SCOTUS should never have heard this case. They should have kicked it back down. This is despicable that this asshole committed crimes and now he is making it sound like those crimes were part of his official capacity as president. all of this is a big slap in the face to our constitution, with regards to election integrity and election interference, as well as the transfer of power. I am still gobsmacked that this asshole has had every rule and every law bent in his favor. I am so pissed that I am spitting nails. He belongs behind bars and he needs to held accountable because crimes every single day and he shows total defiance.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 27

So weird that some justices are more concerned about a hypothetical future than the case right in front of them. It is the day-to-day job of the courts to separate justified cases from the frivolous ones. Do these justices really think our justice system incapable of doing that?

And how arrogant for Alito to claim that they were "deciding a case for the ages." They have already shown themselves willing to overturn a variety of precedents. What makes them think their opinions will stand the test of time?

Also, the core argument of Trump and his defenders is that being President REQUIRES one to break the law. How ridiculous and outrageous. Presidents take an oath to UPHOLD the law. It is the job of the executive branch to ENFORCE the law. How strange that some Supreme Court justices seem not to understand these fundamental principles, and feign concern over protecting future presidents; implicitly acceding to the notion (required only by Trump) that presidents have to break the law to do the job. Sickening.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

These “conservative” judges are using their “legalese” and are trying to pull a fast one on the American public with their convoluted “twisting” of what we ALL saw happen on 1/6/21.

Thomas should recuse himself, plain and simple, bc his “best friend” was in on “stop the steal.”

SCOTUS’s actions should have every single American angry and eager to get out the vote.

We all need to register voters for this November👏👏👏🌞

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This Court is rotten to its core; something must be done. Expanding SCOTUS might be a start, but the odious politically motivated views of the current majority must be excised somehow. You can see how their arguments affect the logic of even the most liberal Justices. This bunch is toxic.

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This SCOTUS bunch is toxic indeed. But if we can win both House and Senate this fall, we can fight back.

In addition to expanding the court to 13, representing the 13 federal judicial circuits, we can pursue two other remedies: Setting term limits for the justices, and require them to rotate their duties between duties on the high court

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(typo issues) . . . rotate the justices between service on the high bench and duty back at the circuit level. Congress has the constitutional authority to do this.

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Oh, unclutch your pearls, Brett:

May I point out in all our history we’ve not had the issue until THIS President.

And why this President? Because, if you will stay in your lane and consider the FACTS in the case before you, it’s an easy ruling (on a matter you should not have taken up in the first place): THIS President committed criminal acts. Dancing “Presidential” vs “Private” acts on the head of a ridiculous pin is just subterfuge.

You know it.

We know it.

The solution for we citizens is also clear: don’t vote for criminals or criminal adjacent candidates.


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Well said Martha👏🌞

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Don’t be surprised if SCOTUS screws up this immunity decision. They will definitely send it back to the lower court & delays will occur, but the lower court will be in a position to open up all the evidence that was initially protected from court scrutiny, and that will not be a good thing for Trump. The only way out is for us to ensure that Biden wins both houses of Congress, that will ease all of our concerns.

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The current Supreme Court is an abomination we will be living with for years and years to come if something isn't done to ameliorate the corruption. Indeed, the American system of justice (sic) is dysfunctional in the extreme. How else can you view a system under which an attempted coup four years ago is still slogging through delay after interminable delay, including a terminally flaccid and weak-willed DOJ, while the same wannabe tyrant is waiting to be installed again with the help of a mentally deranged, fascist minority and foreign enemies?

I sincerely hate to say this, but we need to start thinking about how we are going to respond in the worst-case scenario of another Trump administration again elected with less than the popular vote, enabled by the malignancy known as the Electoral College and abetted by a totally compromised, radical right-wing SCOTUS. Are we going to stand by as a tyrant works to undermine our entire social fabric, including mind-bending tax cuts for the billionaire class and the ending of Social Security, healthcare and the rest of the social safety net? That's in addition to gutting the federal government's ability to regulate corporations to protect our collective health and welfare and using authoritarian violence to quell rightful demonstrations. Or are we willing to stand up and fight, really fight, in whatever degree of resistance is required to protect our rights, restore democracy and remove the tyrant?

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The Court is corrupt. We cannot expect justice --- except for the billionaires. The rest of us do not count one iota. I fear a Fascist future. I'm reading "Prequel" by Rachel Maddow about the rise of Fascism in America. An eye-opening and scary book.

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Yes, it is a chicken or egg question, but originated by a very indecent, bullying chicken. A very negative, harmful role model who is now spawning so much disrespect and dishonesty through the MAGA virus. Two justices said, I’m not focussed on the here and now of this case, as well as I’m not concerned about this case but I am concerned about the future. That is an example of the “respectable” dishonesty from high places. Those two statements are sly lies, discussed as wise, carefully considered viewpoints. They just gave the current candidate the delaying tactic he seeks because those justices are politically reactionary and extremist under the cover and guise of an impartial court.

It’s often said that there is the spirt of the law and the letter of the law that must be considered in momentous matters. The spirit of the law is the good, healing and peace-making intention behind all laws. It is the heart of the matter. When the spirit of the law goes out the window because a large percentage of citizens want to overthrow the current American system, then phony rationalism takes over with slippery words. What l heard yesterday is a form of cunning gaslighting on the part of the court. Oh no, we’re not doing what you think we are doing, trust us. It takes us toward a king-system rather than a presidency.

Why do so many people support MAGA and in fact desire to overthrow the American government? This question came up very clearly at the end of Michelangelo’ s Thursday April 25 show in the interview with author Don Winslow. Michelangelo posed the question and Don Winslow responded with at least 5 reasons why MAGA has so much support. I think it’s not too late to start talking about why so many people are supporting this radical change in American vision at this time. Maybe have Don Winslow on again just to go deeper in this question in order to find a way to counter and reach voters who might still reconsider the harm they are about to to all of us. It was a great interview with a “big picture” viewpoint. Might be good to play it again.

Richard Simonelli

Fenton MO

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

It's a bullshit argument for sure. Rs better remember the knife cuts both ways! Maybe not if democracy is gone, though. Thomas has no shame AND no place participating in this discussion. Term limits, please!

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Is Trump blackmailing them? Is he threatening their lives and why still call them conservative don’t give them that dignity. They are hard right fascistic fanatics.

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The Conservatives are fascists 🤦‍♀️ Always have been. Always will be. They're all bad. It's in their name. Con = bad.

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A question: Suppose Democrats win both House and Senate in November. Would Clarence Thomas’ acceptance of illegal gifts and proven conflicts of interest in the Trump cases that have reached the High Court be sufficient to carry an impeachment and conviction by Congress?

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Obviously, this Court is no better than the MAGAs at wanting to own the libs and disrupt for their own amusement. They never outgrew that frat boy shallowness and sense of privilege and how far they can push it. America has a huge immaturity problem after being trained to give in to our childish impulses by consumer culture.

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Base your decision on the facts before you, in this case which you should not even have taken up!

The ONLY President who has threatened retribution against his opponent is the one you’re protecting so steadfastly.

“Long live the King!” eh, Sammy and Clarence and Neil?? 🤯🤬

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Just please vote blue. No one is saving you guys. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Oh, unclutch your pearls, Brett:

May I point out in all our history we’ve not had the issue until THIS President.

And why this President? Because, if you will stay in your lane and consider the FACTS in the case before you, it’s an easy ruling: THIS President committed criminal acts. Dancing “Presidential” vs “Private” acts on the head of a ridiculous pin is just subterfuge.

You know it.

We know it.

The solution for we citizens is also clear: don’t vote for criminals or criminal adjacent candidates.


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Stay with this through to the end … from Google, we find SCOTUS has been mocking the “new laws” (Post the E.C.) from the proverbial “get-go!”

Who decided that corporations are people?

In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad (1886), the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment applied to corporations. Since then the Court has repeatedly reaffirmed this protection

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That should read Post the Emancipation

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All the yesteryears I would imagine maybe visiting DC as tourist someday, see all the seats of our government, the top of the justice system, the monuments, feel the strength and the power of the world’s best and brightest, wealthiest, strongest nation, feel a rising sense of pride, awe even. I would believe we were more honest and ethical than corrupt and dysfunctional. Not anymore. It’s clear currently we are a corrupt nation full of charlatans and crooks in leadership positions (not Joe, he is heartfelt and real deal, burned and burnished by many difficult fires of life). How could I visit the Capitol building now and not recall actual shit smeared on the walls and as never seen during the Civil War, that damn Confederate flag of the losers of that war hoisted on a pole and paraded through the very seat and heart of our democracy ?? The Orange Monster did not create all of this, but clearly he has an evil talent to bring out the worst in us as a whole, and amplify it, even deep into the Supreme Court itself. I don’t think touring DC and thinking good of it is on the table anymore, not at least for the next 5 or 10 years to cleanse and change course. Or, have we always been a corrupt nation, just more hidden and secretive and now I have become less näive ?? Lust for power and money corrupts. Probably very few Mr. Rogers Neighborhood types are drawn to run for high offices of power.

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You’ve just pointed out why I should remain grateful. Grateful my mother was hired on by accident in NASA when I was 18 months old in 1956. Grateful to have grown up close enough to DC to have visited it enough times that by the age of 15 I ran away inside of it.

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Why is it tRump’s 3 appointees, who lied to get on the bench, did not recuse, along with Unindicted co-conspirator Clarence Thomas??? Is there a quorum rule at SCOTUS?

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