Let's hope sleaze-bag Matt Gaetz is out next. If his dad wasn't wealthy, he'd have been in prison long ago.

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Based on a report I heard this morning, the DOJ just received evidence from a girl claiming that Gaetz had sex with her when she was a minor and paid her to keep quiet. If true, this could blow up real soon. Popcorn, anyone?

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One, I live for the day that Marjorie Taylor Bike (Brit slang) gets up in front of the Senate to run a trial. It will be the funniest bit since Lucy and Ethel worked in the chocolate factory.

Two, what is it about James Comer's face that screams out to the world for a lemon cream pie?

Three, which Republican will be the first to get out front saying that Navalny had it coming?

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Oh ya, Lucy, Ethel and chocolates zooming by on a conveyor belt, classic comedy. And Lucy getting drunk off a liquid supplement that was mostly alcohol “VitaMeataVegamin” however spelled. “Vitamins, Meats, Vegetables and Minerals”. The but surely is on YouTube. Maybe VitaMetaVegaMin”. Thanks for the memory Mark.

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It is a pity, we ,the people , can’t sue these pathetic MAGA “terrorists” for wasting OUR money . Perhaps a formal inquiry into the cost and the frivolous waste of taxpayers money should be held ,at least, for a n historical record.

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May the GOP experience the karma that is inevitably looming closer to them with each passing day. May it come swiftly and may it be intense. May the republican party implode due to its own abhorrent lack of substance, competence, and basic human decency. It couldn't happen to a more deserving white supremacist, fascist movement.

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Agree completely Vanessa. These magacons are devils.

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The lying and scheming of the GOP is all it has. This reminds me of the stories that were circulated to harm the Clinton administration that were written by someone paid by the GOP to defame them. Basket of Deplorables - apt descriptor.

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The latest scheme to bleed the Republican National Committee dry for the Trump crime family is so obvious.

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When I heard the name Smirnov I knew immediately that vodka eventually makes a liar out of anyone who imbibes. That the gop more than likely knew the information was faulty and as long as it kept up the ruse, Biden's poll numbers wouldn't increase (MSM also was a collaborator). Unlike other distractions, the American people will finally learn that trumpanzee's minions in elected office are literally stealing our tax dollars for accomplishing zilch. I've a feeling the removal of the maga blinders will require an electoral bloodbath to penetrate the bubble. Now I know why the recess was sudden and timely for the House repugnants. By the by, anyone who didn't recognize Johnson as a prosperity preacher gets 2 demerits for sleeping at the wheel. As far as sleazeball Gaetz is concerned, the fratboy who never grew up is getting his just desserts for being an asshole fascist Floridians already knew him to be. I'm of the minority opinion that placing Lara Trumpanzee at the top of the RNC food chain is a welcome move because then the prediction of trumpanzee destroying the gop will come true. That the world witnessed the sacrifice of Alexei Navalny should galvanize the Western world to combat the scourge of communism even with the Chinese accomplishing the feat of commercial Communism which is now experiencing a downturn. FREE THE The Uyghurs!!

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Fearful and paranoid of being primaried by a super-duper spinning eyes Q conspiracist white supremacist nut job forced on ‘em by the GOO, they desperately cling to that guy who lives in the gutter all his life and they are continually pulled down into the steaming piles of raw sewage and overflow from toxic waste diaper spills. This grand fall has been slowly coming for what, 14 years at least ? Remember that RNC “autopsy” after Obama won his second term? The autopsy indicated they needed to become a bigger tent, more inviting for all to get more votes to win in the future. What did they do ? Tripled and quadrupled down on the narrow bigoted cracker base and they gerrymandered, lied, cheated and stole to cling to waning power. My heart bleeds. Yes, sure hope they investigate Comer what he knew and when, but have little faith. And push out JugHead for his alleged transgressions with minors, once confirmed. When will they ever get tough on GymShorts J. for defying a congressional subpoena for years while screeching about Hunter subpoena ?? Bottomless pit of hypocrisy almost all of them. Then there’s Rumps little Johnson and his “Purity Balls”, creepy photos of a dad and a 13 YO daughter dressed up like engagement/wedding photos, a purity ring dad puts on her finger until her future husband claims ownership and swaps for a wedding ring. Women are chattel who better remain mostly silent but for household chores, raising babies and they made a wedding covenant, they feel great pressure and guilt to never divorce for any reason. Patriarchal abuse easily creeps in with cherry picked Bible verses to justify. “Handmaid’s Tale”. Meanwhile the super duper uber bigly goodly godly Christian that he professes to be and G-d even speaks to him, MAGA Moses is a “very strong” promoter of the inner circle of “The Big Lie”. How does one openly work to promote The Big Lie for years and also remain in good graces a godly righteous man in G’s eyes, feeling all holier than thou better than others, looking down on them, judging ? The vortex of thoughts this day as we all wait to hear Judge Engoron’s final say. Yippie !! Sock it to him, sock it to him. Recall “Rowen and Martin’s Laugh In” late 60’s, cute perky Goldie Hawn was there, Artie Johnson, Jo Ann Worley, Ruth Buzzy, Lily Tomlin “One ringy dingy, snort, two ringy dingys”. Nixon made a glancing appearance clip “Sock it to ME ??!!”. Snort and L9L.

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The maga screech monkeys sure are quiet this morning

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There are two upcoming congressional special elections in which Democrats should compete vigorously: CA-20 (McCarthy’s seat,) and OH-6 (Bill Johnson’s seat.) The way things are going, we have a chance to flip these two seats. Imagine: A Republican majority of 1 by July. Then we can work on flipping a couple of vulnerable Republican into becoming independents and, what do you know? The Republican majority is gone. It’s doable.

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But the Fox Noise Channel said the "informant" is telling the truth. The cannot fathom they were LIED too! SUCKERED. That is why those FBI document PD 103x records are NOT normally used! They ARE NOT REAL evidence.

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The Republican party is no longer a party. It's only purpose now is to pledge to and obey the anointed dictator.

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Just delish.

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