Jun 25, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Soooo he's good with the white supremacy, the queer bashing, the woman hating, the sexual assaulting, the locking up Brown babies in cages, and the general shit pile of corruption this man and his administration has engaged in for damn near 4 years, but the Bible - whew chile the BIBLE! - was more than poor Mike's heart could take!! Ugh. I can't stand these people. I really truly can't. Completely unimpressed and underwhelmed by their come to Jesus moments. We just need to vote like our lives depend on it, which they freaking do.

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Oh yeah, like i said, he could very well go back. We just need to turn out.

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Jun 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This was an interesting call. I’m always in suspense when a conservative calls and starts off w what appears to be an epiphany about something horrible Prez Dump did but then generally doubles down trying to justify everything else. Mark actually was sincere. UNLIKE the troll A hole who called right before Noah on I think Thursdays show and suspiciously started of w a disjointed off topic compliment only to slip in a quick troll homophobic question,, asking whether Mike is “blowing some guy on the show” so 6th grade, but ever the professional Mike breezes by and moves onto Noah and neither brings it up?! And I am left there as a gay progressive listener w my mouth open asking WHY move on ? Why not punch the Homophobic troll back Michael? Is it seriusxm policy or you just weren’t in the mood to give it its deserved reverse fag bashing. I would have let that troll regret he went there w this proud (very oral ) gay man! Lol. Maybe you hit the dump call button or he hung up but that wasn’t like you my friend. I grew up w ass hole bullies like that and that’s how I learned to fight back and one of the “many’s reasons“ I admire you.

Just curious


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Thanks CJ! Actually, I was told by someone in the studio that it was dumped -- we have a dump button as there is a delay, and it's used if someone says something offensive or tries to prank -- we don't want to encourage pranks -- and usually it works. Thus i don't say anything. just allow it to dump -- unless they miss it in which case i give them hell. however, I'm so glad you wrote this as i now know it wasn't dumped! i think with all of us working remotely and one person in the studio sometimes things slip up. Thanks!

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Good to hear this! Thanks explaining. I couldn’t imagine you passing up a good gay fight in pride month! Lol It slipped thru and really burned me. I’m a long time New Yorker but originally from PA, so when I hear a “certain” Pennsyl-tuckey a hole tone my old bullied ears perk right up. I agree w the policy we don’t need a prank show, we have comic genius Howard Stern for that! Wish there was a way to make sure you knew when to punch back if one slips thru. That ass hole deserved it but it also shows how empty theIr whole damn trump argument is if you can even call it that. They are so lame and got nothing but hate fear & immature pranks.

Proud blower


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Jun 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hi Michelangelo, I'm sooooo happy to follow your report! Now with shelter and work in place I don't drive, and I did a lot of my noon errands listening to you (west coast time).

I wish I could channel you when idiots engage me in their discussions trying to "enlighten me". The landlord of the property next to me stopped by to check on his house yesterday. I thanked him for removing a hedge, and I'm not sure how the conversation started but soon he was discussing how covid - 19 would spike thanks to protesters (mentioned that I was one of them and he backpedaled a bit saying well you weren't looting..) then goes on to yap about the men murdered by police were felons "you didn't know that did you" blablabla in front of my house, kinda loud, I cut him off and was ready to puke. similar creepy exchange happened with another person I thought was a friend, I think the Right Wingers are getting panicked and even crazier than usual.

Back to Right to Life Mike. I could scream at the Catholics (former one myself..) with all their right to life virtue, but they have been a-o-k with murder of Black citizens and mistreatment and neglect of asylum seekers, withholding health care . They helped elect Dumpf. I remember looking at a Knights of Columbus post about how they HAD to support Dumpf because of the abortion issue. AAARRRRGGGH. But good for him, if that is what it took.

If I remember we Catholics didn't read the bible a whole lot, we had the catholic version (maybe good news for modern man??) and the gospels.

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Jun 19, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I heard this call in real time. I agree any break from The Cult is something to celebrate and I thought you treated him very respectfully. He also didn’t treat you disrespectfully. When they do, it gives me so much joy when you school them.

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Jun 19, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I remember that call from Mike in PA and yes, it was surprising the Bible was the final straw. Especially since we know Trump has only touched it for a photo op.

So this is what has NOT bothered Mike from PA: Racism, misogyny, scandals, impeachment. Covid killing thousands of Americans. Separating innocent children from their parents and putting them in concentration camps. The horrendous economy. Promoting drugs to kill Americans. Chemically poisoning peaceful protestors. The very fact that the GOP is soooo bitter about everything and anything that they’re willing to destroy the very same country they stole to begin with!

Hope the Bible keeps Mike from PA warm at night.

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Jun 19, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thanks for posting. Glad he’s turned. Says he’s right to life—certainly George Floyd, Breanna Taylor and all the other dear souls had their own right to life....

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⸸rump + bible = biblical plague. Lettuce Prey......locusts are on the way. KUTGW Signore Signorile!

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