Dear Michelangelo, it is my greatest guilty pleasure to listen to you trounce the MAGA morons who call you up. I have relatives like this idiot who called you saying MTG or Gaetz would be admirable Speaker of the House. Laughable that he had never heard of Madison Cawthorn. I could not endure talking to those people as it is futile and pointless. When we have to have family events discussing politics is not something we do with certain individuals at all. You do a wonderful job of it

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That caller is scary and confirms what I've been thinking for awhile. MAGAts don't care about governing. They only care about "owning the Libs." As long as "Libs" are upset, they are fine with the country falling apart.

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Neither are they conservative; half don't even know what that means.

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Today conservative means bat-shit crazy.

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So, she thought it was BLM or Antifa breaking in, but they're also "political prisoners of war," according to Greene. Which is it? She should be charged with perjury. https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-january-6-capitol-riots-political-prisoners-1648287

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“Quote/unquote insurrection”...these people are dangerous as hell!

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"Its NOT insurrection WHEN we DO it BECAUSE we're WHITE!" - Jeff

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I don't know how you stay so calm when dealing with an idiot like this. Once again they blame Antifa which is a concept NOT an organized group like the proud boys or the 'oath keepers'. These are REAL groups involved in criminal activities. Ridiculous people who do not have the ability to reason, so they reduce it to name calling people they don't like.

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MTG has some nerve 'critisizing' others...have you seen her feet (beach photo) ? She is either a 'stand in' for the 'creature from the black lagoon' or has stopped evolving...somewhere between frog an tadpole ...now,, there are fossils of her from the early Devonian period....hmmmmmm...

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Can we clone you? We need 100 more of you to inundate the airwaves so that a voice of reason can get through to these MAGAts.

I have a theory about the cult who worships dump. Most barely completed high school and very few have any post HS education. I would hazard a guess that most are HS dropouts or got a GED (nothing wrong w/ this) or we’re home schooled. A post HS education, whether it’s a 2 year associate’s degree or the standard 4-5?year bachelor’s degree is key to having a society that is able to think critically, that understands diversity and empathy and realize there are other norms and cultures that are the polar opposite of their current understandings of life. Being undereducated is the strongest weakest link for America.

It’d be great if you would ask a caller who spouts off magat talking points, “Do you mind telling me about your education?” I’ve been doing this on some of threads where it’s obvious the person I’m debating is not educated at all. So far, my anecdotal evidence supports my theory that magats lack an education past HS.

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It is sooooo unbelievable that these people exist.

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