I don't know how you do it! Anyway -- this guy is pathetic. I'm glad he won't go to the hospital. It will save a bed and a ventilator for someone who wants to live.
The stupid surrounds us. I called my doctor's office to ask about a flu vaccine (as in season influenza, NOT Covid. I've already had two doses of Moderna and am waiting to hear if/when I need a booster). The woman who answered (receptionist) said I shouldn't get the flu vaccine until the end of October. Okay. Then she asked if I had my Covid booster yet. Uh. No. I have no condition that would warrant me taking vaccines away from those who need it. Then I said I'm asking about the flu vaccine. She said, "Yes, I'm talking about the flu vaccine, too. THE FLU VACCINE WILL PROTECT YOU AGAINST COVID ANYWAY BECAUSE THE SYMPTOMS ARE THE SAME". I said, "They're two different viruses." I said this TWICE. She said, "But it's the same symptoms." Good God. I called and reported her to the office. She also divulged a nurse's medical condition (I didn't ask, just asked to speak with her).
My husband's doctor told him to get the booster now and so we did yesterday. It's only 7 months since our last vaccine. We both feel fine....a little sore arm, but no big deal. Here in FL and in other states, the unvaccinated have filled the hospitals. I hope your caller doesn't go to the hospital if he gets sick. Let vaccinated people get medical care and procedures. Right now, unvaccinated fools are clogging up the hospitals. Darwinism at work.
Have they made a date on when the Moderna booster will be available to most of the general public yet? I know right now it's mainly the immune-compromised getting the booster shots.
do do do do, do do do do, do do do do. Oh lord, these people. Did they all beam in from the planet of the deranged? Wow. Thank you, Mike for playing the Twilight Zone theme song! I got my laugh for the day! These anti-vaxxers are pathetic and stupid. I think learning critical thinking in public schools should be a core curriculum. What do you think?
This is exactly why I don't want my tax money subsidizing the southern states. I know that's harsh and not everyone in those states are ignorant, but as hateful as they are about us in the blue states, what better comeuppance would it be than to remind them they are surviving off of our money. It's getting frustrating, but I am glad that blue state people are recognizing this finally.
I applaud you and your policy of anti-vaxxers having to pledge they won’t go to the hospital if/when they contract COVID-19. I did hear the previous anti-vaxxer last week, Brett (or Brent), as I recall, on the air.
This is a bit off-topic (forgive me), but I want to bring up something that I have not heard brought up before, either by you or anyone else in the media, and I think it’s worthy of discussion. My spouse and I are going through our estate planning. We frankly started it a long time ago and are now finally getting around to finishing it. In our case, waiting until this far into the pandemic has been valuable, as our family relationships are changing our decisions. Specifically, my wife’s sister-in-law, a non-working LVN, and her husband, my brother-in-law, are unvaxxed. This prevented them from attending a college grad party for our daughter we held earlier this month, as being vaccinated was a prerequisite to being a guest. Now that we’re doing estate planning, we’ve decided to take the sister-in-law out of the Power of Attorney and any HIPAA authorizations. We’re deeply uncomfortable having an anti-vaxxer potentially making ANY healthcare decisions for either of us. This was very upsetting for my wife, but we discussed it thoroughly and agreed it is in our best interests to exclude her.
I’m curious if anti-vax family members are causing other dilemmas in other families - as I’m sure they must - including in the writing of wills. The anti-vaxxers are dividing families, with serious repercussions. Further, the anti-vaxxers think they’re being victimized for choosing to forego vaccination.
The earth is flat.
There was no moon landing.
The World Trade Center was blown up by the US.
Ventilators kill.
Well, it's 4PM somewhere in the world.
I don't know how you do it! Anyway -- this guy is pathetic. I'm glad he won't go to the hospital. It will save a bed and a ventilator for someone who wants to live.
Michael, I have a very simple view about this anti-vax CROWD; if they get any flavor of COVID "I Just Don't CARE" if they DIE...
The stupid surrounds us. I called my doctor's office to ask about a flu vaccine (as in season influenza, NOT Covid. I've already had two doses of Moderna and am waiting to hear if/when I need a booster). The woman who answered (receptionist) said I shouldn't get the flu vaccine until the end of October. Okay. Then she asked if I had my Covid booster yet. Uh. No. I have no condition that would warrant me taking vaccines away from those who need it. Then I said I'm asking about the flu vaccine. She said, "Yes, I'm talking about the flu vaccine, too. THE FLU VACCINE WILL PROTECT YOU AGAINST COVID ANYWAY BECAUSE THE SYMPTOMS ARE THE SAME". I said, "They're two different viruses." I said this TWICE. She said, "But it's the same symptoms." Good God. I called and reported her to the office. She also divulged a nurse's medical condition (I didn't ask, just asked to speak with her).
My husband's doctor told him to get the booster now and so we did yesterday. It's only 7 months since our last vaccine. We both feel fine....a little sore arm, but no big deal. Here in FL and in other states, the unvaccinated have filled the hospitals. I hope your caller doesn't go to the hospital if he gets sick. Let vaccinated people get medical care and procedures. Right now, unvaccinated fools are clogging up the hospitals. Darwinism at work.
Have they made a date on when the Moderna booster will be available to most of the general public yet? I know right now it's mainly the immune-compromised getting the booster shots.
I think after September 20, but not certain. Check with the pharmacies in your area.
I heard this and just started laughing out loud. What a moron. There are way to many of these people in this country.
do do do do, do do do do, do do do do. Oh lord, these people. Did they all beam in from the planet of the deranged? Wow. Thank you, Mike for playing the Twilight Zone theme song! I got my laugh for the day! These anti-vaxxers are pathetic and stupid. I think learning critical thinking in public schools should be a core curriculum. What do you think?
All of these brainless idiots!! What the actual F@#$!?
This is exactly why I don't want my tax money subsidizing the southern states. I know that's harsh and not everyone in those states are ignorant, but as hateful as they are about us in the blue states, what better comeuppance would it be than to remind them they are surviving off of our money. It's getting frustrating, but I am glad that blue state people are recognizing this finally.
I applaud you and your policy of anti-vaxxers having to pledge they won’t go to the hospital if/when they contract COVID-19. I did hear the previous anti-vaxxer last week, Brett (or Brent), as I recall, on the air.
This is a bit off-topic (forgive me), but I want to bring up something that I have not heard brought up before, either by you or anyone else in the media, and I think it’s worthy of discussion. My spouse and I are going through our estate planning. We frankly started it a long time ago and are now finally getting around to finishing it. In our case, waiting until this far into the pandemic has been valuable, as our family relationships are changing our decisions. Specifically, my wife’s sister-in-law, a non-working LVN, and her husband, my brother-in-law, are unvaxxed. This prevented them from attending a college grad party for our daughter we held earlier this month, as being vaccinated was a prerequisite to being a guest. Now that we’re doing estate planning, we’ve decided to take the sister-in-law out of the Power of Attorney and any HIPAA authorizations. We’re deeply uncomfortable having an anti-vaxxer potentially making ANY healthcare decisions for either of us. This was very upsetting for my wife, but we discussed it thoroughly and agreed it is in our best interests to exclude her.
I’m curious if anti-vax family members are causing other dilemmas in other families - as I’m sure they must - including in the writing of wills. The anti-vaxxers are dividing families, with serious repercussions. Further, the anti-vaxxers think they’re being victimized for choosing to forego vaccination.