Hi Mike, once again u use logic, cogent thoughts and patience with these crazies. You deserve a quiet peaceful weekend, thanks for what u do.

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An "Independent" pal of mine has recently decided to parrot a catch all phrase ("Both parties are equally crooked") to avoid me challenging him on issues outside of the bible. This Maga cultist sounds like my pal recently when we broached the subject of the perceived trumpanzee wealth that is at odds with the public stiffing of contractors via the courts. The outlay of $25M for the fake school (Drop in the bucket for him). The ramping up of the attendance for a civil case (He's protecting his assets). I keep reminding him that trumpanzee doth protest too much (you don't know what you're talking about). Coupe de Gras: I asked are you a trumpist? A tepid denial from him caused me to ease up. He was at one point high on RFK Jr until I pointed out that Fox news had soured on him since changing affiliation to Independent. Crickets...I feel sorry at times for my pal but he refuses to wrap his brain cells around the fact that Biden has done the country good and harps on his age...

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You cannot reason with unreasonable people--and Trump supporters are unreasonable from the ground up. When confronted with facts about Trump's many crimes, they deflect, change the subject, or simply refuse to believe what they're being told. It's the very definition of a cult member. They are so sad and pathetic.

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Thanks for posting. These people are crazy. You: “name 5 things Trump did to make life better for average Americans”. Guy: “peace and prosperity around the world, tax cuts for average folks, etc”. GMAFB. Clueless clueless spoon fed cultists...

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Those tax cuts to the 1 percenters were paid for by the “average folks” in donor “blue” states who have to deal with a RE tax cap of $10000 (the RE taxes we pay yearly are way over that amount!) And over a million lives lost to Covid due to Drumpf’s ignorance?

Cultists love the snake oil.

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Another another gem of your response to a MAGA caller Michelangelo! Absolutely mind numbing ignorance - and the caller seemed proud to be stupid! This interaction brought to mind a Ted talk I watched a few years ago: We Should Tell Americans They're Ignorant by Emma Kay Tocci. Your caller today was a perfect example of anti-intellectualism that is one of our biggest political obstacles, and certainly one of the most dangerous to our democracy.

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CBH, seems like a movement over the last 40 years has been going on, the death of shame, out loud’n boisterous “Willfully ignorant and proud of it”. The last 8 years on steroids with their GOO, the Great Orange One’s encouragement. “I love the poorly educated” and they cheered. 50 years ago weren’t they quieter, less proud of such?, just hoping no one would notice, blend in. No more. Loud’n proud, a small % very LOUD trying to steam roll over others, school board meetings, voting precincts, state legislators, congress, Cro Magnon Marg, Lauren, Gym, Jughead, coach Tommy and more. Somewhere old teachers see this of their former students and for a flash moment consider throwing themselves out of a 3rd story schoolhouse window. All their many years of education and decades of teaching efforts and then they witness this dysfunctional loud mayhem mess. Has to be maddening for teachers who had higher hopes for their students. Offering empathy.

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OMG yes Rick you are so right - it really comes down to Trump's oh so telling quote from more than 7 years ago "'I love the poorly educated"! I really I think the antiquated Electoral College is what enables and amplifies the power of the ignorant masses and poses a great danger to American democracy and the will the true majority of voters.

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Mike, I heard this and figured it would be posted. Thanks. At least he wasn’t a screaming mad red hatter, came off as rather reasonable, but must be far too deep in Fox, Newsmax and right extreme social media info-bubbles to know truth and reality as you served up on a silver platter. Even when it bites him in da ass, still no awareness, no change. Cultish.

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The MAGAs but, but, buts stink!

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Donald ⸸RUMP.....the "GRIFT" that keeps on giving!

You handled that like the pro you are Mike! Kudos.

Dave is obviously a Mother Trucker who ties his gas bills to JB's coattails; the core of his misdirected angst and hatred towards the system of capitalism, which no president controls, including Dolt 45!

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I have personally given up on trying to talk straight w/MAGA’S...Their minds have an Off Button!

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No they don’t. They would have to have minds for that to be true.

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That really sez it all!

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