Excuses, excuses, excuses! That's all we hear from the RepubliKKKans.

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Like you said, Donnab!

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Tim claims he “comes from the intelligence side” but I am willing to bet good money that he’s a mall cop.

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Sounds like he comes from the unintelligent side. There is no bottom with the MAGA cultists.

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He knows words, he has the best words!

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Don't get why people keep saying we should "turn down the temperature" whilst giving ignorance an audience. These people are willfully denying reality and my patience is exhausted. I will give anyone a listen until lack of education appears and the conversation dovetails. Reasoned arguments are fine but please stop coddling idiots on parade...

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It’s astonishing how little these people know or understand how the law works, or the constitution for that matter. In not a lawyer, but I know how to google things I don’t know, or I ask someone who is a lawyer. And those on the rightwing shows know how ignorant these people are so that’s how they get away with spewing lies ( like Rudy boy).

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You had mega patience Mike. He sure was so very sure of himself, really believed the lies drilled into his brain over and over by Fox and the like, social media circles. I have strong concerns on the promulgation of so many lies and the survival of this nation as we knew it was, used to be. Some sort of checks and balances sans 1st Amendment free speech being squelched is very much needed for everyone to be held to. A narrow path, but there must be a way.

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If old Tim “comes from the intelligence side” I’m Mary Poppins. Just sayin.

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