It’s funny how their arguments are so one-sided. I wonder if they call up other shows the same way they call this show? Their whole party is a bunch of bobble heads saying the same thing, “the left, the left, the left”…broaden your horizons, damn! LOL

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*SIGH!*The entire "free speech" discussion is pretty innane on the political right. What Rogan and his ilk are demanding is to be free from consequences for bigoted speech. Uhm, while the US and governments might not throw them in jail, there SHOULD be consequences for promoting HATE on the public airwaves (and I include the internet, since the US taxpayers initially paid for that one). So, I have no problem with economic and social boycotts of bigots. Hate should exact a financial cost by its proponents. By contrast, the right wants to BAN books in public school libraries (and in curricular materials), because their tiny fee-fees are hurt that books might discuss US racism, the life of Queer people, etc.. Curricular materials are selected to appeal to many students, all who have diverse backgrounds, including from their own parents--at times. So, thank you for taking on these fools. You are a better soul than I.

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What kills me about right wingers is how easy it is to hoist them on their own petard. They cannot WAIT to condemn somebody else for the very thing they themselves are ACTUALLY DOING! Bunch of dummies.

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The only thing the right wingnuts have successfully inoculated themselves against are consequences for rank hypocrisy.

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