Terrible to compare a pandemic to a woman's right to control her own body. It's just a Trumpanzee showing his ignorance.

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Some anti-vax MAGA people are posting here and I've deleted their comments. They're pushing misinformation and I don't have time to rebut them nor are they worth debating and giving attention. If you see one please flag it for me and let me know.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Not only anti-vax and pushing misinformation but also doing it in a very uncivilized way, like MAGAs tend to do.

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What kind of mind thinks that argument makes sense? Oh, I forgot, it’s okay in MAGAland for analogies to be false. They only need to be emotionally compelling.

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All Republican arguments are designed to sound good on first hearing them - the danger is if you then THINK about them in any depth.

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Magacons are a “special” breed; “communicable” doesn’t apply to them, so getting a vaccine (or help fighting the illness) means waiting until you’re practically dead to get help (as Drumpf did.)

It’s beyond hypocritical, ignorant and dangerous. These people want no rules or boundaries until dire situations affect them personally.

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What a fucking idiot. I had some magat use that same false equivalency yesterday. When that failed he said I’m an idiot bc if I really cared about women I’d care about men taking over women’s sports!!!

The stupid was painful.

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You were very nice to him as you explained the difference.

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If only there was a vaccine for ignorance.

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Comparing not being vaxed to women 's body autonomy is just plain bullshit! Wow ! Women are being threatened with fines , jail and death sentence but still nothing for the sperm-spewing men ! These asshats need to read a biology book ( with pictures ) to figure out how women get pregnant ! It's not like they can do it with just the ovum ! There really needs to be better education !in the school system.

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Michaelangelo I have always loved listening to you, and your argument against John was spot on. He’s comparing apples and oranges. I think the SC decision to strike down Roe v Wade is built on the same type of nothing. Who was abortion hurting? If you don’t want an abortion don’t have one. You can’t Force women to have children. It’s a huge decision that many don’t seem to understand. Having a child is a lifelong physical, mental, and financial commitment that should be a private decision. Getting a vaccine is a temporary thing. I wonder how John was hurt by the vaccine. Maybe he just didn’t want to be told what to do. Oh the irony in that. And shouldn’t he be mad at Trump who welcomed Covid with open arms knowing how many it would hurt?

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Some people are unteachable. Maga and their ilk (and leader).

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And sadly, most of them are unreachable, there will be no more peace in America. Maga must die along with Trump. But what will come after this debacle could it be worse? Could it be even worse?

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I'm guessing that he regretted getting the vaccine later after hearing all the nonsense about it, and now doesn't want to take responsibility for that. Now suddenly, it's Biden's fault somehow. He probably got vaxed to avoid the hassle of going somewhere and getting turned away for not having a vax card. His choice, his NSA tracking chip. Oh wait, we're already being tracked through our phones that we use to complain about being tracked. What a world we live in.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Pregnancy isnt contagious, and one ever sneezed and gave someone an abortion.

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I just watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Still great after 36 years... I call out the MAGATs like the many wacky citizens of "Toon Town" of which that caller originated. I heard the call. My brow furrowed, my lips went into 'duck' formation, my eyes rolled to the heavens, because this 'Toon' and all the other 'wack-a-doodle' Maga-doodles, NEVER answer a direct question. They can't critically think. THEY'RE TOONS!!! You're undressing them Michaelangelo is one of many reasons I respect your work so much (You do it so we don't have to). But please-for me-tell them if they answer you with a question of their own tell them the 'rules.' Either we have discourse or you're a Toon... I'm sorry-I get so flustered that I'm telling what to do and you already have great command of dealings with this menaces to their own best interests. (sigh)

Btw it'll soon be 20 years anniversary of Marriage Equality in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The first state... for a long time. Love you're work.

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The MAGAt grandkids of the “greatest generation” are a disgrace—self-entitled with their heads way up their asses; no civic sense, certainly no understanding of patriotism. This whiney little shit has had EVERYTHING handed to him. He lacks the capacity for empathy. . . Or logic.

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oh, I am so sick of these people who want to infect everybody with their stupidity on getting vaccinated, thanks to people like this, measles are back and other diseases that were eradicated a long time ago. how far are they going to take this? there are lots of requirements to go to work, there are lots of requirements to attend school. we had a worldwide pandemic, vaccines were the answer I truly believe this, but to live in a society you need to protect yourself and others.

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Often said loudly and aggressively in 2020 -2021 by people who refused to wear a mask as they entered stores, gas stations, "My body, my choice.

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Thank you!

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