with the polls -I don’t think pushing through a new SC justice will divide the base. The GOP and the base don’t care. Period. They fall in line, no matter what.

They are not bothered one bit by their hypocrisy. What Rep Doug Collins tweeted re RBG is how they all think, even as they feign shock and horror.

Nothing surprises me with their level of depravity anymore.

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Depraved is exactly the right word to describe Trump and his cult.

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Forget the “political niceties” and with due respect to Michelle Obama’s “ when they go low, we go high”, we have our democracy ,our future and freedom on the rails. We should be, at the least,a little reassured that both Pelosi & Schumer have stated that “ nothing is ruled out”.

We, the People also have our work to do, by donating, pressuring our politicians and by protesting in a non-violent way. The two religious nominee zealots , aligned with Barr are the most dangerous anti-democracy enemy that ,if they take control , would severely impact our lives for decades. The fight is on and we need to be part of it.

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When are people going to clue into the fact that the Main Stream Media more than just leans conservative? From the days when Chris Matthews relentlessly trolled progressives till now every large media company either overtly or covertly works for Republicans in order to continue the tax breakes the rich so covet. This is why Hillary was constantly pilloried while every Trump word was blared mercilessly. As PT Barnum always held, there is no such thing as bad publicity and that is especially so in politics. Don't be fooled by the few who sometimes talk as if they are progressive, if you follow them closely you'll find that even the Joy Reids will tow the line every so often so as to not anger their corporate masters. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party continues the fools game of chasing a middle that isn't truly there, most always vote one way or the other, because they stand united for ONLY one thing: they aren't Republicans.

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Well maybe progressives can stop making silly slogans like defund and abolish the police and you might be taken more seriously. Signed "corporate dem"

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That's why I suspect he'll bully the Senate into approving somebody before the election. That way, they'll rule in his favor on both the top of the ticket and any Senate races they choose to question.

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It is what it is I guess. It’s just “politics” as they say. I’m just waiting to see how fast they ram through decisions on things.

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I'd love to be wrong, I'm just afraid I'm not. I comfort myself with the thought those cases probably have to go through the lower courts before they get that far - in some cases, it's possible they won't get that far. I just suspect the power grab goes beyond a SC seat.

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I am deeply grieving over the passing of Justice Bader! I even rewatched the excellent movie about her and the biography of her life. I had also seen the documentary on this life changing woman and her day to day life. Women of America should always remember what she dd for us. As for these horrible Trump candidate's being shoved through a corrupt Senate. Full of Liars and Hypocrites. How very sad that they represent Trump and not their voters. I want to see the Dems pushing our Constitution on the separation of Church and State. Of course the candidates will lie just as that scum, sexual predator “ I like Beer” 29 times monster. I also have a feeling that Trump is going to pull a rabbit out of his ass. I think he is getting everybody focused on the Amy person. I think that he will call up another religious right winger, so they can be pushed through. Democrats must launch a good slow defense and not allow this sham!

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Well said my friend. Tough times require tough responses. He must think that he can do something to protect himself and his crime-ridden family from prosecution, but he must be listening to Giuliani, that ain't gonna help him in New York, go Letitia!

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