Whenever you bombard them with facts they can’t dispute, they throw insults and name call. What a bunch of idiots! Had he been writing his attack’s instead of shouting them, every other word would have been misspelled, too. What a basket of deplorables!
So David what's his name calls in and wants proof that the orange Fascist did nothing about Chinese balloons flying over the US during his term of office. Who does David think he is? Head of the CIA? He is probably swilling beer in his rusted mobile home thinking he has a right to every piece of geopolitical information so he can be justified in his support of the orange traitor. Deplorable isn't a strong enough word for these cretins.
You just never know, Michael. Supercharged Dunning-Krueger Dave in NC doesn’t want to hear, or know, or believe anything that goes against his cult programming. But yet he called your show.!And there seem to be a couple of pauses there where he’s trying to come up with a retort.
I love that they call you! I’m very curious...just to own a lib? Pick a fight? You do a masterful job of thwarting them in both efforts...and shutting down their propaganda before they can spread it.
Keeping telling them the truth, Michael! You never know when some part of it might break through.
I enjoy the engagement immensely. I am accepting the interactions that you have with supporters of the rotting pumpkin as entertainment Always interesting to hear the perspectives of people I no longer speak with . It is interesting that these MENSA listeners seek your podcast out. Keep up the outstanding work
Greetings from fascist florida, the cult member really is proof positive that doing laps in a gene pool devoid of positive connective synapses is why you get a former political party that refuses to emerge from the sewers of humanity. Speaking of which, now that DeRacist has been rubber-stamped to control Disney world, when the purging of 60 to 75 percent of it's LBGT workers commences, I would hope that a nationwide boycott will begin as well. The goal is to shrink taxes until DeRacist has no choice but to institute a state income tax that will drive out the nuts in the legislature who really think laws that punish the citizenry are good ideas...
Hi Mike, I was waiting for a Hunter Biden comment from this guy...luckily I was at home because ever time they bring up Hunter I take a bong hit, purely for medical reasons of course. At 71 I’ve decided to make a game of .......mention Hunter and I take a hit...since I can’t have alcohol this is the next best. Love your patience and skill dealing with cult members... Fred
My news feed is once again filled with Dem leaders responding to hollow claims and criticism by angry lying Repugs. Why do we fall for this time-wasting trap over and over? They're gonna compain no matter what our leaders do and acknowledging their baseless attacks gives them more spotlight. It also keeps us in defense mode which takes energy away from going on the offense about issues swing voters actually care about. The voters we care about tune them out, so why engage?
The problem remains the vast amount of right-wing radio and TV that spews out its fucking fantasies, plus bigotry, misogyny and the other civil intolerances. Control of the airwaves has never been WORSE, and then there's the private equity people going after the newspapers. These issues will get bigger if Americans don't become more bilingual and then figure out how the right-wing has started a serious infiltration of the Spanish speaking airwaves in the U.S.
Even in super-liberal Seattle, it's hard to find a SINGLE progressive station, which is why I switched to satellite radio. Starting back in the '90's we had Air America (where Rachel Maddow started out), and then CBS took over Air America but kept it progressive. About 2009 CBS turned it into a
'sports station' (like we needed that, since there were already at least 3-4 sports radio stations). And then there we were, stuck with NPR or, .....nothing.
When a Blue City has 1 progressive radio station, you can just imagine what it's like in ...northern Idaho, all of Utah, north eastern Washington, etc.
People talk about FOOD deserts, or medical deserts - the national communication structure is now overwhelmingly conservative, religious, and other languages. So we should expect very low-information wack-a -doodles out there!
We need to find ways to get the FCC to more effectively police hate speech. Or even define hate speech and disinformation as inappropriate uses of American airwaves that could result in federal sanctions of some sort. The lies of people like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and others result in real emotionl pain and suffering for multitudes, along with inciting violence, and should be reigned in.
Whenever you bombard them with facts they can’t dispute, they throw insults and name call. What a bunch of idiots! Had he been writing his attack’s instead of shouting them, every other word would have been misspelled, too. What a basket of deplorables!
So David what's his name calls in and wants proof that the orange Fascist did nothing about Chinese balloons flying over the US during his term of office. Who does David think he is? Head of the CIA? He is probably swilling beer in his rusted mobile home thinking he has a right to every piece of geopolitical information so he can be justified in his support of the orange traitor. Deplorable isn't a strong enough word for these cretins.
“Attacks” Tee hee!
Onomatopoeia is a sound made into a word. Bam! POW! Michaelangelo got that low life. Zowwy!
Michelangelo Signorile just popped this fool's balloon! "Deliverance" us from evil, MAS!!! LOL.
I was listening to that call and thinking to myself that it was the perfect topic for a Michelangelo blog.
Why is it that their little brains always go from whatever they are squawking about to either Hillary or Hunter Biden?
or Obama....they still squawk about Obama.
4 second memory :-)
You just never know, Michael. Supercharged Dunning-Krueger Dave in NC doesn’t want to hear, or know, or believe anything that goes against his cult programming. But yet he called your show.!And there seem to be a couple of pauses there where he’s trying to come up with a retort.
I love that they call you! I’m very curious...just to own a lib? Pick a fight? You do a masterful job of thwarting them in both efforts...and shutting down their propaganda before they can spread it.
Keeping telling them the truth, Michael! You never know when some part of it might break through.
I enjoy the engagement immensely. I am accepting the interactions that you have with supporters of the rotting pumpkin as entertainment Always interesting to hear the perspectives of people I no longer speak with . It is interesting that these MENSA listeners seek your podcast out. Keep up the outstanding work
Greetings from fascist florida, the cult member really is proof positive that doing laps in a gene pool devoid of positive connective synapses is why you get a former political party that refuses to emerge from the sewers of humanity. Speaking of which, now that DeRacist has been rubber-stamped to control Disney world, when the purging of 60 to 75 percent of it's LBGT workers commences, I would hope that a nationwide boycott will begin as well. The goal is to shrink taxes until DeRacist has no choice but to institute a state income tax that will drive out the nuts in the legislature who really think laws that punish the citizenry are good ideas...
MAGAs demand proof, that they would ignore anyway.
Hi Mike, I was waiting for a Hunter Biden comment from this guy...luckily I was at home because ever time they bring up Hunter I take a bong hit, purely for medical reasons of course. At 71 I’ve decided to make a game of .......mention Hunter and I take a hit...since I can’t have alcohol this is the next best. Love your patience and skill dealing with cult members... Fred
Thanks for the likes Wonne, donnab, Sakina and Joyce!
My news feed is once again filled with Dem leaders responding to hollow claims and criticism by angry lying Repugs. Why do we fall for this time-wasting trap over and over? They're gonna compain no matter what our leaders do and acknowledging their baseless attacks gives them more spotlight. It also keeps us in defense mode which takes energy away from going on the offense about issues swing voters actually care about. The voters we care about tune them out, so why engage?
Exactly. Although I kinda have fun engaging with these losers.
Yep, MAGA folks are certify mental retards, I thank GOD there are more sane folks in America than these buffoons & morons...DAMN !!!
The problem remains the vast amount of right-wing radio and TV that spews out its fucking fantasies, plus bigotry, misogyny and the other civil intolerances. Control of the airwaves has never been WORSE, and then there's the private equity people going after the newspapers. These issues will get bigger if Americans don't become more bilingual and then figure out how the right-wing has started a serious infiltration of the Spanish speaking airwaves in the U.S.
Even in super-liberal Seattle, it's hard to find a SINGLE progressive station, which is why I switched to satellite radio. Starting back in the '90's we had Air America (where Rachel Maddow started out), and then CBS took over Air America but kept it progressive. About 2009 CBS turned it into a
'sports station' (like we needed that, since there were already at least 3-4 sports radio stations). And then there we were, stuck with NPR or, .....nothing.
When a Blue City has 1 progressive radio station, you can just imagine what it's like in ...northern Idaho, all of Utah, north eastern Washington, etc.
People talk about FOOD deserts, or medical deserts - the national communication structure is now overwhelmingly conservative, religious, and other languages. So we should expect very low-information wack-a -doodles out there!
We need to find ways to get the FCC to more effectively police hate speech. Or even define hate speech and disinformation as inappropriate uses of American airwaves that could result in federal sanctions of some sort. The lies of people like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and others result in real emotionl pain and suffering for multitudes, along with inciting violence, and should be reigned in.
Funny!!! But true.