Am I the only one who’s tired of Carville’s “act”? He’s been a wily, successful Dem operative for years but at this point it’s not just his plans that are”crazy” (and I’m 75 myself, no youngster).
James Carville is a "Hillary Liberal"—that is, a NeoLiberal Republican with a "D" after his name.
He and Mark Penn (who was Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Communications Director" after spending a fortune of Microsoft's money to get people to use Internet Explorer with his "Scroogled" FUD campaign?) are one big reason why Democrats lose and kept losing, until we ended up here at this inflection point...where, finally, Americans see the Right Wing for the anti-democracy, People's Republic of Fascistiana, greedy hypocritical thugs that they are.
I swear Hillary, Carville, Penn and the rest of that NeoLib lot are Angela Lansbury's Eleanor Iselin in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE—they couldn't do a better job of destroying America if they were working directly for Putin!
Biden has said numerous times he is in it to win it and is NOT dropping out - conversation over, people! Shame on any democrat in congress saying otherwise! This is the 12th hour and not the time to take down the incumbent who got the country back on track after Trump, democrats! And I also don't think it is as bad as the media portrayed it. I also think that the interview with Stephanopolous was terrible for ABC, not Biden. I mean, how many times can you ask the same question, George? Terrible interview for George. The guy said he is staying in! Let's get real ... no one who was in Biden's camp before s now suddenly going to vote for trump. I also think that that stupid 90 minute debate did nothing to change anything! I would vote for Biden if he was in a coma in a damn hospital bed before I would ever vote for Trump. Lastly, yeah... Biden is older now and this is his last run obviously BUT SO WHAT. He CAN operate at full capacity because he has a staff of people to help! He is not one guy doing this alone! AND, if you supported him in the past, you should support him NOW and not betray the current president who got Trump OUT OF OFFICE to begin with. Stop letting fear drive you and understand all of this is just NOISE and meant to detract. The mainstream media is a side show circus for ratings and drama - nothing more. I do agree it is aggravating to hear it all day from the media. Let's NOT fuel the fire!
For sure! However, I’m not ready to make the decision that he’s not fluid because of one 90 minute debate and George’s crappy interview. We’re all fearful, but not staying the path we’re on will have worse consequences I believe, Especially if you look at this historical data. There is much more to consider here other than a 90 minute debate, where the guy had a cold and was stuttering. Again, just my humble opinion.
What I meant by this fluidity is the ability and openess to change his mind if he receives intel that it would be best for our win in November - there is so much at stake and I hope he's not absolutely resolute that he can't be reasonable factoring in any new information that might change his mind.
Yes, I agree! Great point! I do think he is someone who will give great consideration, but this is a challenge for him - no doubt! Trump is not the average opponent.
I disagree that optics are everything. I am glad that Biden is busy hosting NATO Summit right now and I think that the NATO nations' leaders are happy for Biden in his current form. And if optics are everything then AI will certainly be our ruination.
BTW Joe Biden, God love him, has always been a massive gaffer.
Katherine I'm sure I could argue either point/side. Also, I hope it's not true that Joe Biden is all in unless the Almighty comes down and speaks with him - I hope he's more open to what anyone he values and admires may be communicating.
Where is the news coverage of convicted felon Trump’s former cabinet asking him to drop out? That should carry a lot more weight than a few congressmen.
Thanks Joyce. Let’s DEMAND we get more news about Drumpf’s health (where are the reports from his doctors?), his moronic comments, hate speech and of course, his “not knowing” about Project 2025 when all of his closest staff helped write it. A convicted (old) felon is okay to run for president but we’re doubting a person who’s accomplished so much in just one term, including LEADING us out of a pandemic, with an economy as good as we could ever expect (no thanks to the person who preceded him, whose incompetency left over one million Americans dead)?
Kamala Harris is the VP, she’d step in for JB if necessary, so let’s move forward and defeat the OH and his project 2025.
I had already made news watching down to about 10% of my daily TV time ( and that’s being generous )and since the debate it has been 0%. I refuse to watch all these talking heads scramble to get their two cents in, when this other madman is allowed to spew his lies and hate with zero pushback. I’m done. I’d rather read my news and listen to your show, and make my own opinion. I’m sticking with Joe. That’s it. Time to move on and make sure the felon does not get back into the WH.
Thank you for this, Michelangelo. For a short while yesterday, I was afraid you were going in a different direction when you interviewed that journalist on your SXM show. You are correct - all of the Dems need to get on the Biden bus and start going on the offensive. Readers should check out The Guardian. They have better coverage of this whole situation. Skip the MSM.
Remember when we were asked, "What do you have to lose?" It's not about who, it's about what. We know what will happen if any Republican wins, we lose everything, it might be slower or faster but it ends the same way. Blue, blue, blue.... I don't care who's running or for what office.
With one exception - we have a Democrat in charge of renewing our licenses. She has made a mess of her job and MUST go. At this point, I don’t even care who replaces her. Other than Wanda - BLUE! BLUE BLUE!
I don't need a mini-primary or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama selecting who the nominee for president from the Democratic Party should be. I made that decision when I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be our candidates when I voted in the Arkansas Democratic primary.
Could James Carville, David Axelrod, and all the other pundits please drop their whines and complaints and instead start attacking the greatest threat to American democracy we've ever faced -- i.e., Donald Trump?
Yes, Biden is the man. It would be a good idea for Biden and Harris to zoom each other in on a big screen at each others events and coordinate them together, and even have Bernie, etc be able to zoom in like a podcast, but at a live event, sort of like they did at the 2020 convention, but do it everyday. Then post it on UTube, etc. It's up to us to find those 11,000 voters ( what Trump asked for) in Georgia that don't like the KKK and the proud boys.
Here here my friend. I said my piece yesterday on the thread. Go Joe go! Let the Rs believe that Orange Hitler's unhealthy lifestyle isn't going to catch up with him at 78. I think an MI is inevitable for him, leaving us with God only knows which nightmare he picks for VP.
Where is the Democrats’ Project 25??? Enough talk about the R’s plans; let’s see the D’s plans. Spell out the program, which should appeal to citizens more than the revengeful program of the RWers.
I am angry at the Democratic party for bringing us to this place, but I am beginning to come to terms with where we are. Thank you, Michelangelo, for being the voice of reality! I find your advice very helpful, but I still do not have a good enough attitude to begin the actions I need to do to help win this battle for democracy! I hope I start to feel more inspired than I am right now.
I hope Biden is replaced. I will vote for him, but I believe he is a terrible candidate, and will lose to the man promising a dangerous and ugly Christian Nationalist America.
My choice is a good old man than a bad con man ( a quote i heard )
You asked on the show if anybody enjoyed their 4th holiday. Mixed feelings. The media and their spinning around gave me high anxiety! We were on vacation celebrating our 1 year anniv … as marriage equality could be in jeopardy … but did get a few bits here and there. Off the grid felt nice. Seems like they - the media - are hammering in on Jo🇺🇸 and his performance when Trump was lying obnoxiously and his mind is off the rails. Between the media, pundits and the news has everybody going crazy … on purpose! They are not the American people. More so now than ever they all should be railing behind Jo🇺🇸 regardless and digging into and drilling into our heads Project 2025.
I repeated this many times. My husband and I live just a couple of blocks from the Capitol. After the insurrection there should be no other choice but Joe Biden !
Yes we did, prior to it becoming clear how reduced his capabilities are. He says he should be going to bed at 8:00. We need someone who can work at full capacity.
Am I the only one who’s tired of Carville’s “act”? He’s been a wily, successful Dem operative for years but at this point it’s not just his plans that are”crazy” (and I’m 75 myself, no youngster).
Where has Carville been with this idea the past three years?!
LOL Totally agree!
Yes and no but I think he is right in this instance.
James Carville is a "Hillary Liberal"—that is, a NeoLiberal Republican with a "D" after his name.
He and Mark Penn (who was Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Communications Director" after spending a fortune of Microsoft's money to get people to use Internet Explorer with his "Scroogled" FUD campaign?) are one big reason why Democrats lose and kept losing, until we ended up here at this inflection point...where, finally, Americans see the Right Wing for the anti-democracy, People's Republic of Fascistiana, greedy hypocritical thugs that they are.
I swear Hillary, Carville, Penn and the rest of that NeoLib lot are Angela Lansbury's Eleanor Iselin in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE—they couldn't do a better job of destroying America if they were working directly for Putin!
Biden has said numerous times he is in it to win it and is NOT dropping out - conversation over, people! Shame on any democrat in congress saying otherwise! This is the 12th hour and not the time to take down the incumbent who got the country back on track after Trump, democrats! And I also don't think it is as bad as the media portrayed it. I also think that the interview with Stephanopolous was terrible for ABC, not Biden. I mean, how many times can you ask the same question, George? Terrible interview for George. The guy said he is staying in! Let's get real ... no one who was in Biden's camp before s now suddenly going to vote for trump. I also think that that stupid 90 minute debate did nothing to change anything! I would vote for Biden if he was in a coma in a damn hospital bed before I would ever vote for Trump. Lastly, yeah... Biden is older now and this is his last run obviously BUT SO WHAT. He CAN operate at full capacity because he has a staff of people to help! He is not one guy doing this alone! AND, if you supported him in the past, you should support him NOW and not betray the current president who got Trump OUT OF OFFICE to begin with. Stop letting fear drive you and understand all of this is just NOISE and meant to detract. The mainstream media is a side show circus for ratings and drama - nothing more. I do agree it is aggravating to hear it all day from the media. Let's NOT fuel the fire!
We do hope that Biden's got some fluidity of thinking, right?
For sure! However, I’m not ready to make the decision that he’s not fluid because of one 90 minute debate and George’s crappy interview. We’re all fearful, but not staying the path we’re on will have worse consequences I believe, Especially if you look at this historical data. There is much more to consider here other than a 90 minute debate, where the guy had a cold and was stuttering. Again, just my humble opinion.
What I meant by this fluidity is the ability and openess to change his mind if he receives intel that it would be best for our win in November - there is so much at stake and I hope he's not absolutely resolute that he can't be reasonable factoring in any new information that might change his mind.
Yes, I agree! Great point! I do think he is someone who will give great consideration, but this is a challenge for him - no doubt! Trump is not the average opponent.
Does Drumpf?!!!!
Thus the problem. He clearly does not. He may think but he cannot express it in an articulate way. Optics are everything whether we like it or not.
I disagree that optics are everything. I am glad that Biden is busy hosting NATO Summit right now and I think that the NATO nations' leaders are happy for Biden in his current form. And if optics are everything then AI will certainly be our ruination.
BTW Joe Biden, God love him, has always been a massive gaffer.
I don't like that it is that way, but it is. He is more than a gaffer at this point. He clearly cannot articulate on the fly.
The dumbing down of rhe US population is such that optics ARE everything to these dimwits. Look around. People are just stupid.
Katherine I'm sure I could argue either point/side. Also, I hope it's not true that Joe Biden is all in unless the Almighty comes down and speaks with him - I hope he's more open to what anyone he values and admires may be communicating.
Hope so.
Where is the news coverage of convicted felon Trump’s former cabinet asking him to drop out? That should carry a lot more weight than a few congressmen.
Thanks Joyce. Let’s DEMAND we get more news about Drumpf’s health (where are the reports from his doctors?), his moronic comments, hate speech and of course, his “not knowing” about Project 2025 when all of his closest staff helped write it. A convicted (old) felon is okay to run for president but we’re doubting a person who’s accomplished so much in just one term, including LEADING us out of a pandemic, with an economy as good as we could ever expect (no thanks to the person who preceded him, whose incompetency left over one million Americans dead)?
Kamala Harris is the VP, she’d step in for JB if necessary, so let’s move forward and defeat the OH and his project 2025.
Enough feeding into the MSM’s narrative.
We can't even get Trump's true weight!
Obviously a problem, but it won't change. Media is guilty of helping to create the monster of tRump.
I had already made news watching down to about 10% of my daily TV time ( and that’s being generous )and since the debate it has been 0%. I refuse to watch all these talking heads scramble to get their two cents in, when this other madman is allowed to spew his lies and hate with zero pushback. I’m done. I’d rather read my news and listen to your show, and make my own opinion. I’m sticking with Joe. That’s it. Time to move on and make sure the felon does not get back into the WH.
And let MSM know you’re not happy. Tell them what you want to see-Drumpf being held accountable with hard questions. They want viewers.
MSM is all owned by Trump donors. They all want his tax cuts. So, there ya go. 🤷🏼♂️😎
Thank you for this, Michelangelo. For a short while yesterday, I was afraid you were going in a different direction when you interviewed that journalist on your SXM show. You are correct - all of the Dems need to get on the Biden bus and start going on the offensive. Readers should check out The Guardian. They have better coverage of this whole situation. Skip the MSM.
Remember when we were asked, "What do you have to lose?" It's not about who, it's about what. We know what will happen if any Republican wins, we lose everything, it might be slower or faster but it ends the same way. Blue, blue, blue.... I don't care who's running or for what office.
With one exception - we have a Democrat in charge of renewing our licenses. She has made a mess of her job and MUST go. At this point, I don’t even care who replaces her. Other than Wanda - BLUE! BLUE BLUE!
I don't need a mini-primary or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama selecting who the nominee for president from the Democratic Party should be. I made that decision when I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be our candidates when I voted in the Arkansas Democratic primary.
Could James Carville, David Axelrod, and all the other pundits please drop their whines and complaints and instead start attacking the greatest threat to American democracy we've ever faced -- i.e., Donald Trump?
Yes, Biden is the man. It would be a good idea for Biden and Harris to zoom each other in on a big screen at each others events and coordinate them together, and even have Bernie, etc be able to zoom in like a podcast, but at a live event, sort of like they did at the 2020 convention, but do it everyday. Then post it on UTube, etc. It's up to us to find those 11,000 voters ( what Trump asked for) in Georgia that don't like the KKK and the proud boys.
I like that idea-put them on screen together. Harris represents youth and diversity. That’s the energy we need NOW👍
Here here my friend. I said my piece yesterday on the thread. Go Joe go! Let the Rs believe that Orange Hitler's unhealthy lifestyle isn't going to catch up with him at 78. I think an MI is inevitable for him, leaving us with God only knows which nightmare he picks for VP.
Where is the Democrats’ Project 25??? Enough talk about the R’s plans; let’s see the D’s plans. Spell out the program, which should appeal to citizens more than the revengeful program of the RWers.
Are you kidding me??? Codifying Roe, expanding Medicare and Obamacare, increasing taxes in billionaires
*On billionaires…We have to tattoo Project 25 across this country.
I am angry at the Democratic party for bringing us to this place, but I am beginning to come to terms with where we are. Thank you, Michelangelo, for being the voice of reality! I find your advice very helpful, but I still do not have a good enough attitude to begin the actions I need to do to help win this battle for democracy! I hope I start to feel more inspired than I am right now.
For inspiration, look up Brian Tyler Cohen’s piece on voting compared to transportation. Which candidate gets you closest to where you want to go?
I hope Biden is replaced. I will vote for him, but I believe he is a terrible candidate, and will lose to the man promising a dangerous and ugly Christian Nationalist America.
They need to flipping stop. Just stop
Get behind your candidate stop
Crying and besetting and beat the fat orange ass.
My choice is a good old man than a bad con man ( a quote i heard )
You asked on the show if anybody enjoyed their 4th holiday. Mixed feelings. The media and their spinning around gave me high anxiety! We were on vacation celebrating our 1 year anniv … as marriage equality could be in jeopardy … but did get a few bits here and there. Off the grid felt nice. Seems like they - the media - are hammering in on Jo🇺🇸 and his performance when Trump was lying obnoxiously and his mind is off the rails. Between the media, pundits and the news has everybody going crazy … on purpose! They are not the American people. More so now than ever they all should be railing behind Jo🇺🇸 regardless and digging into and drilling into our heads Project 2025.
I repeated this many times. My husband and I live just a couple of blocks from the Capitol. After the insurrection there should be no other choice but Joe Biden !
Joe has been incredible President, but I think we need a younger candidate. He is not operating at full capacity, and we need that in a President.
We had a primary.
Yes we did, prior to it becoming clear how reduced his capabilities are. He says he should be going to bed at 8:00. We need someone who can work at full capacity.
We had a primary. The only thing that is clear to me is that I want Trump and Project 2025 defeated. Catastrophizing only helps the other side.
Yes! My only worry is that when Biden wins, trump turns to the Supreme Court for a ruling and wins
This is my terror right here