Jul 12, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I both welcome and fear November. I fully expect a landslide rejection of Trump and, hopefully, all Republicans who have enabled him. I also know that the GOP will do everything in its power to steal the election, even to the point of fraudulently refusing to certify the election in order to steal it in Congress. If all that fails then we have to deal with the havoc Trump, McConnell and the rest of the treasonous Republicans in office will wreak in the months prior to that glorious day in January when Trump is whisked away in Marine 1. God help America!!!

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We need to just go boldly into the future!

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Going into the future is a given and I choose to go in boldly progressive. I will vote blue, no matter who this time but I'm fed up with Deocrats standing up for little to nothing until it polls well. The only thing the Democratic Party constantly stands for is not being Republicans. If they don't start actually moving progressively I see no good reason to continue to support them.

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We, the People will have to take to massive protesting if the Nov.election is stolen or has the evidence of Chinese/Russian interference. The USPS is also vulnerable to tRump/GOP manipulation , they could impede mail voting. It is imperative that we force vote by mailing for the election, for both our health & our democracy.

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Somethings gotta give. Being in SC, when I wear a mask in public, I’m in the minority (at least in my neck of the woods.) The lack of leadership in the US during this pandemic is disturbing to me. Promoting a rebellious attitude about masks isn’t doing us any favors. You can explain it until you’re blue in the face, but as long as these folks continue relying on Fox and YouTube as their primary news sources, they are too far gone. Just my observation.

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South Carolina is rising swiftly in numbers. This is not good.

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I couldn't imagine having to be a teacher in this political climate. We're living in an age where a YouTube video created in MS PowerPoint called a "news report" takes precedence over scientific research and data. That alone is enough to justify any primordial yelping.

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it's a horrifying reality. And to feel you will lose your job or you must risk your life. It's really want was done to essential workers throughout this entire pandemic.

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We can’t wait for November, we must be READY for November! We can’t rest!

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Is there hope for legal actions that could take him out of office now? I am concerned about the lack of action and leadership on a COVID-19 strategy and other actions he will take between now and January that will benefit him and would be harmful for the country. The lack of a national COVID-19 strategy will kill more people between now and November.

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I think the Congress should impeach him the moment he loses -- assuming he does ---and remove him before he does more damage.

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Please please make November come now!!! And let’s keep turning the tide in all those states that voted from Trump!

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Most wear masks but there are the defiant fools who are exercising their "freedoms" and refusing to be responsible citizens. I'm not for fines, I'm for arrests and 24 hout incarceration. Let them sit with the other "freedom" demanders. If they get the virus I won't feel badly for them. That's the price of "freedom" in the Age of Trump.

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That's great to hear!

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