Chris from Long Island said he couldn’t “remember” Trump using any offensive language like that.
Welcome to The Signorile Report, where you’ll read hard-hitting political commentary and exposés; ,find interviews with newsmakers; hear me “engage” with right-wingers who call my radio program; and connect with like-minded, passionate people everywhere committed to fighting for equality and justice.

On my SiriusXM show last week, I called Donald Trump a bastard for canceling the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville — and protecting all his GOP buddies from coronavirus — but still demanding children be sent to school, even in states surging with Covid-19 cases and where parents are adamantly opposed.
Chris called in from Long Island, New York. He’d previously called in to defend Trump. He said, by calling Trump a bastard and using such foul “language,” I lowered myself, or some such thing— to which I replied I’m not the president of the United States. I’m a radio host. I’m doing my job. It’s Donald Trump who has denigrated the office of the presidency — and is certainly not doing his job.
Listen in and let me know your thoughts. I’m particularly interested in hearing if you think I don’t give him a chance — as he claims — and am too hard on him.
The next day Marty from Minnesota, another Trump supporter, called to take issue with me for this call. I’ll send that one out shortly too.
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