Nov 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I knew within 30 seconds that Brent from Missouri was trying to pick a fight with you when that call came in last week. I have no more patience with them either. They do not want to share or reason with anyone but their own fellow Trumpers in an echo chamber. I also live in Missouri (originally from New York) and it is a raging, rabid red state here. I'm here only to heIp out a friend. I wouldn't try to reason with them for more than a few minutes, a very few minutes. I love how Joe Madison and Thom Hartmann dispose of them. Those callers just want to distract and waste your energy, not to dialog. I think that as soon as you feel rattled you should hang up. Your energy is better spent speaking to all of us who just want them all to be out of power, and to stop taking the country down. I love your show and how you do it. It's great!! Richard.

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Thank you Richard! yes, they are so pathetic.

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Nov 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

There’s no such thing as being too hard on these morons. They deserve every bit of lambasting they get with their ignorance..

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Sadly, I have friends and family members who have sold their souls to Trumpism and refuse to think any other way. It is a waste of time even bothering with these loons. They are morally bankrupt and intellectually deficient as they embrace willfull ignorance and celebrate stupidity. It's time to just tell them to go away and sulk.

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Michael you were NOT too hard on the guy he was being passive/aggressive in his claims. I was actually screaming at my computer! LOL

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The Trumpers are living in the land that rhymes with a river called The Nile. They're also denying that they are even Trump supporters. It's the new "I'm not a racist...but" in which they deflect, deny, and get outraged when you call them out.

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I like that you hold people to the facts and stand up to the trolls. People should make sure that they have true facts before calling in.

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Hilarious. Four years ago we were called sore losers and derided endlessly. Now they are the sore losers who do not even believe they are losers! We are suffering this mentally ill delusional Trump in the White House who cannot accept that he has been legitimately voted out by an overwhelming majority of Americans. His enablers and lawyers (who will probably never be paid) continue to try to overturn it. And nuts like this guy in Missouri blindly believe an alternate reality. Michelangelo I love how you deal with them and push them away with the truth! Love your show!

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Be aggressive with them. They're amplifying a deranged and dangerous old fraud trying to overturn a legal election, and everyone of them is another voice of deep-seated, dangerous irrationality spreading like cancer. Trumpanzees deserve the hard slap of reality. Maybe Brent was looking for one when he called your show. Did he really think you were going to agree with the lunacy he was spouting? Now that would be a sign of derangement.

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I live abroad, so I avoid the echo chamber. I am 61 and never used twitter before. One week ago, I asked my daughter to help me look at Trump's tweets.


I mean, I would go about my business, and read that Trump said this and then that and I assumed he was an idiot and just tolerated him, thinking the left was a little crazy.

But HOLY SHIT, I am reading his tweets and now see how wrong I was.

I am terrified now. I have never been this terrified. Sure, Biden will take office, all will eventually flow into that, but...

First, he will do damage in the next seven months.

And, he will exacerbate divisions and empower the idiots.

My only question (and perhaps you can shed some light on this)...

Is he a genius, milking the idiots for their money?


Is he evil?

I just don't know because I am still so shocked. Now I read his tweets every hour and am shocked that this is going on.

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Don't be too hard on yourself! At least you're not one of these older Drumpf-cultists who were alive during all his affairs, his "god's gift to women" phase in Playboy, and his financial failures which were all over the news back in their day. Yet they stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich and deny that it ever happened, or downplay the whole thing saying "fake news" or "he's washed in the blood of Jayzus" or some BS.

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Thanks, but I need to be hard on myself. Just to be clear, I voted as an ex-pat for Clinton, but I tolerated Trump's win. I should have been more aware.

But the only excuse is that I never used Twitter.

OMG, these tweets are insane.

And he has his finger on the buttons. I hope to God that Pence (while he is tooooo far right, I hope he is smart) is ready in case Trump must be removed.

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He's a conman engaging in one last grift before he's escorted out. He has a massive loan coming due and blew through $1 billion in campaign donations. And, his depraved indifference to human life is evil. So, he's both, but more shrewd than genius.

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Please do NOT stop bashing these idiots. You were not "too hard on him."

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Sorry, not 7 but 2 months.

And, "little bit crazy" was an overstatement (in juxtaposition to the seriousness of Trump's insanity).

I am just beside myself and angry at myself for not having seen these tweets before.

I regret learning Twitter.

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I heard that call, too. You had FAR more patience with him than I would have. I love how you handled the call .Keep up the good trouble! --Tamara, from the great state of Michigan.

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You did exactly what needed to said and done. Cult members don't like facts and truth.

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when all else fails, claim something is in "the Constitution", a document that these morons have NEVER ACTUALLY READ!!! LOLOLOLOL

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I have been listening to your excellent show for the past five years. You were a beacon of light during a very dark time. That being said, you should know by now that there is no such thing as being too soft on a Trump supporter. These are the people who were willing to shred the United States Constitution in favor of installing Donald Trump as an American Fuhrer. Trump supporters do not deserve an iota of respect or kindness from you. They have lived the last four years deluding themselves from reality. Reality does not give a damn about their feelings. Telling a misguided person the truth is not cruelty. Please keep up the good work! I look forward to your next confrontation with these Trump supporters.

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Keep kicking ass! We love you for it. Thanks. for elevating the intelligence in this election.

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Michael thanks for being a real bull dog (in a good way) and putting that guy in Missouri in his place. Keep up the good work and thank you.

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Keep giving to them Micahel! These folks are so brainwashed and delusional. What Trump has done to this country is pathetic!

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