I read a portion of a CNN piece a couple of days ago that mentioned “Mcconnell will allow” the Dems to blah blah blah. He’s a MINORITY leader now. What’s really going on with most of mainstream media (excluding the obvious right-wingers like Fox News?) Why are they trying to convince Americans that Trump and the GOP are still in charge?
I’d like to see the Dems start pushing back and calling the media out when they continue this false narrative. This lets-be-nice-and-civil-and-passive approach isn’t working.
Well said Mike. I can't believe how quickly the beltway media fell right back into their old lazy habits. It's like the last four years of my way or the highway didn't happen.
Unity as the Biden administration puts it is to do the things that most of us need the most. At least to be fair if the past admin can use EOs to make changes then is fine for the current one.
I am hopeful that the upcoming passage of covid relief and the impeachment trial will highlight the positive power of the new majority for the next month and get the focus back on getting stuff done and less on hurt feelings in the GOP.
Part of the problem for the media is that their Rolodexes (virtual) are full of Republican officeholders and Democratic out-of-officeholders who work at "think tanks" funded by corporations that hire conservative Democrats. Our national media treats AOC, Liz Warren, Beto O'Rourke. Ed Markey, Ted Lieu and other left-leaning Democrats like circus clowns for clicks. They don't listen to them about policy, just politics.
Which is why AOC's Twitter war against Rafael Cruz today was brilliant: the media cannot wean themselves off of Cruz as a brilliant legal mind, yet AOC takes him down in Tweet after Tweet!
Large majorities of Americans DO agree with non-centrist Democrats, and reliable weathervane Joe, who got himself elected president, is following them as he has every other Amiercan majority for the past 50 years. It's gonna turn out okay!
I read a portion of a CNN piece a couple of days ago that mentioned “Mcconnell will allow” the Dems to blah blah blah. He’s a MINORITY leader now. What’s really going on with most of mainstream media (excluding the obvious right-wingers like Fox News?) Why are they trying to convince Americans that Trump and the GOP are still in charge?
I’d like to see the Dems start pushing back and calling the media out when they continue this false narrative. This lets-be-nice-and-civil-and-passive approach isn’t working.
Well said Mike. I can't believe how quickly the beltway media fell right back into their old lazy habits. It's like the last four years of my way or the highway didn't happen.
Unity as the Biden administration puts it is to do the things that most of us need the most. At least to be fair if the past admin can use EOs to make changes then is fine for the current one.
I am hopeful that the upcoming passage of covid relief and the impeachment trial will highlight the positive power of the new majority for the next month and get the focus back on getting stuff done and less on hurt feelings in the GOP.
Part of the problem for the media is that their Rolodexes (virtual) are full of Republican officeholders and Democratic out-of-officeholders who work at "think tanks" funded by corporations that hire conservative Democrats. Our national media treats AOC, Liz Warren, Beto O'Rourke. Ed Markey, Ted Lieu and other left-leaning Democrats like circus clowns for clicks. They don't listen to them about policy, just politics.
Which is why AOC's Twitter war against Rafael Cruz today was brilliant: the media cannot wean themselves off of Cruz as a brilliant legal mind, yet AOC takes him down in Tweet after Tweet!
Large majorities of Americans DO agree with non-centrist Democrats, and reliable weathervane Joe, who got himself elected president, is following them as he has every other Amiercan majority for the past 50 years. It's gonna turn out okay!