Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have some Trump supporters in my peripheral life, but mostly FORMER Trump supporters. I've talked before about my 92-year-old father who loved Trump, then changed party affiliation to Independent and says "He's insane." A former lover and current friend and his wife who loved Trump and now can't stand him. My husband's college roommate and current friend of ours - now a former Republican, can't stand Trump. Hell, my husband was a former Republican who turned to the Dems to vote for Obama and now votes a straight Democratic ticket. Thank God he never voted for Trump - after 39 years of marriage, I swear I'd think about walking away from that lunacy.

I have a few neighbors who are still Trump humpers, but we nod and wave and don't socialize. All of my close friends except one are Democrats. Some of their husbands are rabid Trump supporters. I've basically muted the vociferous ones on social media and I don't engage anymore. They all know I'm a progressive Democrat. There's no changing me, and I'm probably not going to change them. What continues to happen, though, is my disbelief that seemingly intelligent people still support him. It's definitely a cult. I'm past the point of caring about them, their feelings, and their motivations.

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Good for you Jordan.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

yeah I love my dad but his views are just atrocious. Racism doesn't exist because he grew up poor, black and black crime, deep in the conspiracy bullshit hive. Not sure what happened. Was he always like this and I just never noticed my entire life? Or did he keep his views so closely guarded it wasn't until he had an outlet like tweeter to say whatever that It came out?

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have a few trump supporters in my life and I feel like every spoiled and entitled (all white of course) person I grew up with is a part of the trump cult, which is why I don't go back to my hometown or keep up with people I grew up with. My only child, my 24 year old son is a trumper and it breaks my heart, he proudly voted for Obama the first time he could vote. Then, trump came into my sons life and changed him, and not for the best. My son has lost empathy for others and I hope once trump is gone my so returns to me. The trump way of thinking and the "poor me, the poor white man" attitude has ruined my relationship with my son.

My husband, who is a UAW member votes Democrat, BUT he is upset with the establishment, as am I, but he will vote for Biden. We sure feel a lot better about Biden then we did Hillary. We were Bernie supporters, but will vote blue no matter who. I always say that its against my religion to vote republican. I have my Biden yard signs up already, and I am in a very rural area surrounded by trump farmers who don't want to wear masks. When I go to my local grocery store I wear my Biden shirt that says on the front "We believe in Science not fiction" with Biden 2020 on the back and a mask on my face and I dare someone to say shit to me. I see MANY older white people not wearing masks, even an old guy in a wheelchair having issues breathing had no mask on, but he had his trump hat on. Disgusting.

My in-laws are trump cult members and I can't talk to them about politics at all, they spent their winter in Arizona, Yuma, where they had not been hit by the virus until recently, so when they got back up here to Michigan in early spring they thought the virus was not so serious. Look at Arizona now, especially Yuma!!!

Those of us who are not a part of the trump cult know we are on the right side of history and we will prevail in the end. Give it a few years after trump when all the dirt trump has tried to hide comes to the surface, and it will, and we can gloat and say "I told you so" to the brainwashed trump cult, and they are so brainwashed, trust that. Just like Nixon, the hardcore supporters will cling to trump as long as they can so they don't have to admit how wrong they have been, but they will have no choice but to come around because the shit that is going to come out over the next few years about the trump family is going to blow people away!

WE must STAY on OUR DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP to go after trump with all they have and to MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF TRUMP, NO DEALS, no "moving on for the sake of the country", the country needs to go after trump so we can heal. If we don't go after trump and his family with all we have, we will get another trump cult member in office, lets not forget about the Tom Cottons, Jim Jordans and Gov DeSantis cult members out there who will try to con the people like trump did, and they will if we let trump walk away and live his life as if nothing happened. The last 4 years have been a living hell on my mind and heart, I need to see trump taken down, I need trump voted out. If trump wins, we will never recover as a nation, we will lose rights we never thought would be up for discussion, no joke. At this point, we are not going to change any trumpers minds, we need to focus on getting OUR BASE out to VOTE and we need to get the young black vote! The young black voters still are not sure about Biden and we need to make them understand that its not about liking Biden as much as it is saving our democracy and that at this point ANYONE BUT TRUMP, ANYONE. trump (notice I will not use a capital letter when spelling his name, he doesn't deserve it) will NOT win my state of Michigan again, I promise you that.

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Thanks Joanne, again!

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have dumped many old friends, acquaintances, and family due to Donald Trump. I prefer to call them Trumpsters.


In my eyes, they're a lost cause and their views and beliefs are nothing more than garbage that belong in a dumpster.

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I have also dumped a lot of friends and family who belong to the trump cult, I just can't take their bullshit and ugliness anymore. Its disheartening to see people still defend trump and not wear masks. No other president would've made the virus a political thing or about them. trump acts like the virus is all about him, like everything else the piece of crap lying con man thinks, all about him. I know I am exhausted and can't wait for January 2021 to watch trump walk out of OUR White House, I am going to celebrate like never before! I am scared about what he will do between his loss in November all the way to January, that is when he will be his most dangerous. If only the GOP had set boundries with him day 1 we wouldn't be so bad off today. I hope the GOP pays dearly this Nov, I think the Dems can win ALL 3 branches of gov't, as long as we all vote. I don't care if I have to wait all day in line to vote, I will do what it takes. We all need to take our lawn chairs and snacks to the voting precincts and be prepared for long lines, sadly especially in poor black communities where votes are really suppressed.

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Yes, Joanne -- and you've been with us so long on my show! Thanks for your work and inspiration to others!

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Glad to see all the response -- I know there are so many of these stories out there. I'll just in later after the show.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I stay away from Trumpers, and they've learned to stay away from me. When I see someone in Trump bling, I just look at them making eye contact, grin, chuckle rather obviously, and move on with a shake of my head. If they choose to take offense, I eat them alive.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm glad I'm not alone in trying to deal with the Trumpsters in our lives. It was bad four years ago, and I had to quit some FaceBook friends because of their repetition of the lies and propaganda from Faux News. I didn't understand - and I think this puts me into the group responding here - how normally smart and thinking men and women could twist their brains around in support of this sociopath. My niece blocked me because I kept refuting all of her FB posts of the truly fake information coming out of the right-wing bullshit "news." These believers refuse to listen to reason - like any other cult member - and prefer to lob trash and lies. The Trumpsters now feel they have the license to profess their racism and don't need to feel ashamed. My younger brother - VietNam Vet - is all on board this crazy train. I now ignore him. I truly hope he and his family do not contract this virus, but he lives near Houston and doesn't wear a mask. I can empathize with the sadness expressed here.

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That is the big question. We all know Trump is mentally disturbed, as his niece, a clinical psychologist observed. But how is it that so much of the population gravitates toward it, becomes part of a cult. That's the question that is hard to answer.

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Why is this so hard for you to understand? They gravitate towards it because reinforces their sense of racial grievance which goes hand in hand with the lost White Privilege

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Oh, I certainly understand the racism he feeds into and exploits in them. I guess it's hard to believe that they'd gravitate toward someone so flimsy, so disturbed, so inept, so messed up, whom they refuse to even acknowledge is mentally and emotionally stunted --- when there are plenty of more competent, equally racist Republicans, some of who he ran against in the primaries, who'd have pushed on all the same issues. And might have done it without alienating a lot of other poeple who might have felt the same grievance as they do but just couldn't deal with it when it was thrown in their faces and so blatant.

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Exactly! And they never admit Trump is wrong ... about anything! Every little thing Obama or Hillary did comes under scrutiny and scorn with them. But they will not admit to a flaw or a lie with this guy. That's the cult.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

There a few comments here where people have described family/friends who voted for Obama and are now tRumpers, I can’t get my head around that ? Find it so unexplainable .

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It's mostly in the midwest too. Joanne really gives a good explanation for it --- a lot of that is in the story i linked to in the intro.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My dad is all in for trump.

He has a Twitter. It is here https://twitter.com/pkrply?s=09

If anyone is bored and wants to troll the fuck out of him it'd be great.


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Jul 9, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I already sent him a message :-).

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I love this.

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Gary, do you talk? What is it like?

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Only when he says something so patently false and stupid I eel I have to try to lay down the facts. He is a 16 hour a day fox watcher. Only stopping for price is right and 2 old western shows. When not in the house its fox on sirius in the car.

He is your typical fragile old white male. Believes Muslims are here to topple the government and Christianity is under attack. Immigrants bad. Unions bad. Tax cuts helped everyone. He was poor so racism clearly doesn't exist. Any republican that doesn't sniff trumps farts is a rino. Etc.

My mom is half in the bubble my dad has created so I really try to push back on shit when he tries to get her on board with this nonsense.

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What happens when Trump loses?

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He will probably sit and opine that it was the illegals and the democrats cheating. Or some such shit.

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I'll check in out, Gary. I'm not shy on Twitter, will troll as appropriate!

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**it** not "in" grrrrrr

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Its shameful. A bunch overtly racist and q anon shit. 😂

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Thank you fornthe concern and attempt at giving him the whatfor!

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OH MY GOD, Gary! I could only get a few scrolls into your dad's twitter.....OH MY GOD! I am so sorry for you.

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At least he's a cat person... that may be the only thing he has going for him.

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This is very much how things progressed with our relationship. I just look at my dad with contempt now. It hurts because he is my dad and I love him but I've lost respect for him in any capacity.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Since 2015, I’ve been honest and vocal about tRUMP. Turns out that nothing positive can be said about him or his actions/inactions. Needless to say, the trumpers in my life have dropped like flies.

No loss and no need for me to actively remove them. I LOVE efficiency. All that is required of me is to be informed and to know the facts, very important always, but especially in this age of self-selected ‘news’ outlets.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

3 of my 7 siblings are infected with Trumpitis as is my daughter and many friends in this red infested portion of California. I don't discuss politics unless they open their mouths and utter some BS they've heard on right wing radio or tv. Then I point out the facts and invite them to prove me wrong. Most don't bother to try and one even admitted to preferring being willfully ignorant. There's not much you can do about such idiocy but abandoning them denies them the few times they'll hear actual facts instead of the alternative "facts" they get fed. I just retain hope that they'll eventually come to their senses.

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A lot fo people say this -- they need people in their lives to challenge them. And yet, it's so difficult. You do seem to think they could change.

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have cut off all communications with my sister. ALL. I occasionally peak at her twitter, when I can stand to. She is full-on 100% Trumpist, parrots all the Fox News personalities that she follows on Twitter. No original thoughts, just retweets. We have always been very opposite people, but even I was surprised she has fallen into the QAnon cult. It is breath-taking how different we are, have absolutely nothing in common anymore. I don't need toxic people in my life.

We live in a very red part of a blue state. My husband still speaks to the neighbors, including on political topics. I do not. He nearly came to blows on Monday night with a couple of the men. I don't socialize with them, but he thinks he might sway someone's opinion and has gotten more vocal about challenging their racist, knee-jerk, pro-Trump views. One of them admitted that Trump is a "loose cannon," but that was the farthest they would go toward any criticism.

I haven't noticed any change in the Trumpists, other than to become louder, more obnoxious, more belligerent.

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Sorry to hear there's been no movement. I relate to the peaking at social media. I have one relative i've done that with -- no change!

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Back in 2010 I got re-acquainted with family I lost touch with in the early 80s. I found out they were heavy Tea Party people and *extremely* racist. This stems from my family having been in the Nazi army (great uncle). I ceased any communication with them and got rid of my Facebook account as well. I can only imagine how much they love this president. I'm glad I don't have to see any of their trash anymore.

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Wow, Austin. You've made a direct connection between Trump supporters, the tea party and the Nazis. Anyway, your actions were ultimately healthy for you.

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Yeah there are things going on that are really odious with the GOP and their association with Russia. There's still an unanswered question with Ted Cruz and his campaign app with the data he's sharing to a Russian contact. Everything these people did with their disinformation campaigns on social media...a lot of people need to be held accountable. I just don't have much hope in Democrats to do a lot of the things that need to be done if they take back control...I'd like to be proven wrong obviously.

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Jul 9, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

No republicans and no trumpites !

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The main trump supporter that I am dealing with is my girls' father. During the early stay at home orders he stayed with us more regularly as a safety precaution because of my daughter who has an underlying condition - a metabolic condition that the cdc recently added to their list of underlying conditions which in children will cause severe disease if gets the virus. But as restrictions were eased more I saw him coming and going more. Now mind you we had plenty of disagreements about trump but in the beginning their dad - evan took it seriously- however at some point he started being gone for days at a time and his behavior became suspicious. Now this is a guy who just a week or 2 ago said I'm a hater (because of course I hate trump) and said I should move to another country. Then about a week ago he sent me a message that he had listened to one of bidens speeches and he was thinking of switching to the democratic party. But he was likely just being provocative and trying to engage me in some argument. In any case I've been telling him that he can't be hanging around other people and coming here and putting our daughter at risk. Of course he swore up and down he wasn't in contact with anyone else and he was safe when he went out. So just yesterday he left and I found out that he's been seeing a woman (not the issue although our situation is complicated so I am still taking this in) who of course is a trump supporter and a conspiracy theorist and so I've now informed evan that this weekend when i take my girls to see my dad (we have been doing this since start of pandemic since me and the girls only stay at home and once a week go to my dad's) he has to collect all his stuff and he absolutely can't be here anymore because he's been lying all along and endangering my daughter as he's been leading a double life and when he's not here spending at least some if not all of his time with a pro trump conspiracy theorist woman. This story is to be continued. We are all making sacrifices right now but not him. He puts his needs first all the time even if it endangers his daughter's life. So I'm sure I'll have more to add as time goes on. I've said this before but if not for trump I wouldn't have known that their dad is such a selfish hateful person. So like everything else that has happened finding out that he was a trumper was confirmation that there would never be a future for us and maybe part of me held on to the tiniest sliver of hope that this pandemic would wake him up but then I got the confirmation that he's seeing a woman who just reinforces his distorted thinking about his dear leader trump and I am looking as a blessing in disguise. Thanks Michelangelo. To be continued I'm sure.

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Thanks Alison. You have a big heart and are balancing a lot. You also are really great mom and your daughters are lucky. I know it can sometimes be rough but you have all of us here. Thank you!

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Thanks so much Michelangelo. I really appreciate you saying this. Thanks for your support. I'm very grateful for you.

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Keep your head up, Alison, for your girls.

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Thank you.

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Allison, girl this sounds like a whole bunch of crazy that neither you nor your daughter need right now. You've got your hands full managing being a parent in the middle of a pandemic, you don't need his lies and recklessness on top of it. My heart goes out to you. Truly wishing you the best, whatever you decide to do.

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Thanks EJ. He picked up all his stuff with gloves and a mask and stayed outside. I'm working through my own process. Even though we have technically been over for years he was still here every weekend and during the initial safer at home order he was here everyday. Even though I don't want to be with him I still felt a sense of betrayal because of his lies and gaslighting. I'll work through it. I'll come through this stronger, hopefully just as this country rids ourselves of this terrorist occupying the WH and builds back better and stronger I will do the same in my personal life. Wanted to get my doctorate but the right time never quite revealed itself until now. So as our country collectively heals I will be healing as well on a personal level and just maybe this is the final push I needed to start working on my PhD. Thanks again for your kind words and letting me share here.

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Amen to all of that, and congrats on your decision to take the PhD leap, I recently made that same decision!!! One positive thing about this pandemic is that it has given many of us pause and an opportunity to really evaluate our lives. Good luck to us both! 😊🤞🏾

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Oh great. Where are you going to pursue your degree? That's awesome. I completely agree. Good luck for sure.

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Looking into a language and cultural literacy doctoral program at IU. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏾😊

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Married to a tRump supporter and I just don't get it because shes a smart educated woman, until it comes to politics, kind of disconnected. She voted for Obama twice but still won't let go of this moron. I can't talk to her about it cause it always ends in a fight. She still plans to vote for him in November, I think, but has said she hopes he loses because she thinks I'm too over the top with my hatred for the man. I don't know if people realize how much is on the line if tRump gets 4 more years.

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Thanks Mike. I'm fascinated at the same time as feeling terrible for you. it has be very difficult. Fascinated because I can't quite understand why this smart woman sees -- is it her opposition to Dems or does she really genuinely like him and his polices?

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Definitely opposed Hillary because she believes all the BS, and now doesn't have any faith in Biden but like I said did vote for Obama twice. She had said she would vote for a democrat if they had a viable candidate but couldn't name any candidate other then Biden or Sanders. My wife lives on Facebook and I feel the way it works nowadays is it gears your feed towards your clicks, that being both the clicks of people and your actual article clicks, and her feed is just full of misinformation and I tried to tell her that yeah that's just bullshit. I actually heard her tell someone, after listening to a trump presser, that Obama left the shelves empty of PPE and I just wanted to scream STOP IT! Cause now she is spreading his bullshit.

Thank you Michelangelo for listening and I'll be listening to you as I do everyday on my way home from work.

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Thank you for sharing your story, Mike. It's heartbreaking.

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Question: what does she make of metoo?

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It's great to have a Trumper in my life because every day I get the FOX News Update from him. The thing which is interesting is he very ANGRY at liberals, and blacks, and gays, and trans, Spanish, Governors, Senators and etc...... the list goes on and on at much these people that he hates. Luckily I have a cure. I tell him that I do not watch TV (because it is a brainwashing devise) I read the Boston Globe (he says fake news) and I ask him which reputable newspaper I should read to understand his point of view. He becomes confused and doesn't know what to say....BTW, he gets very sad when I tell him that I believe only 2% of what he tells me. Ha. God Bless you Mr. Signorile.

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So it doesn't seem to depress or anger you. Glad you've mastered that. And thanks Michael!

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