I love the way you handle these nuts. My goodness.

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I'm glad you shut these mentally deficient MAGGATS down when they begin to spew their vitriolic noncents [poetic license] ad nauseum! Keep ramming them like a "Sherman" tank---we'll use the General's own weapon to slay the CONfederacy once and for all and forever!

Rump 86/45/11/3/20

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Love it!!!!

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It's the Cult Mentality of these Simple Minded, Gullible Morons which makes them more Susceptible to the Blatant Lies and Unfounded Conspiracy Theories that Trump and his Minions Spew everyday. It really is mind boggling how easily they accept these lies as truth. I mean they are so embedded in their own little world that it's impossible for Facts, Truth and Evidence to penetrate their shield of stupidity. But the one thing that gets me through all this Madness is what you say all the time Michaelangelo......The Are More of Us Than There Are Of Them!!!

We will Take Back The White House, We Will Take The Senate, We will Keep the House... And We Will do what us Dems have always done.... Repair the Damage that the Republicans caused and Move Forward into a New and Brighter Future.

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Hi Michael good job on Clark. I'm from Missouri and idiots like him are all around me. I will say this. I've been watching MSNBC today since 4:30pm central until about 8:00pm. Tons of talk about Trump including Trump sound bites. Not one word from Joe Biden. Either by video or by the reading of text about his stance on the subject matter. I'm afraid MSNBC is gonna get the jackass re-elected through subconscious verbal emissions. If that is such a thing? John

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Hard to believe there are such irresponsible heartless people existing in this country including the maggots in congress. This madness we are living today has been in the making for years and drumpf was the one who brought it full-range. Wonder what will happen to them all when their" chosen" one turns on them and finally their world crashes down? It will! Sooner than later, hopefully. Keep chipping away Michaelangelo, it's tough, but it is wonderful to hear you standing up to the loonies!

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Trumpy Dumpy is widely know for fucking-over his friends, contractors, family, employees, etc. So the MAGAts getting fucked-over while the orange asshole flees to Russia after losing the election wouldn't surprise me at all. Him and his campaign staff have been skimming the campaign fund, and pretty soon they will run out of money.

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Let's keep on pushing hope!

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Hi Michelangelo - Clark from MO, just another cult-follower. As always, I love when you handle their asses. Ignorant people, they deserve it. The pic above, that idiot is killing a lot of Americans by not protecting us from the virus and dividing the country. The virus have killed over 200K people :(

I am looking for the debate next week in hopes that Biden chew him up and spit his lard ass out!!!

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Props for dealing with the Trumpanzee cultists and for not taking their crap. There's no changing their minds. What they have is not a political affiliation, but more of a disorder that disassociates them from reality. In reality, their cult leader looks down on them. If they think he cares whether they live or die, they are really far gone. But then they think the virus is a hoax... until one of them catches it and dies. What these callers want is for your show to never have a critical thing to say about Trump, to be a mindless repeater of his bullshit, or just to be like them. I love it that you get under their skin. Keep up the good work!

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No accounting for being ignorant is there? The dumbing down of America began with Reagan, who, when he became governor of California, took away free tuition at all University of California campuses. Why you might ask, because he said ee don't want more educated people because they won't vote Republican. There you have it!

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Hell yeah we are going to give them the beat down they deserve on election day. If they try and intimidate you at the polls just walk right through them and tell them to piss off.

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This idiot, like a lot of Trumpsychos, refuses to face facts, especially with reference to all current polls----yeah, polls in 2016 showed HRC winning, but her polls were nothing compared to how Joe is polling, and has been polling since I began keep records almost two months ago.....he currently has an virtually insurmountable lead over Dirty Don IN MANY STATES, NOT JUST NATIONALLY, and the only thing that can change that is the Republicans' inevitable "October Surprise", which, unfortunately, I don't see any elected Democrats preparing for. HRC lost in 2016 due to a Republican triple whammy: The Comey Report, Wikileaks' dump of DNC emails, and the Anthony Weiner Email Scandal; and, Trump's voter suppression, which likely gave him the Electoral College Win. My question is: WHAT ARE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS DOING TO PREVENT, OR AT LEAST BLUNT, THE COMING OCTOBER SURPRISE? Space prevents me from listing the gruesome possibilities, but I feel like a voice in the wilderness on this. PLEASE, EVERYONE, CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND REPS, AND ASK THEM WHAT THEY PLAN TO DO BEFORE THE REPUBLICANS ATTACK BIDEN IN OCTOBER!!!!!

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I love your defense conversations and I laugh at your passion!

Will we ever come out on the other sad with this corruption?


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Michelangelo - I got to listen to your show late today in Sirius, late reply, and you nailed it with Peter Strzok, a Patriot, just like you keeping us sane and putting these cult-follower idiots on check :)

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That was an awesome takedown! I did not get to hear this live and I am so glad you posted this!

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Screw The Power Hungry Orange Moron!

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Then we REALLY need to help tRump out by beating him in six weeks!

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Trumpanzee, priceless!

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