Pretty tired of people equating “lawyers” with “intelligence” -- decades in the industry and OMG please don’t make me expose all the stupidity and immaturity and lack of knowledge among lawyers. NO! I do believe a hell of a lot of people who should not be lawyers can somehow make it through law school. Legacy admission is a major contributing factor ...
And when they use their standing as attorneys to lend legitimacy to lies about our election, they should lose that standing, I have hope for CA Bar to do the right thing with John Eastman. Texas (wrongly) let S. Powell keep hers and I sure hope our DOJ and Dominion take up that slack.
Reminds me of when the Dolt asked (sic) 'if it was wrong then why didn't people hang up?', regarding his "perfect" call to GA officials, where he offered multiple suggestions as to how they could "find" him those 11k+ votes he lost's always the fault of someone else if things go sideways. The staffers comment of 'a coup against you' when asked to "see" the document she just handed him immediately made me think of "golf course plans" for sure. 😎
HAHAHA! Blaming the National Achives for ⸸rumps political heresy is like blaming the Franklin Institute for misplacing the Declaration of Independence in Nick Cage's National Treasure!
Ol' Rumplethinskin just needed a few MAGAzines to mull over while he's taken a deuce in his 24 carrot commode!
I'm reading Profiles in Ignorance by Andy Borowitz. I have renewed skepticism about the future of America, considering the American tendency to elect elite nitwits to public office. I recommend the book.
Pretty tired of people equating “lawyers” with “intelligence” -- decades in the industry and OMG please don’t make me expose all the stupidity and immaturity and lack of knowledge among lawyers. NO! I do believe a hell of a lot of people who should not be lawyers can somehow make it through law school. Legacy admission is a major contributing factor ...
And when they use their standing as attorneys to lend legitimacy to lies about our election, they should lose that standing, I have hope for CA Bar to do the right thing with John Eastman. Texas (wrongly) let S. Powell keep hers and I sure hope our DOJ and Dominion take up that slack.
Ca Bar yes.....Bill Barr NO!
Lock him up! He's a Traitor Joe......
Sweet baby Jesus, this is why we are where we are! How can anybody be THIS FREAKING DUMB, just for Donald Freaking Trump! 🤦🏾♀️
Typically intelligent Republican
Reminds me of when the Dolt asked (sic) 'if it was wrong then why didn't people hang up?', regarding his "perfect" call to GA officials, where he offered multiple suggestions as to how they could "find" him those 11k+ votes he lost's always the fault of someone else if things go sideways. The staffers comment of 'a coup against you' when asked to "see" the document she just handed him immediately made me think of "golf course plans" for sure. 😎
Yeah......LIV/PGAnarchists! Ol' Bonesaws should give Jack Nicklaus a trim for shooting a hole in none for American Democracy.
HAHAHA! Blaming the National Achives for ⸸rumps political heresy is like blaming the Franklin Institute for misplacing the Declaration of Independence in Nick Cage's National Treasure!
Ol' Rumplethinskin just needed a few MAGAzines to mull over while he's taken a deuce in his 24 carrot commode!
Treating Trump, like a toddler needing babysitter, isn't the flex he thought it was.
I'm reading Profiles in Ignorance by Andy Borowitz. I have renewed skepticism about the future of America, considering the American tendency to elect elite nitwits to public office. I recommend the book.