Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The fact that trump even for a second thought that any alternative treatment like the ones he so ignorantly suggested would be a good idea to look into, shows how completely stupid he is. To say he was being sarcastic about the serious issue confronting the World and this country once again shows his inability to lead. The fact that people actually try to normalize his actions is mind boggling and idiotic.

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May 1Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This has been the problem for years Donna. He’s anything BUT normal and he gets a pass on everything he says and does, most of which shows his thorough incompetence.

Why would ANYONE want this individual to lead our country?! He’s the most unqualified politician who’s ever lived.

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He’s not a politician, he just plays a really shitty one on TV. It’s all about his ego. I truly believe he gets off on fucking up this country. How this all works its way out, time will tell. One thing I know for sure is, History will not be kind to him or those that have forsaken their morals and dignity by following him.

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Totally agree Donna. Mary Trump has warned us often, he’s destructive and will try to take everything down with him.

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Let me speak! Let me speak! You keep talking over me and muting me! Are you going to let me speak?

- I was just responding to you, now you can speak

- 🦗🦗🦗 you’re a fucking coward!

Seems like every trumpy call is like that. These people are maddeningly stupid.

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thank you kind sir for putting up with fools somewhat gladly for our sakes. It has become common that when the defensive shield goes up when discussing trumpanzee, the conversation dovetails and the inevitable insult arrives when said caller has lost the reason for the defense of the subject. I know you're attempting to be a reservoir of patience for our sakes but sometimes release the Kraken! (for those of us who can't...) BTW, do you have anyone on staff who can get you a Biden sit-down? I am praying for another needle in the Times eye!

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The looks on Birx’s or Fauci’s faces during the press conferences says it all. The outlandish and dangerous comments/suggestions/stream of consciousness—whatever you want to call it, Rick, is not only pathetic but goes against what any intelligent politician knows: let the experts, the professionals present the problem and the solution/plan. If you can’t see the severe narcissism at work, the need to be the center, the controller of information, then there is no point in having a discussion.

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

She should've said something, but she sat mute. We all wondered whether her ludicrous scarf had blocked her airway, but then I remembered that she was a dolt too. We know that because in the days following that press conference, calls to poison control centers skyrocketed, a clearly foreseeable consequence of Trump's bottomless stupidity.

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hi Mike, yes I did listen to this caller live… Mike, you were very courteous to this nut bag and I must commend you, as the conversation devolved on the callers part, the caller attacking you, attacking you for bringing facts to the conversation…well, the caller used his (Maga) victim card.. I just don’t know how you do it Mike, I don’t have the patience that you exhibit with all these fascist wannabes.. As a 72 year old your behavior is something I admire… and please…keep kicking ass and taking names👊

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I am sick of imbeciles and their fascist leader. These fools cannot be allowed to destroy our democracy!

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

OMG, this guy. I'm sure he dissects the negative comments from the right about Biden. People can't just call in and filibuster. He's using the "I can't speak" as a crutch to try and win an argument. A press conference about a major epidemic isn't the time to ask questions, you do that beforehand, and then come out and present the facts. These people are the same ones who took a comment like this Trump made about Ivermectin, and went and bought all the life stock dewormer. People actually did start to ingest bleach after this. But, yeah, Trump's just innocently "asking questions"!

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I didn't listen, because I've had way more of magas than I can stomach. That guy knows, and we all know, that trump said this stuff because he's got the inclinations of a toddler who thinks he's magically invented a cure that somehow never occurred to any of the scientists who were racing to save our lives (from a problem that he largely caused).

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

LOL, "That guy knows...", that is the problem with the country Suzanne; way TOO MANY folks are absurd and insanely DUMB just like that guy. We Democrats will not be able to change the intelligence of all the dolts in these United States, that is why it is so important the WE get WORD out, so we can politically overpower all those DEVILS. #VoteBLUE

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Oh, I see videos on TikTok and elsewhere showing MAGA people being interviewed outside of a Trump event. And you are SO right about WAY too many of them. How can you function being that stupid? I know that we Dems often get accused of being elitists and scoff at ignorance when it is exhibited by the MAGA crowd. But how can we not scoff at them… their leader is the most absurdly clueless jellybean in the bag!

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Yep, I am in the "You can't fix STUPID camp" some folks are unreachable, unredeemable & unreasonable; I don't even try to talk to such humans. MY only salvation is my belief that there are more GOOD folks in the world than BAD; we progressives are the good guys. #VoteBLUE

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He caused the pandemic to ignite in this country with his lack of awareness about how to deal with pandemics, and his interview with Woodward proved that.

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Exactly. He thought he was the almighty scientist that would find the cure, because, ya know, he knows more than any scientist in the world. Narcissistic egomaniac.

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We really do have a severe mental health crisis in this country. Lots of delusional people out there🙁

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump knew from the very beginning that the virus was transmitted by air. That's what he told Bob Woodward very early on. And that's what Woodward sat on until he got his book deal done. The fact that Woodward did nothing with that information is utterly indefensible. After all, it wasn't like old Bob didn't know how many people were dying every day because of Trump's stupidity.

The "let's shove light bulbs up our asses and mainline bleach" press conference you were referring to, Michelangelo, is a perfect demonstration of how ridiculously stupid Trump is. Just before he came out for that shitshow, they had been telling him that you might be able to kill the virus on surfaces with disinfectant and that they were exploring the use of UV light as well.

Then, as you correctly note, Trump decided to spitball about that in front of a national audience and also conflate the possibility of viral transmission through surfaces with what they had already confirmed about its aerosol transmission.

If there's one fault I can lay at the feet of Anthony Fauci and the other public health experts who tolerated Trump's repeated idiocies, it is this: they never told us what a virus is. In fact, scientists still do not even agree on whether a virus is alive. A virus like Covid-19 is a lethal pathogen, a collection of genetic material about 1/5 the size of a red blood cell, and 1/75 the size of a human hair.

It requires only two things, a method of transmission, and a host on whom it can feed as it replicates endlessly. It is that process that kills people. And as your caller proved, there is no shortage of stupid hosts for transmission of viruses, and related bullshittery about Trumpery.

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May 1Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Of course they were.

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May 1Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What a dumbkiss to even ask if that could be a valid option.

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So a MAGAt thinks he can MANSPLAIN what we “””Really”””” heard. Gaslighting fool, won’t you be surprised when you experience what trump REALLY means when people are rounded up.

Tell the troll-traitor to Fuck-off for me.

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Wow, wow, wow St Michelangelo! As someone who did Medical Research for 10 years, thank you for pointing out the fucking absurdity of this MAGA idiot repeatedly saying there was research into the absurd ramblings of what a madman was saying on national television!

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I couldn't bear to listen, but here's the thing - the guy is right. I totally took the entire thing as well as Trump "asking" the doctors present if injecting disinfectant is a good idea. That was his intent - I believe your second reasoning to be accurate. He's not that kind of crazy to KNOW that people would go out and inject bleach, and that he thought about the remarks. He didn't, wanted to sound like an ideas guy, and threw that shit right out there to the doctors, in full view of the public. Which, as MS says, is equally disqualifying.

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Drumpf really doesn’t associate with “real” people, so he’d have no clue that there are some who would actually inject bleach. And he could care less if someone tried it.

These magacons don’t understand that Drumpf could care less about ANY of them.

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Or rather than being wrong, my first instinct was correct. My lack of understanding human nature led me to reassure myself, and that was wrong.

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That whole episode was weird for me, as a scientist. I watched that thing live and was freaked out, instantly thinking, ”Oh my God, people are going to inject bleach now.”. But then I got to thinking, ”C’mon, people know better. You can't inject any amount of bleach. Common sense.”. I was wrong.

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May 1·edited May 1

The magacons are capable of believing everything their Messiah tells them. Many more have taken the horse medicine Ivermectin rather than vaccinate. And they believe an indicted felon and con man would be a good choice to lead the free world, have his hands on America’s judicial system, secret intelligence and possibly mishandle some other pandemic again.

So injecting bleach is well within their realm of belief. Lesson learned.

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I don’t want to sound non-compassionate, but anyone stupid enough to inject themselves with laundry bleach should be allowed to do so. Thinning the herd and survival of the fittest!

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I also did not know that light kills viruses. Who needs bleach when you can "shed light" on it.

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