Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You wisely note the distinction between outing and reporting - I'm grateful for that. It strikes me that if you wouldn't have any problem reporting on a heterosexual male politician insisting that his girlfriend get an abortion whilst he votes consistently against a woman's right to choose, then you should have no problem reporting on a politician's sexuality if they have consistently voted to harm people who share that sexuality. This is not a question of "privacy"; it is a question of hypocrisy, and we have the right to know the ways in which our various politicians are hypocritical.

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Thanks Professor Pete. We've been led to believe something constructed by someone with a vested interested in making this seem like something else -- and something wrong and violent -- when it as actually very simple and another fact to report when relevant.

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Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michael, no one and I mean NO ONE can separate and explain the nuances between what should be private and public in terms of sexuality better than you. You have always been a superior communicator in this regard. Not only over the issue of sexuality. You perfectly parse apart the what and why it all matters on all issues of civil rights and how peoples decisions effect all of us in real time. Some people have a hard time these critical thinking unless it effects them directly. You clarify all that. I cant thank you enough for being one of the reasons I got my ass out of the gay clubs many years ago and onto the streets to try and make a difference. HAPPY PRIDE BABY!

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Oh, thank you so much for all this! I've sometimes written this same piece over and over, in one form or another, gets clearer each time and always needs to be updated. I appreciate your comment and Happy Pride!

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Is it Pride somewhere again? Well, Happy Pride, and rainbows and glitter and drag queens and all THAT!!!

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Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have no sympathy for anyone who is gay, in a position of power and uses that power against LGBT people through votes, legal action, etc. Lindsey Graham is a security risk at this point, because it is more than blindingly obvious he has been compromised into doing a 180 with respect to Trump, and more than that, is actively working in the Senate and on social media as Trump's defender even when such defense is in itself indefensible. Being gay should never be an issue, being gay and adversely affecting other gay people is a big issue and should be treated as such. Karma paid a long over due visit on Lady G.

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Some day society will see the harmful consequences of promoting Homosexuality in society. In fact we're already starting to see some of the morality breakdown of society's morals with things like "Drag Queen Story hour" that was occuring within libraries across the country. Wasn't there recently an arrest of the head of this organization for acts of pedophilia? Yes there was. The head of "Drag Queen Story Time"The was actually a judge. Wow, a law enforcement individual guilty of perversion's. Go figure.


On a side note I just want to point out that you can't find much about this on mainstream media which goes to show you how biased and compromise they are to which they won't even report on it.

Problem with this whole transgender situation is that it's opening up the doors and already beginning the rapid descent of accepting pedophilia in America. Yes I said it, America is slowly but surely starting to accept pedophilia and trying to normalize it as we speak. There are TED talks and other symposiums easily searchable on the normalization of pedophilia that discuss pedophilia in the same context that they used to discuss the normalization of homosexuality. The pedophile Community is using the exact same talking points as the homosexual Community used in saying that it is not their fault they are born this way. And therefore because they are born with the predilections of pedophilia, we should not therefore be judging them and should accept them as long as they don't break the law...... as they try to change laws to say if the parents consent to sexual relations with their child than it should be okay. Yes this is actually happening folks but if you don't actually research it you won't believe it is actually happening. Don't take my word for it start looking into it yourself. It's crazy what's happening unbeknownst to most Americans. Now they don't even want to be called pedophiles but they now want to be referred to as No MAP's Or MAP's, which MAP stands for "Minor Attracted Person". Don't believe me, go research NAMBLA which stands for:

North American Man/Boy Love Association

The mere fact that we have an organization designed to discuss and promote pedophilia is quite disturbing but for some reason in this country it doesn't disturb many individuals. Why is that?

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Oh honey..most pedophiles are heterosexual.. most rapists are heterosexual.. most violent offenders are heterosexual.. most fake Christians are like you.. so whats your point honey?

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“The mere fact that we have an organization designed to discuss and promote pedophilia is quite disturbing but for some reason in this country it doesn't disturb many individuals. Why is that?”

Leave the Catholic Church alone, lady!

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How pathetic. Get lost, bigot.

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There isn't any proof that he is gay. He has said that he isn't gay and almost got married to a woman. I like Senator Lindsey Graham and if he runs for president again, I will most certainly be voting for him. I find him quite a nice, likable, practicable and intelligent guy.

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Gaydar honey. He is sad and pathetic.

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Emma , having a “crush” on someone doesn’t make them a good person, Trump has something over Graham, that has to be obvious, as Graham has done such a sycophantic backflip on Trump. Your comment that “ he almost got married to a girl”, would apply to millions of LGBTQ+ who can say the same thing, not to mention the millions of active gay people who are secretly closeted in a heterosexual marriage/partnership. Don’t trust Graham.

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Really, Emma??? If you believe that then I have a lovely island in the Caribbean that I will sell you for a mere $100.

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Hahahahahahahahaha! Sorry, but hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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Jun 9, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The article is spot on. The LG supporters here are insane. Who said they oppose socialism? Let's repeat again what that means...don't drive on highways, don't call 911, don't file for social security when you retire, don't use Medicaid or Medicare, don't send your kids to public schools, don't cash that stimulus Covid check, don't file or pay your income tax so it won't be used for infrastructure, don't pay a toll on the highways and bridges, don't pay any local sales taxes, don't renew your driver's license or license plates. Then come back and let us all know how that works out for you. There is no "radical left" agenda to turn everyone gay. And Lindsey Graham is the biggest lap dog in the Senate. He'll say anything to be elected. And the reason he kisses Trump's arse is so that Trump won't out him. Bigly.

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Thanks Kat!

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Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I live in S.C. from CT I have many gay friends and I love them with all my heart What Linsey has done to hurt them is wrong I want him kicked out of the closet and stopped

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Fascinating piece. As a Cis who is a lifelong (& second generation) defender, supporter & fan of LGBTQ community, I've been told over the years that it's not a straight person's place to reveal someone's orientation...unless, like Lindsey & Schock, that person is demonstrably harming their community. (In other words, for example, actors, actresses who prefer to keep their orientation quiet are off-limits). I see the logic in this & agree, but having known several LGBTQ folk who lived entire lives & died closeted, or semi-closeted, IMO the longer hiding one's true self on behalf of careers or family/church judgement is enabled, accepted & protected, the longer society in general will perceive it as something bad, shameful & unnatural...when at this point in history, we know without a doubt that's bunk. The more public figures who come out proudly, the further we depart from old negative attitudes...the more public figures who defy their parties or bosses or management teams & come out, career be damned, the more it won't matter. From my observation, the closet must be a terrible place to be, something that clouds one's entire world view. Someone very close to me died closeted & it explained so many of his unresolved issues.

(IMO, if more closeted Republican men would fully accept who God made them to be, all that repressed shame & guilt & rage would go away & perhaps so too many of their disastrous & repressive policy ideas.)

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Very interesting comment! yes, the closet does damage to people, and if the person is in power it can do damage to many others.

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Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

As long as sexual orientation is a political issue - which it always is - then a politicians sexual orientation is relevant. Call it outing or reporting, I don't care, I just want the politician to address it.

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He has said that he isn't gay and he almost got married to a woman. I don't see why it matters if he is gay or not and it is his choice if he wants to disclose it. He is a nice, practical, and intelligent guy, and I've always liked him.

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Once again Emma, no one cares if Graham is gay, what commenters are saying that he has consistently demonstrated anti-gay rhetoric and actions. You keep suggesting he is not gay because”he almost got married to a woman”.....Rock Hudson got married to a woman and allegedly had numerous girlfriends, he was exclusively gay, but he had no political power over people’s lives,and he didn’t actively push anti-gay agenda. Graham is a politician who is discriminating against LGBTQ+ citizens of this country, and that is enough to warrant the attacks on him.

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Jun 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Suggested edit: Instead of writing "though it was an open secret in Washington and in queer circles that he was gay throughout that entire time", it might be better to write "thought throughout that entire time it was an open secret in Washington and in queer circles that he was gay"

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As one of the Plaintiff same sex married couples in the Louisiana Marriage Equality Lawsuit in 2015, thank you thank you thank you Michelangelo Signorlie for your dedication and service to the LGBTQ Community. You are one of our heroes. Keep up the great work.

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A genie is S-Q-U-E-E-Z-I-N-G herself out of the proverbial bottle....and out will come the lime-green sludge that is it's afterbirth. And the aftermath will be as sleazy as his closeted sex life. There is a healthier, more self affirming way to handle this, but His "sale by" date has passed.

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The Dowager Countess Lady Graham must go! Her old school self loathing Victorian ways have no place in 2020. South Carolina & the nation deserve far better.

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You know he won't fare too well if he follows his Fuhrer to Roosha.

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NOTE: to anyone reading this post. Lindsey Graham under the guise of Emma “his drag game “is trolling this thread LOL it’s hilarious!

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I am not Senator Lindsey Graham. I am just a normal person. I think that Senator Graham is probably very busy and has other things to do, like helping to run the country, than reply to comments on here.

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Edit: Emma...I think you meant to type “ ....probably very busy ...like helping to runDOWN the country”...with his support of Trump.

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Emma, please. Very, very few men who are heterosexuals get to be Graham's age without a history of marriage or marriageS, or extensive affairs, or children on the 'side', or something. Lindsay has been trying to live his life like the Virgin Prince of White Privilege. Even the supposed "priestly princes" of Catholiscism have been outed for pedophilia, having affairs, and buggering whatever gets close to their.....skirts.

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Oh yeah honey..what legislation is he working on lately?? NONE

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"But Mammy! Oh Mammy! I don't know nothin' bout givin' BLOW JOBS!" --Miss Lindsey 🤣🖐️

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This is exceptionally well written. One point you raised that I hadn't thought of was the level of deception someone is capable of stooping to. It's so true. The lies that are told to keep your orientation a secret only leads to more lies and more deception and even worse behavior. Great post!

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Outing sexual orientation sucks; outing hypocrisy IS A MUST!

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