I had a similar experience not long after flights resumed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The pilot went on a churchy rant that made me nervous to the point I almost walked out. This is considerably worse, and both cases reveal a type of unprofessional personality that in my opinion is not compatible with this type of job.

This guy should absolutely get terminated. What’s the next thing we’re supposed to be expected to tolerate from a pilot when boarding a plane, a nazi salute?

The pilot represents the airline. As a highly trained, highly paid employee, he’s supposed to show the utmost professionalism. Airing his political opinions whatever they are is utterly unacceptable. As much as I loathe trump, I would have said the same about a pilot saying “put trump in jail”. It’s not the place or time. And if they don’t want to behave in a professional manner, I’m sure there is a cargo airline in Belarus that’s eager to hire them.

By not sacking this pilot, Southwest is implicitly endorsing his message, and I think we should remind them of that relentlessly.

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I hope all these MAGAts flee to Russia & Belarus. Then they will be trapped when the citizens turn against their leaders one day.

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No pilot should go on the public address system and tell his captive audience passengers how he feels about politics or any other divisive topic at all. When you are locked in a commercial aircraft you want the pilot to be completely professional so you feel he is clear headed and focused on doing his job - because you life and all the others on board depends upon it.

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The pilot should be fired. It is inappropriate for him to make a political statement on a flight. Why did he feel it was necessary to do this? His job is to transport passengers from Point A to Point B. What a jerk!

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My Dad was a pilot. He was an old fashioned Republican, an Eisenhower Republican. He would be horrified by the current GQP. He had the utmost respect for others of all backgrounds having survived a Nazi POW camp in Poland in WWII. He would’ve been horrified by this and were he on this flight he would’ve complained on landing. This guy should be fired. We should not have our lives put in the hands of such an unprofessional person. One wonders if the plane had been full of Women’s March people flying to DC or some similar situation. No, I don’t want to get on a plane with such a jerk. And this whaboutism from this dude is ridiculous. If a pilot said FU Trump I would feel the same. Southwest should’ve fired this guy.

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I've seen this compared with shut up and dribble but here's the thing...If I'm watching a ball game and Lebron makes his basket ten yells, fuck (insert politicians name) I'd be like "WTF"? It's not ok to do during a game (AKA his job). Now when he posts the same thing lon Twitter later that evening thata fine. Not while preforming his job but when he's on his own time. The fact that people cannot seem to understand the difference is a sad statement on their own intelligence.

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OMG he is in the mental health field and he can still call the monster "President'?!? Did he not hear the depiction from Mary Trump, a family member with a little more inside knowledge of this man AND a career working with mental health patients, stating he has a narcissistic personality disorder?!? Amazing how these people put their heads in the sand when it comes to acceptance of a racist in a position of power, isn't it?

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I was looking at Facebook and saw the non-apology from Southwest Airlines about the pilot. I decided to look at the replies. A majority of them were what-about-ism. I saw many people bringing up a Delta flight attendant that was giving out BLM pamphlets. Someone else posted a picture of a BLM pin with the Delta Airlines logo. I spent about 3 minutes reading these comments before I closed Facebook.

These people have a double standard when it comes to these things. If a pilot said F trump, these people would be screaming about the airline should fire the pilot. Then they would protest by purchasing tickets for a flight and rip the tickets.

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