These people just could not deal, mentally, with an Africa American as president....

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I think it comes down to the conditioning right-wing commenters and media have done over the past 30 years or so. They constantly say how bad Liberals are, and Democrats in general, not policies or positions, but them personally. Like, if you even know any, then you are contributing to evil.

Once that's in your thoughts, then everything on the Left is bad, and obviously, anything on the Right is good. You stop questioning and reasoning, no matter how intelligent you could be.

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it boggles my mind what is happening to this country. I lost my mom to this disease and it breaks my heart to see so much mis information and dissention that is being spoon fed to the public. Michael i am losing my faith on the direction of this country and it all links back to trump.

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When Trump even suggested of a vaccine all the Democrats and RINOS clearly suggested to "Not Trust the Government". Many said they would not get vaccinated so what changed?? Why the hypocrisy of trying to push an unapproved vaccine?? People dont care for Trump who supported him. What they cant stand is the double hypocritical standards the Democrats go by. So spare me this irrelevant explain that only supports what I just said about hypocrisy.

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Let's not forget that in the 1930s in the wake of the Great Depression almost all of the German people save but those who became targets for the Nazis embraced that mad ideology and at the time Germany was considered perhaps the most advanced society in Europe with a legacy of culture norms that exceeded their neighbors, had some of the greatest scientific minds, some of the greatest universities and great art and yet with the economic down swing created by the Stock Market crash in 1929 which led to the US recalling the loans that had stablized the nation after after the harsh reparation schedule they faced from those that defeated them in WWI. I'm sure some of it could have been the resentment many of them felt of losing the war, but I'm certain the lost of hope as a result of the market crash led to much of it. And I would wager much of it here in the US is coming from those who felt they had done all the right things, got a good education, got a good job, and yet year after year saw their fortunes worsen. They are astute in understanding some force has manifested itself to damage them, but it was not the Democrats or the left in this country but was the result of the direction the GOP took with the coming of Reagan and his economic policies which did nothing for anyone but the rich. Not only did the poor and the working class suffer as a result of the GOP move further rightward but also the professional and upwardly mobile middle class and despite their intellectual and educational background its obvious they aren't astute enough to grasp that glaring fact and now react like those Germans who brought that country to ruin.

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It's amazing that people who have been conditioned to demonize Democrats and refer to liberals as sheeple are out buying sheep and horse medicine for covid, but won't wear masks or get vaccinated. Not all of these lunatics are low IQ followers. There is so much rot from within - the ever present white grievance, the absolute opposition to the gov't or anyone telling them what to do, even in the gentlest terms, MEism to extreme.

Reagan's poisonous "We're from the gov't and we're here to help" still infects America, particularly Regan Republicans. Remember the backlash to Michelle Obama's childhood obesity program and school lunches. On Facebooks, mothers had their knickers in a twist, in a rage. How dare a teacher suggest chips are not a healthy lunch for their obese child???

Once a society moves beyond doing for the good of the community, and pushes the kind of extreme John Birch type libertarianism we see daily from right wing senators and members of Congress, it's hard to get that devotion to the common good back. Intelligent people are just as much prone to this disordered thinking as the uneducated, and perhaps even more so. And I get the uneasy feeling a lot of it is fostered on social media by Putin who is sitting back, rejoicing as America turns on itself in the midst of a pandemic.

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I have seen this happening, too; and this is my view of what is happening.

Some of them are not stupid, they are ardent Republicans; and they hate Trump.

And I think Mitch McConnell knows this (and to some extent, he is a genius -- in an evil way). I think he is positioning the party as follows: he is lumping all the Trump lunatics in with the far right and systemically focusing the ENTIRE democratic party as the left. In this way, he is positioning the "normal" Republican party as the "center." And, I think, sadly, that this will be a winning strategy.

Those people know, (in a dark room) that Trump is an idiot. But their goal is the survival of the Republican party and the decimation of the left. And I fear this is may prove successful.

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and looking back now as a kid they turned a blind eye to AIDS Reagen because they jut did not care. it was only when it entered the blood banks did they care because it effected the whole public at large. I lost my faith a long time ago but since covid its back and its shocking. they have a vaccine to help you live at they sneer at it and mock it. if they had a aids vaccine how many would have lined up and paid for it.

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they took a disease and made it into a civil war. political leaders are using it as a tool to gain crazed voters

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GOP wants to retain power. They need every vote they can get so the u appease Trump fans. Power brings them influence and money. That's their objective at any cost.

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