And I loved how you said really loud how trump needed to worry about the “fucking coronavirus!” I spit my drink out from laughing so hard! Also, how do these people just “find” your show? The channel is called “progress” so do they think it’s something else? “Will these trumpers ever learn that they can’t own you and they should stop trying! You’re the best!

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Thank you and I agree

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Trump is speaking in tongues . . . in a language that only his cult followers can comprehend. Just the same as some pentecostal writhing on the floor, foaming and gibbering, can be understood by the preacher who translates for him.

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The Rogers of America need to understand we are NOT GOING BACK! The question he doesn’t ask himself is why does (He believe) low income Housing “brings down property values”. Because people like him don’t want to live next to low income people? Why not? Because the Rogers of the world are racists.

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You can never be too strong. Sadly, like my brother in Houston, they don’t listen to reason.

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November can't get here soon enough. If we take back control, I wonder how these people will react.

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I don’t think it’s going to be pretty but I’m standing tall and firm for Joe Biden !!

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I've been voting blue since 2000. I'm very hopeful this year.

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the MAGAs will literally defend anything he does: murder on 5th Avenue, calling Rosie a "fat pig" and conspiring with a hostile-foreign nation. Q that's always on my mind: how do we deprogram these folks after donald is frog-marched off white house grounds?

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She doesn’t have to examine him. She’s been around him her whole life and he’s incoherent to everybody that’s got good sense . Get your president tested because anybody with a healthy brain can tell that something is wrong

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Not too hard on him. I am sick of these privileged racist idiots.

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You can never be too hard on what T is saying and doing - ever! Keep it up...you are a breath of fresh air.

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You can never be too hard on these Trump Covidian Death Cult fools. I have very little empathy when listening to or talking with these fools. You are right, Cadet Bone Spurs needs to be focused on the "fucking coronavirus!" I don't see this shit (virus) coming to a manageable level any time soon. A couple of Trumpers I know have just left a relatively safe area in Upper Michigan (1 case in the county up to now) and flew to Florida. Very foolish, I wouldn't do that at this time. Love your excellent show and need it to get through the day. Great show and keep up the great work. We need all of the media presence we can get.

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You make me laugh when you converse with someone like this!

BTW, I’m very bummed that Trump has removed the presidential portraits of Bill Clinton and GW Bush from their designated space and put them in the old state room dining hall for storage. And he will not even allow Obama’s to be hung!

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Nice job dealing with this backwards cult moron! You're right up their with Mike Malloy in your handling of these wingnuts.

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Simply said...FACTS matter ...and you gave FACTS to Roger ....he couldn’t handle that and reverted to attacking your intelligence & understanding. You had more patience than I would have shown.

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top-line reaction: Roger don't deserve Mike

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You will love this story! Give it some "media legs"!


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Wow . You just said a lot and as I have is all true !!

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